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Show AMERICAN FORK FILM. ' W'iL .1 All'll JF JoU1L , (.iri.spui,.i.'iit, afatiier i: . hi w i in in tin, ea.l and Jcmi ms .4 ihe iAtuiumlmu leuai-liiif- ; tinier (I itc IK jniUit V, A.urtMti Furi n. ii .. l.ii.i t siim-di.- l juuiuaii.ui, the fur tru tnniiv t.Krfijh ,'. i.ii.'r it $.. t Lake 'J'l t'iunf, in and i y idybi i!y, ' kLuw if im sl tin'll ut pniiuaiisin mi Ytir 1 1 AU t ,tt fl J a hi'ic Ilie yuuiii; iki i j't tin; yn at JjfltAe Sl n t l i 'In- daily p:ip r and fili'a H mi TKrii Mm th A a "id law cIii,mI ii.:t .in t':.it I".! pi.'ii; fu a y DEMOCRATIC TICKET n, ,:i 1 .p.ii i t An r !!ii-i- : yia;. l;in. liiiiik nf, mlliiije in) i:.Li j.! n ie dll e. .1 i'.i n did are : to Con i - J'W (d. I.. liiun-jii,.'- 1 F'if li.'L- p'l..:--alii td. sjieukinu 'j i.te KaWliOx, I:i .h.iAit MILTON L. SCOTT. trcxa jLira rsicr xizx.Tzzi. t a i aet-'n- Xe Nr J Lm li i.itsku, cUnx "4A.I.IIV it Usd t :,1! lgt, Mutt L'- - .. No More Back Ache A .0 u ..nt? r of Uisjoi !?y f , A, .fjud.i ful ci Muntunu, ut iff it,ik iit it produce I i.i'i"r liariiitii it wcikl LU s uriii ! .HM,r ' J iiiy We ilUUg'll.-- . ; 1 M'ii-iu- t'-- r - Delt-gs!.- ,'i-t-- - !Vf Iniyets.ty f.vi.'l Thociti tin "'.a, Cache ; I'der Gieavi'k, Sr,. Sm in:t J'lxtjie: r'lj'iciinct "? Lvw.i-Utah- t JAMEVt'RY'TAL. i'lir . CuiikUMe : l.-- l Ti.. who was A in gi aiiiuiar. .iier luijircia. i is like i.ita'i'1 sui (:,:ii,.i.liy taikiug iioilung T'hile lie-ran: witi. ill. I' Wuv is it," tsi.i n citix-i- i, ! .ol n jml;, newpapi ij m:H.iapir nu u r tin: h:i. iii iilju'Jt raicst hj ililiiiy b:1-i. Iul'Ii, buwsprpbis ui.it. -f tiling t, tiii.l in in tlii wurld i a mind men Is Ve!l,'' said the repsht A "uod An t.j ii:t I fur that w ok. ta rli.! twelve yeai j' ::jierinn-e, ti:itt,r I im H'liild l.e ti Cuuiit the hsvcXuii.i!. u, uio-.- f i.l the tt.irdi li. i l u.'AuiU ufan fii .tinarv lifca.-pipiliu alorita tlu: h. mi !ikn you tell thi,t"'d u ' i then mi any in fill pl .a.u-- , to try eai ii day to wmiu it is a mural i.i.p.isaibility for uist odt to Vi , i ilii'.i- - (liiwi.,. If be of ten ii.i'ii t i t .1 ;i tiling ns it at (y k I ' i .'i ! hi' !" f.Uli I at t.ii; : id was. S.ino: 1. 1! it it hceine.J t.Ki.ti-1- , was ilii ij fur u . ''ti" i iiuik. tliil Wi.'i'd in: au iiiiliC'illiii. I'iaI Ilia but whht one uiuu will swear tu In id w.u- t truth the next tuuu will clinrhi'.lL-iiSXspriiio im ii.it u I lie ; "i think it easy lie." majiiiitr of ) ! r. woik t i write for a inWinpiijnT. 'I hu if i'll if tiiohe who Ihllik So, Tiik Iihu i pleased nr ay tUt the win'll uii ii a liial, liud tiicinseiies in a wi.ck, abaolutcly bairen of idaiu." campaign :n Ameriesn Fork has, Ff1? Allir covering the grouud ut tbu tieally. been about ns fair as auy canbitic. and hardalii-- an editor indures, vass we have i ycr saw iu bo imports w iinll up like this: fight si hue I f.'U upon us. It is Ime'Ji-If a youiio man should li y he must ilierel.us been s'iiiil- - minor politic bf tii-piifeetly t: l,. t ilmt li Uses, but nii in nil it Ima bi'iiicancd