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Show Dr. AMERICAN FORK ITEM. Enrca fC r , rI t ttfmul cltlai I i A fcoi L l.i. K''.llh!lt"IH CT.b i'.'Ii. X v - tli- (ii.. I. It Yam r, one f A'H'c'k sub fhi, .Umrie.in J'rrk he thuiin lt sautia! i,l itien, w i in him ml-rls- ml will tlrftnl. l! given .1 U New Good rived. man Mk. F. C. Ci.Ai k. i f Al'ii.e, a us h i is on the o iiiliej! ( gave Hi'' , . H this etindi. . Resigning. Ti.e I)..'..Tct .Ytnj says: Iti'pury nt tbe office of the Utah dit. lo.- -t the fact lint many tiit registrar and election judge Tuk I i EM Mill furnish election to tin public fiu the ii i jlit ol ekdion ... at 0 Oht Ytitr in Sit .!l rncri:ri:Tci5. lit f Lu !: .MiKM'tl.b MILTON L. SCOTT. jlz.zz3 ... n M.-nil- jutt a Emporium.! HOLIDAY GOODS. d 11a a r appointed by the Couiiniinun Tliu have rent in their resignation. reason for tliia action is that they have 0i the been nominated for office by the 0 Petek Hosie:. Irani, haa ad cold. DuoKlej's SGr a nt's Cm-mirsi.j- 1 Adamson, stiff neex, resulting a Wu i's 10 there-fj- Santa Claus re Ill it Fouesteks are requested to L'tah Sugar Company haye man at the ufartnred, since their ruinuieiicement regular muetidg of the Court Monday tour Maeka ago, 1,110(100 pound of evening. Important liUHineaa. 1 Dun's Ri vicw of this week bar WATCHES, HEADQUARTERS -- AND JEWELRY Toys, Books, Fancy Goods, Etc. ts Tiie - CLOCKS, e froi political parties, and were cdl riquired, unir the instruction 0 0 0 of the Commission, to resigu. All vac lu.hd'' nt Eureka DKMOt 1IATD- TICKET. Tiik KiiuMoi.'I Duiikhy'a will have dome good thing aneii occasioned are thus, rapidly being burned Wi'dins'l-amorning at !i a. in. to leli tl.eii many readers and the pid'lir liil' d, and in some case those retiring in out nct issue. Keen your eye opt u. L. Total to (i.hs.'Ium Fur J recommend their successor; in othera the Ilw'iH, IlU'K. John Tiioiinton contemplates the ('iiiiiiiifiii appoint the first person J. W. It 'uni, of Provo, and Mr. Fur l"iii iiTiity Lnr.-- 'niniiiisU'iii,r i: the list iu their possession. Dinncrocy at opening up the Business College MonTimin'' Di ill! it, ('.nit?; Evans, Vance uf Alpine poke I the I nter p! ire on V.ur iy evening. day, Nov. otli fur the aeaaon. kb ; IVM (in vi a, Sr S.iiiin-te- . Trtiilc Pro.-pec- Three. Fine New Stock o- f- ot Salt Luke: "A 'pilot and fairly satinl'actory tiade prevniii with moderate cdliclinus. For Delegate to Congress Frank J. sugar. 5 v- -i Smelter, aic upiTaiuig inure alack., hut Miv On ace Mathew, one of pleasant ore Cannon . receipts arc aomow hat lighter. There The IiJ-- i much pleased to note Grove' highly talented youny .ladies, i. some activity in shipping and proA ml All Kinds ot Blusicul Mt rdmiidlai, hUo For University Land Commissioners . , J suns Slcikle, CaiLc;J. Cl. itlii. srn rema! duratr mining In thii Meek from died tliia ween and wn buried Thura-day- duce." AND BLASSlVABK CISyCKEUY, LA Ill'S, WINDOW OUSS, Elc. nur subscriber. Thut'i the atutr that Rail Lake; C II. Lyman, Iron. A I'lianert. . inakea Nellie go. have rece'.vai snio f DrskLEV Tlr At: trie in Fork craam ry will, on their Full and Winter Good Go and the 1st of November, Tiik go into nurriage license have ace Imw low LOCAL AND IEIi'SOXAL aS? hand of another Jiaiiagemi-iit- . they are selling. of Mer-cur- . In'I'ii iosite l: Lewi F. Mr, Andrew Anderson, who ha most American III"! IVanehe Cook of Oder Fort; Utah Fork, Fiieh celery at Dunklev'a. Ma.ioh A. K. Thornton has slightly Dai id .1 Thniiipton ol Oakley, and successfully managed this indiis. rial enItecn under the weather'1 fir a few days, An ni' A M niicy of Spanish Fork. terprise for the past Go to Lci-'- lor your livery rgi. inoiiths, hut haa been able tu servo the thirsty will leave for Ilcnmaik about the Mill reside. Inai.eT'Kh 'o liia parenla in thin public with his always good sad fresh of November, where hi pHr.