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Show rut vj. rigii d ll.'i'iii.l.m, r - . '.! ! h. ".j if ".I-- , , f i . IS K1T1XT APRIL HU. ij 1" i - i: a y, cr, r and ; iu If 1 .nu l .; in May 1 . :ir:'uii.- their time of to Live :il-- iiit ;;n eua! .t iili M'liiiti' i'f the year. ' iv. is iu anl August. .i.i'T i'f vws I will fartn f.--r. i l'.e makii.,' Ji'uout i.i:;. My system t ieed-- i l it? rnviath (Jl pig it r tin's or. new milk. thou ur. ( f Kintifr wool mi fil milk. t IW, W.lks USf Willi c rn then cum- nr F. Wickersham, J Ural Timr Ianl H., jractKe: hiit iim - - N. 3 Clocks, Wi Jewelry . a yd - ' Soectacles . i i . Repaiicd Spanish Fork. - - I' : in r t ITEM THE 1 iuuiitiiif. '.Inn AM Eli I 'AN four muuilis o!-- l add a little Indian meal FOKK snd hliorls, but not to any grout extent until n bout six months of uge. A pig tkna foil tip to this time on feed containing largely the bone and muscle clouieuti vill have a frame that will stand the a! rain of heavy feeding during the u ecediug three or four mouth! About "00 pounds of inertl per pig, with the addition of a dollar or two's worth of middlings and shorts during the growip period, will make a pig weigh from lo 390 pounds. The hams and sides, the lard and pork from such a pig find a Louis Journal of Agri-ni- l ready sale turn rinUam I. i). Hi. at Once 8 Boils AflUi'M era'.rlir.-".,- fii-- !. H's.il's Sir ..in l.niilss i liirt.s,aiuii:..i. nl'Wilai lii il..,ii-- if li!y p.11 il:nl inyl Iu. 1 1 I' nei ft fell iy tklcliinm.ihi tan InUm s. betur. L.O. Timmam. N tin hall. laVitnrnla. ttoOS's Pills are . t i I . Wheres That Billion. from Tlie Burlington following ' v indji atei that tire editor wants to bslieve he thiuks the r is proHpering, and tluit the rail find Mr. Depew aro his best The Greatest Weekly XcwtpujHr in A11..1.U AND T1IK farmers of the country, and es-!those who look upon the rail-- s as their WDrst enemies, should rt- ad Cliaunrey M. Depew' address to New York State Agricultural society. delivered some days ago. lie saidi The railroad first developed the agri-mi- l urn! resources of our coum then threatened their paralysis, and uow, under wiser administration on the one hand and a more liberal understanding on the other, the farm aud the railroad are seen to lie inseparably united as ah lies and partners. The blight of ths one is the bankruptcy of (lie other. Every student of political economy sees the truth of this assertion, but too many of tho farmers never get beyond the second stage noted by Mr. Depew. They still look upon the railroads as working to paralyze agricultural interests. To them the speaker's figures are instructive. He showed that within tl a past twenty years railway rates have gone down over 100 per cent. mean Ing, doubtless, SO per cent, or farm products have ivltn but 80 The rates of 1870, applied tc per cent. the tonnage of 18S9, would hare yielded for tbe year $1,000,000,000 more than the gross reveune of the railroads of the United Stales. This is practically $1,000,000,000 a year given to the farmers to enable them to make fanning pay. It Isa phase oi ths subject that too many railroad theorist i are too apt not to think about s drier fok Colorado Weekly Sun, The Driaicti Champion nf the Sliver Cause in the United States. Vint pii id. At a i I arc very poorly : Hi proposed ' school t.vichi-r.