In' iit.iu who deViitea lilinseit to jdif.'ril on with the Inst i.l humor bintgxd ism put hiinsi'l! in tlii: way ct ft cling by belli j.iirtiL... If there tan for liiinn il no l int ot rlieiiiii'r'. and e hi ? i- -. (? J. ('ongua 1 Laii'I (.iiiniijiui,ei -- j.'u Imimt Ml nh:ll. ALMA KOW'LKY. New York Weekly Tribune d ....nut: - AiUKUrisu. To been iuiyci inipia.il. work going nstn obtiiiu voti-h- , i'lifc Iti.u is not swsre I it. We tecl gieatful tu the lesderi nf fcur hrtial paity in Ameiican Fort ft such, and will, peiliut essn aud jay heralds the facts to the peuph- - nf oor f.ur ciiy nud thu many renders of tils aioii biijiiclf loluiiiioiiy tuilie iiii i s toil th-ibi'liiiiys to imy pr Willi tb t .rl l (nil an. lie tlmt what lesritrii. He must ill' i inter, ll.e n . iv ii is ut li.iu-bi'oina aa a pkuMiie, ends simply as dues tlie blind horse on I be wlnni, aud th.it to hi plan every adynt-M-i- ' he .t tlm mail must luij'et a Aftr for the fall on J winter work. and, in tin- - ulde of hi profeasiuii t'l.-iiin h r"nMini in ji.- ar ot uuwnnle.l quiet, ilhty toward Ida n iiii uf njiiuiiMi uiiimiu tlioe li.si inii. I.a ahoiild put aaiile formed that Aiiirrumi Fmk shall have a amhition; he should frow intle to his and atret hia heart, if necessary, tairly good l.tiaim-a- fur the lust uuurtir m: ai his fiiemli it is a hard life; no conflih-iiil:f (lit year. Tliia nuilt ia scluinl nf jnurnnliain will iniiko it easy, In and in truth thu duties ol the place are t annus reaauu. expected in a , aay tlmt a so high and Krent Hmt nut one insii plan-- ii is axiomatic t million eycr unirlit In eiijii- - in the , anniethiii-.nm-l .Auiii cnino rcurtiou 1 t unUi-ratiiu- l sii-m- jii-it- liiiii-ai-i- ful-w- in. a independent expouent. Let there pcucu ou nt away. - . wl.ii-l- lisa ' h i . How au iii.J work. bnmgl'l the (ri..v. U-i.- fned (It YE XU CKMtKXCR. ' ailj nirneil ; business i Tlmsiwhu believe hi tha reviving. Wilson bill will ntliibutc thu revival it. Uusinenfeei'iiia tc havt n.lapted COndllmil. Whf we til wll!i. Uniigrrs- has It without a doubt that (Saturday) will praetirally close the unpaipu for the tirritnry of Utah. Aa eonaiderahle all know there has Imlh on suul political sides, and a (treat u yeir if unirr liai ti niffeivl fr.-tIt is tiui-- I deal on the religious thinly. lint some li idino fiiclmsnt the Mnrinon Therel irewe tn:! ml in ranging I mil'll hnu. lx eii subject to politicnl Mile of tlidBi' him hie upon II.-crixiire relighius ere vice. Tile thioiigli time during the rnl.lMciK ill brlit-Mormon (ieode have been appealed to , .' present ye.ir. in all lliuir sincerely by Iwtili pnrlies. Advr(iMia who have aii article In jay TUm ji.oUunU,-,Jiis-i-uotmrm WWaMyHav tortwllMMIhtlH bus hccu the instrument lliroiioh implicit fsilli, ilioiibi net Id it Imif'uiiili which influential nirinoer Imye sought Another thing nor fur aunt of pgli, to use it ns n political perfidity and h- aiiveiliser No tn. looked shnqld Then- - is mi honest man lull vhoulil In- - caught napping ly a I ail lire who will neknowleilgc tlmt the party to olx'i'tvif chang. which have laken iu power want to slay in mid tha purty place ih.iiug the put yen. ol at rimy Ik out wants to get iu. to plilililu-ia.