-nMiT.nn snd spice lor your yiirk beverage. at Ddnkley's. It i also whispered that Amlrcw has a city. Elder John larklm state that lie I chosen one there, with whom he 'aUIii-Tin dm goods at ChipiuanV are tin hilitily n 'sgi-- at Ilia labo'a in Jr due John McNikl expounded Rep and is enjoying good health. lllCIIKf cast lota tor life. ublieaniam at Alpine Wednesday even- t) Messrs. John E. Hobbs and E. G. II if; licil prices tin id for EG(M Hinl Tii: Ladle Ri'piihltrsn Club will ing to a crowded house. They say that Ilynda of Salt Lake wi'l take charge ot rand b.ill of thn aeaaon at the Judge made the best speech ever deDRIED FRUIT at Diinkli-j'- . give tlio ties the at the date men above creamery f'iiiiiiiiin"a ball on election night, Tuea livered iu our northern burg. tinned . The Item welcome them in The Item linn nil kinds of lentil blnnkn la l ie, Nov. Oth. Don't fail to take our midet. Another wire was put in the Deseret tlmt M ill lie mid nt redurcil rates Don't it in. forget it. telegraph office in Tiie Item building Stijrar Factory. SHILOHS CUItE, tlm great Cough yes'erday, which tnakea this nfiice iiu The I.AMM Prince Albert coat, at Cliip-ma- n management of the sugar factory Croup Cure ia in great demand. mediately connected with nearly every are s. eket st.i! rontttiiia twenty-fivnegotiating the building of a largo doses city in the tcriitnry, southern Idaho and AND- where the product of the only '.'.'ii'. Children love it. Hold at eastern Nevada. Any perann ending a Sin It.' Drug Store. Cl.Oi.fKO Ol'T ot be stored. It will be of message, it will pay them to send it plant may sufficient to hold about 10,000 Dunklcy'a. capacity nt Remember rates below othera. all The cold weather anon comes on. We or 13,000 niic k. of sugar. This i good advise people to make their atovea ready hia. ,,vinK Any,)n news, if it bn done, nnd will furnish em. j t.wi or nmie rooms hi'fo;e they get caught in a cold snap. If Mil. Hannah Robinson, whose hus- ployment to many f our people. can And a renter on long time by apply- anytime; needs repairing, write or aec II. J. Morlensen, of Spanish Fork, and band was killed hy a Union Pacific ing at this office. From Scoiield, lie will ti them. He haa linings ami ex train in this city, will next week ask tlio A sad accident occurred here to day to compromise with a remmn Yur can get your good tlio cheapen traa far any kind of stove imported to company 3323115 The 0 year old lxy of Robert Finch, of amn able of for loss of her the money s Utah. lie will give you at Dunkleyi. w ho wua Pleasant on at Valley, play . If this lie not complied with, god nt rev unable price. 