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Show A dvertise Your Wants The Item' In THE AMERICAN PORK ITEM. PUBLISHED WEEKLY VOL 2 AMERICAS FORK, SATURDAY, Closing of Mails. R. G. W IT. (vim; viik . i ii . 18:00 a. m. 4.45 p. ui, 4 :15 p. m SOI Til ASI) i:.ST. 8:55 a. tu. 8:45 iu. p. in. STAIl IlOVTt. P K. G. In Politics Fatr anc Impartial to All. Independent , Steele -- & So-- , NOV I'M BLR 81.25 Returns- - A YEAR IN ADVANCE. NO 10 8, 1M4 Irw tiue Tue Item wiil tdl it readers aim in elected in its next mn :is we can do it. That i LOCAL AND PERSONAL nd Cet Handsome 1ITY COUNCIL. ALLIANCE CANDIDATE. AN e. 1'uesH celery at DunklcyV hy (ba Nebraska DEALERS IX to Leo's tor your livery rijis. Electric Franchise Laid on Table. mil It is Let all the nimroi'a get ufi-t!nadvocate that yearly rabbi? hunt. gating time. Famra XoaS GstNasa in fur I.lcutuiuiBi of an address recently In the Usual Routine Work. mine eliveml before the Dannclmg branch IT. H. Doch, candidate of the Parmerri U. P Ml'kTAiui nii tpk'es tor yuur , fiance of Nebraska forlienttauntgov K- - G, AY Sul nr. lay night the City Council met rnor, said: at Dunkleys. 11. G. W in A nation's (lelit of $17,000,000,000 hanf-nchamber iu regular sesxmu, Headquarter for Wilt Ridh, that jovial, gn. uatun .1 OCH over your heads can you grasp tut sud with Parker the in chair, Mayor for I in Notice preeiuet ilXS. LOADED SHELLS, passenger agent of lie It. G. W, f the same? No. The proenormity For Alpiar : and .Miller editorial page. Y.aduesdav and paid this mli.v a CiHiiuilor Clark, WaKtuff. (if the country are earning 2 per AND ducers SHOT, IOWDEU, piwn aud Holidays. Wednesdays Preston present. Proctor absent . cent under the most prosperous auspices, 3:30 p.m. HUNTERS SUPPLIES, Saturdays pleasant visit . Minnies of previous meeting read and but pay out 6 per cent., and in nnproe not their Si'iss'iiiRKH Arrives 3:00 p. in, leceiring limit Powder, Fuse amt Caps. iii'ify tin pious yean nothing is made, but the Last week Joseph II. liouteiioMer approved. orru'K hoi ks. impel promptly will cental of money goes on incessantly. Uniou A trom communication the lit once. ollicd of tin both Tlie gcuersl delivery, stump sud reg lad Isabel's Adams, city Agents fii so Pacific Company, asking council to tie Whenever rental of money becomes istry windows open at 8.0.1 a. m. ami Hazard's and Dead Shot were united in marriage. lean than tlm brings product righthat (loses at 5:30 p. in. Dave Mi rdn k, that jovial, blooming lenient upon them in runuing trains the rental amount to the result ia utter Powder- On Sun pay the general delivery and with American and if the tlm that )iive," are HotliehilJs is the cxeliangcd said they stating Omul ugh city, that Wheuaman has money ia C'Ami. spits ruination. SHOT OCX Cume a and It yet windows are open from 8:00 a. in. with the ordinances of the Porkers this week. the bank we My that he ia rich; when ho till 10:00 a. ui. and from 4:00 till 0:00 large owners in the Anaconda smrlters complied , Utah c.me it puts in more, people say that he is getAmerican Fork, regarding si.l p. in. Timothy McCaiity. Postmaster. p MYana. The way things are branch That genial ami popular dentist, I)r. isg cut, the billion dollar bloaters will would take .fire boon to get through ting richer. How is it with the fanner? When his corn crib is full they say that Mcrriliew of L hi, was one o. American shod wn Utah county, etc., was read. property in American Folk. he la poor; when it ia fuller and hia hof Howll TIOh. Porka floating population this week. On motion Recorder Shelley was auili pens are filled with fat hogs he ia ntiE of American Fork City, Utah. We offer One Iluudred