- ; What on?" '; specimen, i Siftings. Tlie .:! i i.v- ; ,1 - vinit-lxsl- lies; our Billiard and IPool Room In rffii-icu- Aveuican Fork, 2.KI0.) rrm.UATioN, IVnt of im-- . What a wir.-f clnr.pe this is! s'gliM Mr. 1 Sill iik. ixil;ii;f over an old p.i-spa per. Anil how little I pvt hold of! sighed Mrs. liillus. looking over her old gown. Chicago Tribime. The M. I.nuia ClrL What would .von ilo if you were in my shoes? risked the perplexed Chica- go girl of tier St. Louis friend. Change tl.cm fur a smaller pair, was tin consoling reply. Detroit Free etah. - :aaaa System. BF LCCAIj 41 - AND TIIE ST. LOUIS I HENRY LEE, Globe-Democr- at, A1T.T. FOU Sales Stables noCTH. 7 :45 I 5 :50 0 SODTU. First Class Turnouts always in Readiness. A line Selection of Horses snd Buggies. am 0 :20 am No No 0 I Aiijrllilna No 0:10 3 No put pin T try Pmk.Surn Cure. A specific cure of all diseases peculiar to wuiui:n. NOHTII HOUND. KTATtONS SOl'TU IIOCND Ask yourdruggikt our ruarautved plan. 8 ;48mG :52 pm Lelii 8 .:Uuiu5 Bros. tiolJ by Dniii-rtIt loes Not FOB I'o-- s A Runs ilat-- to USE all trains Loavo orders at KlubW Main Street, Amerieun Fork ' 8:13 Do You Know That on every Wednesday anil ThursSuit there leaves Ogden, day com. oilier and Lake, Provo inon point! a through tourist ur family sleeping Car fur Kum-aCity, (Miicugo. Boston and Philadelphia via the Oreni Scenic highway, tlie Rio Orandn Western Railway. Berth rates are less than hull nt rate charged on firat clans Pullmsn cars, being but $3 .00 to Missouri River to Chicago. Sleepers or ex and cnrsions are personally conducted and no The Rio change of cars is required, Grande Western also runs daily, a llirongh firat class nr Pullman sleeping enr to Denver, Kansas City snd Chicago ur . S. II. II. Clark, Dickinson, Gent Agt. Ofllre at Steeles Old Drug THE ITEM, AMERICAN UR FOKK. JOB DEPARTMENT Wc na pro Is complete iu every respect for u country office. pun'll to execute plain or fancy job work' to perfection, and nt prices that are in conformity with tlie parsing times. We know 'I is hard ti gvt ready money, but why should a iierson dohusiness without a prinlinl letter head, a printed statemuut, an envelope or bill head! Printed stationery N of. vital iniiiortauci to a linn lie (.ot wife saved mofic-- being rolilied by a desperate churaeter one nigliL'' IIow? ,Ile climbed into our runin window at midnight and went t!irnii:'h my trouser's pockets, but hn("ii nothing. She b(ej been then lir. t.' Jury. e r. Yad any experienee? Applicant Yes. sir: my wife lias illwnys given me nllb.-- r biter to ixi.st. You might ask her.- - Ili'-h. r r e ly. Ilis deserted him:" Yes. lie lias stiHkl in il nil his life, you know, aud 1 fu:;v.i-..