0 uit will immediately be begun against the railroad track was run over nnd had Taken on onu leg severed. lie wag taken to Salt I n i i ie, the Murray wife niurden-- r the U. P. Company. Subscription. Luke tor treatment. II ia! M'iiope li.en going Oil for Thu 10 baby of Tliomaa and Tliat Mml icine Plmit guilty Moitli of clothing just couple nf week, wan found who died on ihe III William, Maggie ill e of minder dial without to In at tbu ('I.'ipmim Mercantile Co. List winter we had aoinefliiiig degree say -Tliia verdict mi nna I ah, Hit Dr. F. 1). Ilostwick etaIiahing was hurried IP. ninl he ISmU J in tliiis be in will execuleil The land vs. Ecclcs of dcatli, m manufacture tor the oyer aijuabble Iiow Aukivkii! OIi! And Jt'iT city plmit Cheap Lake rminly. Ilia aentenro wu fixed I of patent medicine. The uiachin-l- or Union Pacific Cn ia pending and it for the Quality I Ladies, Gent's, and I 3ml. Nov. Cliildrcn'a SHOPS, at Dl'XK LEY'S. ery was ordered, hut owing to soinu seems that Ihe works will bo closed ' difficulty, which generally arise to atop dawn until the ipicstion is nettled. We call Htleiiiiuii to Mr. Win . Grant'a I the wlicela of progress, Dr. Boatwick Di'KKI.ev for fresh groceries. SOUTH OF SALT LAKE new i.l" in iliia iwui'. Hi new gimiial went cent on hu nea connected with it. M X. UTAH A Pali, at the grand clonk opening I Nr, !riivll,d ''i iniiuciisc iunntities, such I Dr. II. W, ISrant of Eureka t rliinawnre midllui in commencing Friday and Snturduy 28ih I n a fim' i i w line twn fjf' a few L. K. Cntltr of Hie i);,n and 31)th inat, at (. inrwAN e. I Sngar Works Icr. pi:iwnn,l lump, etc., hIso day. IIo was working the eiiterprioe Vicr-rrcsidcI pirti'i'o fr aiii'1, window gins, toy, etc. iu riuinuctiiui with Dr. Uostwick, and ho It you want a nice dre. the Cliipman I iid imnll-.- r lurgr shipment of those ex I is now Iu re to iKtablih this rho Deseret Am say : I l(i(fil..( ti ,iii jc in w ii'i A t'au Francisco dispa'ch of the IStb l,.tki,ig powder, 'iitli w hicli you for plant. IIo bngnn to day building h The American Beet Sugar says; with cun. i!i t a li'iiii1.niii! tem frame on Water building ivery Horary prie association held their nnnual I tLV.l .u:d si i him while the slock I full. Street, tlirie blocks uorili of Railroad meeting here to iliy and elected the bilI streetintention The of this company lowing officers: President, Henry T. An I'XcImnye snystliut n g'ri waa aent wi)l lie to buihl to build a brick factory Oxnard uf Grand Island, Neb; to the store for some tliHir liyjhcr mother. I next Thomas R. Cutler of Lclii, of the Part spring. machinery Utah; secretary, James Coffin of Sail She liurridly went to the bureau drawer icri.t anj tie ,uHnce is on the road. Dr. Francisco. Democratic Iinllv. Resolutions were adopted Uticlaimptl Leiii-m- . and got what ahr Mipposud wns h pillow I Ciistwirkia now in the e..t and will Last night nt the opera Iihiiso Ilmj. D. the Democratic denouncing Letter for tlur following named per- II. Roberts and cis.', and whin she lum.V.l it to the ,,rbably return here next ocratie party tor enacting a tariff law Col. Peyton of Salt (I'rk nt tlio store it proved to be t gar-- 1 month to nssist in introducing the which is declared hi be antagonistic to sons arc lying at the American Fork Lbkc, spriKe Democracy, i'ol. Peyton the Jiug-ionllet nt the bottom, neatly 1 (nUoua and rest irilive medicines well in the producing ictcrcata to the post office writing to he called for. If and J. E. Booth w uid of may wok after ngbtrouancsa I IUl,,,, which Mr. Hubert made sugar producing interests oi America not allied for within yoKC, so to spiMK. with nil your lu irf' (mi v.u will mt get I The gentleman clerk j ,avc day they Cnllll thirty an excellent speech and rccived freand dishonorable, uneconomic and unt,f, I wa it with (he di vil for a conirndi'. t.ui hashfnl lor anything, and re will be sent to the D;ad Letter Office ut The house was