- . It tinea lint anil t In carrying on the campnigu whieli nre K'(n at follow that to dereiye the people some speakers were rtieiii n price alien h'lei have resorted to innir awlul corniptahlc hunk aymr ami a half or two yema aio and by so doing have pi need methods, ure ih nimble upon the tame term now. voters In tlui'.lialancr, so to speak. tunny Some, itiilved, nr" not ileaiialila at all While nil of this I in been said and done puhliatiera hail no why to we hope that the piople will not giyo fioin the itTect of the panic, but have credence to such methods. Candidates, had aupeiior f.irilt'n-compareil wiii without the slightest regard to hunor, or her bunim-- 'a men fur eumiitlinj Ibem liavu 'iwsalh-their opponents In the I mm the pulilic view. Tliua (liric m Let the voters cast tiitturest terms. nmny a paper in Utah whose rirculuitnn aside all this rot Hint bus been heaped haa been dcmoenlixeil. bnt no one knows upon the people. (We have reference to it outside' uf tlii- - press and connlin thes-dislior.orahli! method:, of church It la true nf ti ta:a'liihuiciit y We sincerely lulicyu in nn influence.) Tm-i- ' Iffct lias uruwn tin! riieula'HMi honest hud iiiiMrnishnd rnuipiiign, ns 1 cut,d upecthtii it Hii l bj hnotbtr ytiir we think it fa tiro grsudeat nt ali free, ac nxhd to bu on our feet. It ha and generous educations, prncticnl becif a ball of hfro.llt in 'which, id Dul the voters of Utah should begin li.tve taltefcd, mid cutirse, the Weak..' at ion.' i war on iIicm- - fahrious at liina.iuii- - tiinc ' r ' . o were run u When nets ot a dishonorable nature are of ;ii thu cipi-eshcveyi tine.l aonu-iiiicharged against candidates, we should their rivals. atoji and ponder before giving credence, Tl u iidyertlsi-- r aliould lie liinro than and conscientiously consider the life and elnni- - the ba-h- l 'paper ever carelui character of such men, ami decide in what tbrnugb which to tell the people r smli ynur owm mind wlu-tl' one is huTtf to sell. There .point they woult In guilty of tin- - perfidious not 'always considered by the advertiser crimes charged again't them. in bis plan of rumpaipu, and that is, i eleclioo dsv. It Now next oilier things b. inj; muni, to place hia is the at l the e to n of every eiii. duty advcrtia-.nin U paper where it will cis Hint l:iy ud east tlu-i- Vote for polls briiijf hi in the bet ictorns. This month their choice.' If a man be a eitireu mid ia the time to i'.i vote to making all tax payer he should have the piirilt'go thee imp i'h a and eomp.tiisoiia. so that to vote what way lie may, and it is the first days of November and Ihei that every man should crowd to will find the dicks cleared for the polls; don't stay away, and then action. niter election be unsatisfied with the We call the Attention of our nut that have been elected. Have n i chants and Iuimhis nn-- to the of Pclcgntr to voice in the of ailvcr'.isin especially nt I hi; time ot Unngrcss, dc'.i gates nml year, whi n pmcliasets are looKiny' for We may sty it you officers for p'otnis to supply Iuiii Ictrunius i ioin' to a party, slay witliit; be liuo It will ecr tl.rutiuh the dremy w inter and c.st ol caucus, choice lo the your tamly be the tariy nil i ealiln and vote lauly for honestly your that of pmty. of Tint Iti.m i ia U-e- fr , , e, iT s a s . f cl.o-vti- . Tm-sd'i- r ni-li- I'cr.