Dollars Rewnt hurt to mention the fni t that oried lo write the comjiauy and agiin poor. Oil, they say, it ia overproduction! It Joe Puin.ET says if the Demor.rsta iisny person Is found shooting at or notify them to comply. ward for any case ol Catarrh that cannot he can't sell and get hia money hack. Mayor Thomas 11. Pnrker. The speaker said that the miserable don't win this election they ll sited tars killing durES between sunset and sunCouncilors James II. Clark. Ilobert be eared by IIall,sCatarrhCure. Monthly report of marshal, pound economic condition waa principally due P J. Cheney & Co. Props., Toledo, O noUgh to water a mule." Proctor, II. Y. Greenwood, Henry is liable to if rise rsuglit. keeper, treasurer and recorder were pre- to the rosthwa and selfish financial policy prosecution Wo the undersigned have known F. J. Millar, James V. Preston. sented and favorvably accepted. out, hunters, Recorder George P. Shelley. l))U Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe of the government. The moneyed aristoo to Levi P Moktoh, ex Treaau-e- i him perfectly honorable in nil business Thomas . Steele. of justice at the pesro referred racy claimed that the monetary system Report nomintransaction and financially able to carry President Harrison lias invn Collector Isasc AM. wan too intricate and abstruse for the BuhrJos.E. Wilkins, of Spanish back tor conertinu. out any obligation made by their firm. Marshal Win. King. ated on !h ReoHilican ticket fur gov furk, arrived home last herd to deni with, and they had Monday from a The committee on public grounds aud nomuion West & Tui'ax, wholesale druggists, eruor of the state of New York. Justice of the Peace Joseph J. Jackson. no busiueM to meddle with it We can't two mission to the States. years Kouthprn Walermastrr John M. Miller. Toledo, O, city proiieitj reported on the petition comprehend it, they say. Oh, yes, we He lias Iwn Messed with the good for an electric light franchise, recoin Ilall.s Catarrh Cure is take Road Supervisor P. D. Cssaity. and so an, bat they don't want it agitateA flashy Politics are geting hot action directly upon the blood and Sexton Charles Whitiker. spirit id God luring Ids alstence, and lie lahl on the tabh, to They are willing that we shenld pcuud that it f mending much is not ue of the system. Price that at uiglit there mucous surface Pouudkecpcr E, II. Boley. home in gHid health. away at the tariff und tramqiortElioo U be ta.u-- up at any lime. Accepted Council meets fourth Saturday in each 75c. tier bottle. Sold by all Druggicta. lighting the aireel lamps, lion-- about wo will only let 'ho money question Testimonials free. Tbv aamacruiinittce reported on pe aiontn. Hone. They are working a game that it marshal? tilion of E Hunter, for exchange of leads to tho ultimate ruin of tlie whole MODERN POVERftS.- be to land, don't rtcommeuding its granting. Ac ustinn, and our only remedy ia legislation aeein Somehow marriage Gliurcli O. H. DOGGE, At become fcn-- it lying who gets weat ceptcd, and referred hick with he must power lo through the ballot box. If yon do not It fill. swift this coming very relieve youraolrea by the ballot hox yon Physician and Surgeon, Psibttehiax 10:30 s. m. SabbatL because the weateer is too warm and Viurxnprighl. ambition, act. ought, to be our wiU in the end be hurled into a terrible a American Fork Office at Retidcnee, Bchool. iii.'U. au:l MILL of end that yet. Wall until the cold spell humility the revolution. Oh, bat they eay that Dec! pleasant hi .i 11:30 a. in., Prayer Conference; 4 Iicing Tin have made a sure The following clam were allowed: ia an alarmist. Would to God that I wav strikes us, and then there will be