ciiueK quent patriotic." applause. I linin'"! in the fiour bin all the afternoon, : full. Washington The Ilem heartily congratulates Mr. A Mill, cay wall evi rv time she I until the girl lacnmu suspicions, anil Mis. II. Stcidinnsc, Minnie Fulled His Gun. on bis election as vice president Bush, Cutler I I a of but both lie Political liome. Parties with the rci will nri-- bundle wcnl Thn clerk paid ten cent out gets cliamc, E. G. Verron. Mr. J. II Evans, a cause. so of important Last night, Xightwalchman Crookrtou of hia own poteket fora m-sack and I pectin CVnuty Ticket on, at this office. many children of her own mi her knee. Flood. Dr. P. F. Yanlbiuten, Will a couple uf young rufiiians from collared next day ili liven'd the Ilnur. At this 1 Don't fail to get one. Tli- - 'ineil- fVmpminlae. Victor, S. N. Hunter, Isaac Lehi who left. gave their names ns Dove and wretched a firs iv S:.ii!'.i. Im haring Timothy McCabtv, P. M. LAST SAl) KITES. I IlitHcmiin. aged about 13 respectively. time v. i.!: i.'-- . wife. Yo wrangle fearAmerican Fork, Oct. 10, 1804. A ru.uTiCE which boy should lui arThe two, Ingot her with others from our fully. end i hos so wordy that she inu every time," said Gilhooly, northern neighbor, got into a row with with raigned severely lor, is recently. I some KobillSOn, r.f our boy, and Dove pulled a trains is roof now going on on n,p Tuk tilling Cjyt s by placing things pMIliaill passenger Well. Gilhooly, these little Another Challerge. on Walter Adamson, And said for Jucks"ii building, and in the course of a I nP,,n hc track. Lust week some little I seems. lie it gun to are not avoided, Lnj(j to KfSt' I rutVuu made a dummy man ami placed wife and I have reduced them to The Democratic party of American the crowd o stand buck or they would ci uple wii ka it will be ready tor My occup ' oeieni-e- . dc.'iumds tivo words Fork challenge the Repuhlir-iparty get filled with lead,'" nourishing his gun. at.ry. Tim I'uili'icg will present ailMn the K. G. V. track about three 1 Jier have them. ot let nnd However, no one was hurt, and Mr. I I to I The a dircussion Fork huni'ircd mortal American remains ol William R..1, inui h itbr s'pernnce, and will, it is public yard south of the depot. Along Crooks ton immediately nailed him and n sm. ill concession, you sec." It's I ot the dar. both hi 'Sid, l c more convi nicnlly pnrtitU'm d. I r,m, l,w ,.1M,nK,'r ,ain1 ami had ii','n. weie coiisigned to thiir lat tm- I sh'H.hl tliink it waa. I envy you, on the political issue him in partner, wlm was a cm I fr-that arc res- thu rumpus. Do" v.is sting furnish on I'bu'c in to '.lie No I the ch. ing wonder Oh, Sunday, speakers dilficuliy parties stopping. grent by armed and Gns, 'pi'll my soul, meeting I I Iv .MIL'S CLOVER ROOT will the pair lodged in the Discussion ident of American Fork. Justice way. what are the two words?" purify railroad men become out of pulioncc bouse. The first and lust.'1 Texas Siftings, to taae place at any time or place and Jackson will hear what they have got to I wills the Elders John R. Hindlcy. S. L. Chi,-,public. Now next time tlio en this morning. as may lie agreed en; under such ugiil.ib'-uEg, ti MV and f 1.H0. clear ns a Ml. Terrible Tliftt Scourge. ure and then it may be a real man, and Iconsol itioii to the vast usi mM:,n( 0f upon by tlieclinirmau or represent:. till-o- l Sold at Steele' Drug Store. Society Note. each party. lie will be killed. This is the way nimy I tel r. live and friends Gist Iim I The diplilhctia, which lias hern rng-ifiFloor Mnmger The' press is always AlI I at Je Mkrtek, iu good trii'ud, Hostess lVter of these accident wcur. These voting to pay their rc.peet to tlio in the family of Jacob Reek welcome: but. me deali fellah, liuu voii't I a distressful scene. Chairman. Adsiiisoc, oftlie Grant hutcl i luring an I gnlliant iliould be severely puni'-hc-d l m ot Gnnt has yon jnI unottier oout? Oi;iiut pine, arti-:.