-titnm-- a The circu.utii-a ijiivation sullkimt to tako into TitK Hrigham lnkl.r In u queer way the oilers of any busim-shomes :,00 atut. n. iii.'i, ur dunning. Iu of n uleri-firm. The eiTi rt will be spiialiiiiK. and it tel! the lSrpuMii-nissue last ils t even the results will In Mirprisin', nr.d pav a ttt.ii;.i eome to ae.. on ;,li paity the mlverti! r. I. t r"t the t.ike ill of fiif.N'i. Wi-;- l ,!.u ahing witbnui nenis iMik thut the liuyr tvaile wliirli i Mi kii.t; r r'.-uhi- 4 r - j ...I'.i. HI. I'.iii.r 'iis.- i , t tin Ulrtn'l Uu a Tli me tnuku the trip to Chicago on the Chicago, Union Pacific & Northwestern Line. Why? Time the quickest, solid vcstibuled train, no change of coach at at the Missouri River. Through first and second class Sleepers and Dining Cars. Fur full information call on or address J. M. Hayden Agent U..P. Systim.B . but State. ..... AND THE ST. LOUIS Globe-Democr- at, TIME i. an Inuoaat linn just Aiii mum won .kwi i . ii'ksiuirg justleeof V ti'!;.:n:iv Truvckr. A until niiiu.'d LiiiliU.m- - sued one Jotk-ao. for time. . v' - n TFA TT nRStOVSIl tbu 'iuUi and liresth,ia. lllI till forThersvorite Well." . id t lit jiii.tiee, wheq tte cbm. hii:. e.. tii-d- . 'you have brought W action heiv f I hpi-c-if- I.ut you d ut ihi.. iiiun JacTsn lime and haalie refund l.. you r ij.! au much id .1 to pay you fur i 1 . aoy guud. - i i,y u-- dee voa a PeieA.Vo tKe cause at PrdVesVxou. dmerecxYY vve-r- thn.-pieiV- - AvAeeesYo e nf k-.-- THE ITEM, vi.-tii- UP JOB DEPARTMENT 1 ud couM-.nieii.v- -n XEBAI iJIIiAISTiS SA2,Es - THE ITEM PHIB. a again, a Uingi tlie tailtw' V-s- . :i My ot I v (Ttffi dear, you are lute .i.irling, I li.i.l tr stop at order a p.i.r of trouser. ) Mrs. Itingv-- - 1 MipiMso (sniiTl you had oixlereil a suit he would have given vvli.de of whiky. Jury. you a Ihllinx ths Cut I it. Feathersti.iicls jmr sister in? Little Willie -- Yes; but she's sewing a button un si e.;it aud you may have t . long time t I don't why? It sk.iuidn't take on a coat," long ta sew :: "It dues " lieu there's a muu In it." Clollsor iii'.d 1'i.ni'islier. v.a-.t- s.-- e AMERICAN FORK, UTAH .' iufor-rciiio- tances? 1 you are, you should be Identified f ' with THE AMERICAN PROTECTIVE TARIFF LEAGUE, 13S W. 23D ST.. NEW YORK. nntlta out and tend It lo the League, yiea lirlplng hand. tin - i;.ir pntfrijn. hud .' 5 DOLLARS kiQ PER DAY Easily Made. Vc vent many iren, women, boys, and glilite work f'Wus a few hours dilily, right lurmtamunJ . iiuim-sThe lnuiaiMs i enfy,.lcfaiit, hononilile, and pays better tlisu miyotlm oflerei aji'iiN. Vo have a ck-atklil and DC . eonipi-iiiioiiF.xperlnice and aicial ability So capital miuired. We equip ycu srrri-tliinTina, you need, treat yon ml!, and help yon to earn t.