tiring transformed into fools who lock iqn-- tholi Geo. Mitchell, lnmlier, naila, etc., $1.73 a fool, but the signs are too plain to b p. m., Junior C. E. Society; 6:45 up such as no railroad has ever wit- fgrofslbers as the sons of an spo. COURT LAKESIDE mistaken. p. m., Senior C. E. Society; 7:30 p. nessed. Mt. Pleasant Pyramid. Wav shall I fear death since this world Is Joa Robinson, labor on creek,. , . (No. 8188.) Tho politicians rl Aim that tha evil lie m,. Preaching. hot a cellar beneath the groat muusion Jo. King, whitewashing, In that we are living too Mg, and that wbUh my Lord hat been erecting fur mel J. B. Roberts, of hall not Win. King, usual hone hire p. m., Prayer There was a certain Meeting held every Wednesday I we must be more saving. It ins trerejoice when death lets urn out of Chief Ranger. Board of Health, inspecting, etc.. Meeting. Monday evening at The Item sicking like a ateer list week Uuaiirkubodel mendous lie! If the money ia here, whu m. Visiting Fridat. Sweet 8.00 Home," is to tho Home, Bible Lots L. p. ana key E. not Jensen, lun Nt, DUhKLET, did 8.33 brought it? Did not labor produce itl J. stndy. .cnutain J. because this paper must Brethern Invited aiUhsy who try any other in wedlock Financia. Seoy J. A. Livingston Smith, Ch as. Logie, ringing curfew 5.00 If there are comfort aWe house for every much reading limit it as the Salt Lake steal out with the storms of Ufo sweep! Pastor who created them? Labor; and Bsodhau. labor born Thornton's Hal!, American Pork. Utah on Alma rr was eilhor fellow their heads, That Rowley, o'er Tribune. ek,.., 1.40 man, should Latter-Da- y it not enjoy them? But the pee Saints Sundsy School at with diamonds in his nose or will die On motion. Recorder Shelley was in Evny Hu to 111 Tnwla. In the fint place put our rnleit hnve 10 a. m. in the Meeting House. Meet 3bsncier You literary men havent the tructed to take up note of $800 and iu pi with disapointment of not owning the saddled hone, and they would be a on have lug at 8 and 7 :80 oclock p. m. Here ANDREW ADAMSON, buatuess. you first ides about earth with ten years taxes paid upon it. abmt ten thousand manuscripts piled up tcrest, born wed nt Bank of American fools if they did not ride it. He scored the deceitfulnc-- of the old political par-tela this dark closet, and you say they ar all Fork. Recorder was also Instructed Ballroad Note. and said that they hud obtained who Kalina to iu men are aud councilors day pay watermnshr, mayor age. Great Magaxine-Ye- are under false pretenses. They 0. 8. DEPUTY SURVEYOR J. W. Hailey of Batavia, N. Y., con- areTiiihh , power bosom of their oyer-allsfor services rendered . wearing out-il-ie ductor on N. Y. C. Railway, and one quit think of 111 Hasn't it ever a themselves to perform thing! pledged and era that you losing the The following persona taken were which they never nr-.nof the beat known men on the road to carry out aayi the Kalina Press, silting around cuiwd to for of Park's Tea: For ten years I have talking politics and howling about hard tLlMston aaTue moneys you paid out and abated: merchant to cornea a farmer -S-iXUTAKY PUBLIC. a tf tioM useless bundles I'1 suffered from constipation. Tried everyah'-ullie digging potatoes - Vow B' jvy. good under false pretenses he ia Arm tha Wm. gets huraa'L JlugKVtl, fint, - Utali thing and found nothing of lasting value or hanling wood front hc mountains. Hr about literature. Every one of ttniee strong, Geo. Rowley, Ingur Johnson. )aftA. - By tha wppltaattuu at tha ism Fork, ' aad I Hearing so many talking of Park' Tea and if the punishment should canuscripu is from a different author, Mary Wnrlmm, Ciilierme Roberta. W. Erinciple, I