- n will sunk back the let'l hr iicli wicked pastime Ilejvirler f.ir tlie Morniug Harter ii'.u:c a the C'lcgregatiou wu aflorft Little 7 year old Maud, napiohnhly oui Yes. I've ;. unother coat. TI : miku the nine t ti day t!i( Ann on and last died the I 'is! look iipnii t!',c face of dc.'en,,; week, know, "Ah. why didn't you ;; nn?" sl i erg il ! ' ' I has lcn to the i another succumbed Thcrsd.-ipoumling away I'ri'leniMimo', 1 as A. G. Duns ley cnp-- running iu our Alt'-- Die it isii'i (i the one g. t nnd tiny arnd. wu now Robi'-.-I'VC ROl Oil." fort. All Iisck ilonr nn Tl ursitav morpin;:, b ou ear.'.i i f IJt.'lhiT AYiLIi-i'1 on dread difcase. A House of eight room, nc-it',j Sif';".g5. hopes me ei."i'aii ' il tef a go d suppiT I in!f isHu.r lulc, but had a Silimil upon b V.u ,i cl to'.v uiv,.i!y,nl p (exc.eptiug The entire fnmilr !, h pait of t'iwa. Will r nrj,, S. I brosil ax. Hi I!.if"id nf C;.rt!ngii. S. D. i I f w n iw with tli next few day )' Ice exlendwl of nii'.a cliilJrco, ti e sieiV'.l to tl.' tr .u' '.vt!i Rcciisir'icg r nffi. I Him'-tin or W:i t! ken sii k in Sioux to J. nervous condition lend us to iii.Uirc: ej. Apply Ci'y. He .r" down all were hired man, I mother and cnn-.l nf Parks' shne Car.; twii What's the matter, A1 (" to which he, erci". Ima on to I for the Liver mid Kidney. lie savt.' i' smile cracked hi lip) at the anrno time. Dr. Pogge, who helieve Parks' Sure Cure excel "ali result of the coming dec-- 1 liiigiy rciicd: Why. I might as well and "I r.oailv night, attendance day hern in Fast tiring:. other medicines for the turn, taking the figures of last election, h'll you first as lust; wc'vc got a fine girl and to linvis lui-these s.-- l I t.v ur houiA', amt the first word she I going on st the ( in H..1! since Thurw" pronounces D M, Smith, of Pleasant Grove. Ins Urinary (lisordei." ,.rfs llew- the constitutional ddcilis. "I ln- attended up m. lie casrs worst I The said was' rail fer Rawlins. I ,.BlU , , , linciiiii lip's. icii if gn-'iInn. nun h n ! cmintic ami ili.tncts 1St the mother and babe are d ung well , 1y llliirI. ,l!,lweD crer he is bringing the lein.iiinii C'' fmy Tor 1 horses and Wl liMy KU wid coatun th-- y t me on dirb'r in th'-ii- section, it will entirely I but the fairman ot ThkIti.m linsn't Car S't.ivi- iut in i.inl ih:.i L, ,1 w at through, and it is tli nt on.-e- . Hi. Chipliiul! M're i He. at I n det.iiled te" it "I it n t Apply piro-the iu n different liglit. ' lal hi rampaign Mhi.tle tuned up ye to recovery the way KEFUiLICAN lltKET. r M v 1,000 Ai'ticles Given Away. rvCAIiIi (olh-Min- W.-leke-r SEE t h-- New York s -- WEEKLY TRIBUNE e ware-hous- e AMERICAN FORE ITEM, Wanted TOK2U&, first-clas- 'J.SD. hu-ba- Wheat 1 oo.oIPH0P. GRANT,AjDAIHSOK, I . HIEAEQUAIRTEES mm nt. i itl Finest Sample Rooms . TEAEIi3KB long-looke- Electric Bells. Prn-iluc- Rates, the Lowest AMERICAN FORK r r 1 ... over-wciia- ii plcaii-nntrie- 1 S'-u- good-natured- ly -- hn-tii- ,-. r; 3.-i- . s r., g nu-iiT- To Rent tin-;,,- ; p.-- , t tsr appi-ipriat- s t. tremb-it:innti.M.- - ' 1 r l m.-h- , - |