-time, orriinnrr veyee. Women do M v.Jl n men. and bo;i anil girls make p wl pay. Anv one. enywhm-- , nn doHlie work.' All lure-v-i- l who follow our i lain and sim.urn t work wit! runty brine ple dlrrotioiM. you a front l .4 limner. Kvervfl.inj Ir ikv iui't in great ti'iani-.l- . Wriie for our peiiiid-tc- t i irenliir, an t rec. i'r f ill iiii.iriuntlon. hi. turn done if you coiwlude not to go ou with the biuinera. stri-fl- v Geohce-Stinso- &Co.9 n Sox 483, PORTLAND. MAINE- GOOD ADVIC13. t. - ? Are you willing to work for the cause u l ruluctioii in plaoing reliable in the hands of your acquain- - c s l:tl. ForCossumptioaitbu bus c thsumads, and will CBM T0w;Utidu.nt:it,jr,x. ftltaSSslfc. DO s tur-(lo- .0 by LruggiaU. SHILOH'S CURE; Crtln Cmi pronqitlyetew Thm Onex vrthKcaUo! Iicra collect the instulhuent, uiulitoccuwd Ssctnsm rrmhl heaj.uiC Is .i ilisl.-seloek strike, In ought tu li. ipinapiiy THE COLORADO WEEKLY SUN THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE for iL I liiolii d into tho matter and Ins secured a iiheiiouienal circu-atio- n Is aTwenfy-fou- r found lluit lie hail no el.sk anil I also Page Weekly, Iuriied thut his hours regulated covera tlie entire lie Id devoted to Science, Commerce and . Tin-him f by my west of the Missouri river. anil tlie Field and Farm. It is a thut lie owed me for my tiuu- and I. ut lie refused tu enter to It is a large eight-pag- e paper paper that may he relied upon tain uiv el.: .in." and contains all the new ot the lor iulormation concerning : the Mr. iliiehsoii," suicl tlu- - juilgu, "havo world. Literary Features, Mining Whole World. . of ym.r own?" you no I hitve not. your Inumr." News, Departments for the Home Aud ban: you t.lliugtlie time lie Farmer .).nd the Children. of day l.y listenii.g to the striking of Mr. ItatldNiiie's cl. vk'. "Well. vis. but I did nut thiuk that It was wearing on the clock. 1 thought that while the eloek was striking for him it could just a well strike fur me, CASH must accompany all orders. Address especially as uin- - ct of strikes would do (or Ihith f ii :n il llut hud you intended to get a cloclc before Mr, Uutliliuuu bought hia 7" the . Justice uskeil. AMERICAN FORK. Well, yes." The justice tvfloeled a moment rout then said: "Yiiur delay in tmying a clock nm Ices yem the of this action, for the liiiv pluiuly si.v, as every schoolboy ..eg: t tu know: 'Frocrast nation ia the lldef oftiue. You have, therefore. Helen thl--i iniin's time and will lmve 1 pay for il nr sutler more Ve are mo-uirIs complete iu every respect fur a country oilice. serious I usseus the dam to execute plain or fancy job work to perfection, und at ages ut trti doHar.s." prices thut are iu conformity with the pressing times. We know tin hard b. get ready money, hut why should a person do business ; Sin ill Omuicr, without a printed letter head, a printed statement, an envelopo Small e'in:r.