tried it without much hope. The first This doesn't particularly mean ycu with the crime, those tie whole ten thousand of them will goons W. e cent dose moved my bowels tarily ami now 1 Jackson, Luc C. Steele. should now be in tha him tying our magazine nt thirty-fivpretenden SHIPLEY T am cured. It work like magic. Sold Mondays and Pnluidays are the dnjs r until tha articles ar psieta,-"On million of Coiiiicil.ir Preston, Amos penitentiary in place of the halls of coc T0NS0R1AL ARTIST by Roberta Bros. doubtful aside for was apjHiinteil as deputy road set Wafcstafl every one of them. Ilair Cutting in any Style- mill is cider and to Jack Shelley Arnica Salve. Suprevisor request supervisor, Burklend Guaranteed . r at infection riajrtal Tommy. the fint to Buying Breading Chlckan. Little Tommy wh-- making a dreadful headquarters. Tom Askew was .'Toe Best Salve iu tl.e world fur Cut. Gatudty appear and resign it he did on Merchant Street 0-- i Naw breeds will be purchased by maay Who'll be the uext, only 3ruiies. Sores, Ulcerr. Salt Rheum, Fever not propose to attcud personally In (lie was a he loco racket, applicant. tint playing Utah American fork. this fall, and late In the autumn ia motive, letting oil! steam, ringing two more days till election. Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands. Chil- duties of Ids office. etc. blains, Corns, and all 8k in Eruptions, On .motion of Councilor Pres'on, $10 good time to buy them. If the matter U put off until spring the prices will ba Tommy," aaid his aunt, getting in' A man found a ten dollar bill. II pid snd positively cures Piles, or no pay was appropriated to pay back salary of QR. A. CHRISTENSEN., front of him, you must atop this is guaranteed (o give perfect higher, and. the yards will not be so full, It The reccin'. the grocer and took a ao that yon cannot have your pick. The noise." Mtisfsclion or money refunded, Price mglit watchman. the !5 On motion of Councilor Clark, $10.00 first buyers as g rule get the best specicents per hox. FOR SALE BY Tommy stood perfectly quiet for a grocer paid the real estate agent minute and then said: The engineer money for rent; and the agent paid the Steele Ss Co's , Drug Store. was appropriated to niglitwatclnnan for mens. for they have a pick from .large ia waiting for the old cow to get off th ten dulhrs to the man who owned the the next month. Alio on motion of flocks Cockerels for crossing are cheap, track." Texas la buying, however, one should not go Siftings. isles wanted Clothing fo; Councilor Clara, the hack license of Hr Ofiice at llrmnley House. agent property, who prayed to be the man In for the new breeds, but stick to tho American Fork and hill Liberal Too Kn.nirloaa vicinity. Amebicax Fork, who lost the hill. He deposited tho Utah by Unit. J. P. Keliey, due ou Grant hotel, wss re old reliable kinds. Many of the widely Rev. Jonas Clnttcrby (to his seatmate in the bank and it was returned to him commissions paid, and wo furnish the advertised new breeds are only novelties mitted. on the train) llow fust we travel! and they hist generally for only a season Was there anything best and most complete outfit ever proAdjourned. But ah, young man, have you ever as a counterfeit. vided by any house. Write at once fur two. An old breed ia a guuantet or of the or made series in lost by anybody Prayer by Councilor Clark, thought of the flight of time? Think of it possesses many good qualities. It that terms. 