-- , say the London or bill head! lriuteil stationery ia of vital importance to a linn iy unu h nppreciated Graphic, is . i in cnuthwotcni France. A farmer in Uie Dauphiny Alp ivivmly sold om- - humired sucking pig . and frail-'- , amt sripuiutii.l that he .TDiR slionld 1h- p..M iu ivr.tinii . Tlie I uyer assented, tr.-.i- t ing t!te demand aan joke. yeutrir, t lieu, hiti'i. tu- - I'flVrod tu pay the Bail Bonds W arrant of Arrest money in oriinni-- cash, lu.nover, tha Estray Notices, Warranty Deeds. farmer iieM t liis bargain, and sum- Justices SiumnoiiH, v moned tin- other Sulqoenas. a magistrate, Complaints. who decided t'..:t the ex. ut. terms ut the r iloxi-i- i cheaper tiniu snyit here HPTIu-aagreement nui-- t 1.,- - ..t.vru'd. . The Legal it XhMail .ir.ler pruinptiy attended in the Territory-.purchaser, theierun'. had tn count out eleven thousand live hundred single for lii-- . centime pie. of one hunjLsxmEM CO,, francs. dred und tifti-L-, Mrs. F.iiU 'i B. I'rk'ci-ic- i. it'.1'' s A Ij: A., Ban DtensOL, -- t;,: bhltoh'd Li: .rrb Uuncdy la tlw fins BmiUMl liavo evsr foaad i bat would do me - Ynur h.Hi'.r. tlii-'- . unu has had aj time anil d.s-- i. iw.- to me. I will expliiiu. 1 li'.v nu t!io il.xir just abce .him, und muiio tim- - u'.'o bought tx chick cm tlu- - ins'.. diluent plan. ,Tx otln-- r came arouisdlo duy tlio tiiu.-piee- til by - 1 A rath.-- r in America The Greatest Chauipicn of dm Silver Cause in the United S alii! be . SUED FOn STOLEN fr the Wasliiiig'mi nhtuinre, lihturbeil our real lor a vest, day elec-lio- Fur Hale Druggists . it ill do well to look over tha advertisements iu Thb Item betore purchasing, j Mau 7 Men uf Msu7 Miadi. but they til agree that the solid vestl-b- v led truiu ot the Chicago, Union Pacific & Northwestern Line distance ail . No change tr competitors with eas--River. For full Missouii at the delay information call or address, J. M. Hayden Agent U. P. Svsletn. Colorado Weekly Sun, iindi-rsiiiii- hniititi! r ADD Ucci-Lr- . - The Greatest Weekly Newtpaiic-AND THE BLADDER. KIDffEY DISEASES . Trial Sue I - CONSTIPATION, IKFLAHATION ALL lildj-iril- Justin-- : JOHN Fur (.'mMabii-- : . FORK Grave LfcN nii-t- i . Fr AMEIlirAN U'.hit s'r'e 1 ITEM THE t'-- u- - Janies Miiklr, (u.I.c.J. !. l(nbin Sa!t Lake; V. H. Lynnu, Iron Fur buu. "ii u-- V bi'ligato r uuc-ii- 4 Im I.,-- i!i' r. :r. a wild. liETtULICAN TICKET. - 1 Ihujititch gi niHriau f - .... ; Tn Si.; J.,.'.e 7ftliUnt iirf 0;,ii'ii 1 St'imluhl i: ui dly give tiw Fn'V' Every p.itriulic citizen should give hie fcrsonul vifort und influence to kicrco..e the lircniiition of hia home paper which the American policy of Protection. It is his duty to aid in this respect i:i every way possible. After tlie home J a;.?r is taken care uf, why nut thu Amfxican Fxonosiis r, (uV.ijbvd by the Ta.-i- fl l eajjiie? One if its o f.-- r A:iu-rit-.- c.-:- n dents hays : No tine Aii ri. an ca:. . :r il (lie gel .'iloiig witliuu-- n. ! ill gre.it.M a:i.l truest politival !:c L r iiv-- l Strites. -- l c S.e.'l f.n f.r free l '.'inq ec ie;.er:.l St., New York. A . bej- - WZ.ur Sei.-i-ur- y, IJj I'.V:.!.-:-i!.a:i- V.i j. . |