3 8 Send or refrences. L the fleeting hours of youth, the gulden transactions? Will some protectiunist breeds are not used it ia better t& pure IVi-ll::that & Wanamaeeb Have A vita. Bkowx, Utah days answer this. swiftly pass away? Puovo Citt, you or use a cross than to let them limed pty . evpr counted the minutes Phys'chui (I his p r! nt.it hurried misotunudv without rmninl to syiteuL-Philadelphia, Pa. Battersby (unre generate and auspibuhiness mini on the wr'i- - of Pasturing. cious) Wliat arc you trying to do? Bell And almre i:ll p'.v:. .rve an enCladMine Time. me a watch? West Shore. D M, Smith, of Pleasant Grave, lias Unde DoBmk It Gantlj. of uiiml; uu cares; no QR. C. F. WESTPIIAL, doctor, tire equanimity you think, really "Four times in my life I have been (lucern) acres of trouble. good pasture land, fifty that I am improved? Ho Talked Too Mock. glad that I lived. -Path--- ' for doctor, Thank, for will Doctor and take your horses I pasturing Mr. Eepplicr (playing cribbage) fifty guarantee your life for some "Only four? Itah 1'lea.uut Grove B 1'.;.- way, where can I time to come. preseri;.. ut low rates. Apply at once. What a very fine crib-boarMta once when 1 waa married and "Yes; ; I have it p up'.Uncle Please break this news gently Passee! the other three times when I got my to my nephew. The poor boy will be Mias Passee (playfully) A gift from divorce." Judge. On Peniharturi Ku ire. i lie ".v. fRANK D HOBBS adly disappointed. Texas Siftings. first Mr. my very M-deal sweetheart, Repplier, First Bostonian I hear a great Ill . to the new Late Rt'iUtcr U. S. hind Office. Mary," A Saapielona (Troamstauea when I was only fifteen. of fault found with the new courthouse. Why II Drank. waitress, w'...,t h:ot become of those Father What's that noise in the next Mr. Repplier (with polite interest)- & Min nzG Attobbey ' Creditor Its no wonder I eau't find red wive Second Bostonian Yes. but there apIndeed! That is quite the oldest crib Utah Salt Lake City, iii d Mary with a room?, Oli, uimii." pears to be little ground for complaint, yon at home when you are hero all the Mother It'a Bobby singing "I want board I ever saw that ia er I mean. as it was built on the squaM time in the saloon drinking. soli, tiie rooh's cousin was to be an certainly friglilcued West Shore. angel, dear little fellow. Debtor Don't you see that the reason here Sunday, and lie ate em all up. Boston Herald. Father drink I ia ont of sheer despair ut not be- lie's tlie :liss eater at the muaeurn, what he is Well, you better go and see A rrsctlcsl Illustration. BYli ON GliOO ratal to Piety. up ta Texas Siftings. able lT. S. LAXD REGISTER to ing pay you? Flicgendc Blaot-te- mum." Ujiocli. Mr. Ilouson Txittn Now, take our Wool Why are you so sure Blifkina' Utah home industries, for example. Suppose piety will be short lived? Siit Isikc City, WMly-Feflour Behind Tlnta the supply fulls off, what happens? Van - Felt lie had a birthday run out the demand grows stronger, yesterday, and his wife gave him a , "Now, Willie," said Clara, Why, Adding Insult ta Injury. and play, theres a good little boy. I Go to Baiirax.1 and fountain pen! Munseys Weekly. Van Dusen (rejected) You havt 1 want The Brinille eVil nnd Ir Mr. of xpectMr. Halifax implied sliortly, Ixrtt, your wife Neighbors Boy repute Bars, Prompt, Positive unde me desperate! My death will lie A ConaMerata Wife. this adage came to it by inheritance to try tlie effect of my new gown on Cur for ImpoUoco, Loti nays if yon don't come home with thorn it your door, for before of STuAsm, Somloal groceries eight Grocer A broom, madam? Yea soft from Halifax in Yorkshire, England away she'll have to send tmlulomt. Ipormotorrkoa, lawns 1 shall blow my brains out! do you prefer? or broom too hard You're Halifax out and borrow as late, sis," from for Willie, be law, replied may rmwMfii, something gathered supper. Amy Oh! I don't think tlicre'a the loot of Memory, An. Witt Mrs. Tangle A soft one, please. I a letter of Lord Leicester quoted by with a triumphant glcain iu hix eye, Pock. dangc.- - of Glut! Life. mahiymu SlnOttO, Itloor-slightest I M husband as treat while you gently always my Motley in his "History of the United t'Brindle called ycd-ribiWarn, him 41.00, 0 WiiimK to Oblige. t'.turn. $500. Were out, and J brought out, e.hole Tin- - I.; Kir of Youth. States," waa that criminals should l Mr. John 11. Grtt (at an amateur can. Light. Sotelal Dlnetteoi Halhe Four-re- . loak He- "condemned first and inquired upon rig and showed it to him. Dis is iny right hana ronMilntlnn. musicalcl What's he singing? mitt met to. AMrui afterward, a law which in that one sn'l i. ; Pm fvrerine In tny Miss Y:.n fief iilisri tssvTtstant , Let Me Like a Sol1uth-.- -- -- Yes my dear My nus- lx Ittrnluir blue: particular at least resembled Jedburg IMS Luoas Am. dier Die." boy. ticeause And yet I fif l NT. LOUIS MO. l. A l.r. .I". lVn:r-Justice." Halifax lay within the for -I- K-u dis must be my Mr. Gett-- If I had my gun with loo. tThwO Hie arc me, ' . c nod sinnll cstof nardwick, where the law was liodnn lleruliL BL. , wrong hand he should Im gratified. Puck. Ufa i:iiil- that if a felon was taken with WJi amount to a l io'i..-- .1 ' In. . Taken Kpfi-Iit i iuln$Mi No lePlprocitjrs pence worth of stolen goods lie dumb! cult to collect the same, os hi friend "What Sleeti.v i. he tried by four firth ineideiit. Fnthor Tommy, whv clout you gt T Agnes (returniu-- from church-fat- f the recollect lining since be left burgers from foui failed to . . hero site attended u Iraith) Olt, Toml of the the tin- - loet said: ntirlfjr ISfMnnri, arc ml and rt-- i see need nnd in litllc friend condemned his your friend, towns, and if preeiuet Johnny ing fwiiwl The tint avornl family t'-- . viu? whet do you think we : ir. lieaiioni (!:. i ',. i. i. Smith? known fir llillniurrmw, r by them bo hanged tho next If yem don't pay me that seventeen I F.iulS bcforii !!!. Tom to the ('nn.lipatinn, fi.e n1 I (who me shall Because night owe lie n BriwUi. ...JiJiipurs." i.. which come this lliwdarlio, won't Tommy you and 1'iini.Iyw J pfennings proreodiug had of.Aet.Hlt. Until Is, in.l on. out to the letter the case ini;-- k M i;' have to resort to extreme measures." see me when I'm dead. Judge. Judge. ladly) Mel J ! Iainful lnrmliiintl,ini.iiSnllow2 (inninb'.ifin, to Tiid I'.vllur. and! lie?" a w:'1. o: : And what Halifax '!::ItlassS . ur jury! they -l may nlsn Mahr dio-er. is It nr . . Alas! Aliea.ly? nvnttlnc fnm InitmrpZ .or a rallurn hy tin-- utimiM'b. livdr.ir liiVtinr.5 li- x, how ' next poem in your home .f ihr. piiipi.i'r-- . the dedicate being Mrs T.il ' ; Wlirn Ininetn "I'll iny S --i iiTM. tliHr pr. IJ.T 'xprtsi(MU will "George, dear, SiW'iu.IrmlQ. you lore mo whefi the regent. L.irl M. . Beal sad we (' I le ? dint' honor." Mi? i:. ii..;-lari:,1 I'm ol.lv" uf lni,i;ul nr ojr mall. Hut (It i et tww a wr er.. i'i ii. e.ir Jut ya Scotland oi.ly to have l.is own head 7x3.1 IVkifi' (I Ij px.i Mr.- -. vlalj) Adilnwi TIIES Tho friend turned polo and shelled j ,i :uo- - ! bii.d. " KIPA-What a . Our cellar rHKSIoAl. Ml.. Ynrlr. silly question. Qf Penelope. fpo ooooo out abruptly. Texas Siftings. topped off with it. Chlraso MaQ I do." Harper's lbiar. MOINij G-- MUGS. TOILET AUTK'LES, CIGARS. ETC. i 1 s . i ' 3.-1- cmr ofpicees inti-nml-l- rB. J pr-:;v- A. - O. F. -7:80 r 0 ' t "?!. Mntv timi-a-.wl- x W ... rw, Drm-ocist- ing j DENTIST. Atiotby At aw. il A liank-rupte- y) DENTIST. ! d, Tand gl.is-.i-si'."- r r. ar y . Cs-- , - ' AG.-in.Ji!- - y .:i--! . jri-ii.- f 1 ih-si- til: . day-Afte- ly-e- -'. ('h-l-- 1 s r . - . , |