- . it ia mini through now.'' Light. old-tim- ILEGAl aU,AK31S I'DJl SAXT1, Bail Bonds Efitray Nothin, Justice's Summous. Complaints. Venires. Warrant of Arrest Warranty Deeds. t A tli Im h hi i: J. 3 . Joe For tickets and information apply to A.L.ROGER8. R. G. W. ageut, Aiiierieiin F-'i- OR W. F. MiMILLAX. Geu l Agent, Room 11. Over No, 10 West Second So Salt Lake Citv. Utah. nKSERET TKLEGKAFII G- - -- XX- -- x CO -- XX- Ihiy and Xt'fil. OfUrr fork American in ITEM Jjiiitthii I'tnb fi. BENJ. BATES, AM a Boy, Writes Postmaster J. C. Woodson, Hill, W. A'a., I had 11 bronchial trouble of siieli a Krsistint and htublHirn diaraetcr, that thn doctor pronounrul it iunirablu with ordinary medicines, and advised me to try Ayers Cherry Pectoral. I did so, ami one lwttle cured me. Fur tlie last fifteen car. I have used this preparation with good effect whenever I take Bad Cold, A and I know of numbers of people w III) keep it ill the house & tlurtiSS?tit considering it safe to lie witb-o- American Fork pun no., When I was Fon-.-- t Any ilacr on the Line at Low Kate, iloz-i- i T3IEHT11M , Mes88TP8 Sen! to dic.iper tliaa suywhere Msil onlers promptly ntteni'le'1 to. 10c. per Ctttli Free Reclining Chairs. SnhKNMias. Lcgili at Ran FAST LINE --XX- :i .toimI d :d latedi'iii..' m hi-- , lo have SCOTT iDiAimrsiwiKss Woru Out, linselnngi'd Stiffly & Utah In Biiseinent Conniinrcial Savings Building. . . iruvu Clljr My Carried Them So, you wmil.l lih-- n poiltion as letter-carriell;, ve yi.it ever Sinn. American Foka yon go to the theut-- r? Second (iiri Nu; I'm nut su easily as that. TO First Girl I'm afraid you are bard hearted. Second Girl No: it isn't that. But I CliifRiro, Omalin, SL Louis, bever could cry und chew gum at the same time. Judge. Kansas Oily, Atchison, Sr, Address OseA SrxCZ..Tlr QLlFF . all orders. 1 'ASS AYERS GrOZ. ) Oliver W. Mink, Receivers. E. Ellkht A kokii 90S, John M. Doank. ) Fiikiikiiick R Colueut. 1 CASH must accompany Ma I M. IIayiikn, Agt. American Fork. Agt. Vasa. Dept . Balt Lake. City Ticket Ofiicu 201 8. Main it. X. L. Lomax, ti. P. A T. A. $1-0- TIIE COLOKADO WEEKLY SUN. THE NEW YOJiK TliilHXE Has secured a phenomenal circu- Is a Twenty-foPage Wetk.y, lation and covers the entire Held devoted to Science, Commerce For other particulsr iminire of sgenl. west of the Missouri l iver. SHILOHS CURE is sold on s guarand the Field and Farm. It is a It cures Incipient Consiiiiipiioii. It is a large eiglit-pig- e paper psiper that may he relied upon antee. is the liest Cough Cure. It Only one ami contains all the news of the for information concerning the cent F?v..25 cts., and $1.00. Solo at Steel's Drug Store. world,' Literary Features, Miuing Whole World. Home News, Departments lor the An iniKikumo phi. First Girl IV m't j m ev. r cry when tlie Farmer np.d tlie Children. J. 1. E. Buklky, ' Uun'l ut it." Eli I CAN FOKK, IMA II. WOKS, ITA-aO- Texas - AED Family orders a sjiocialty. a ii IQL00R8 SIQAP8. H WII2E8, H III? - -- DEALER IN LsnJOilicc at Like City, V lUM. September l.i, NotiV in asaSS3SIBS2SSSaRESBSE3BSSB9SS5 gneii tint the Diiiu-.- l setilcr Iniit tiled notici of P. Adamsox, Pilin. III Kffcct April U, 1K5V1. iiis tut vtinii to make I: in I proof in sup0 'irrice ii.'id dejhirt nt mtion Ti tin port ofhis claim, tiinl tint said itoof .1 t.i.iii os 1Uotn : of kinds All Hi-will Ijetnnile county chi I; of Wines, Liquors And Ugars Utah IXiUKK. Utah, nt IrovnCilv, Utah Hilliard and Pool Room iu M:ilc-i!Fine T. on Novemliir :!, l!il, vix : aii. kkox Sai.t Lkk up. von Salt Lake Woods, II. L. No. IMWO for the SY Connection, 1 :45 a. in so :U a. 1:1 No. 1 See 22. and Pi" 2 .M.S ij'SE SWH.Bee. 0:13 3 No. 10:40 ' See. 27. Tp 4H.R1 1! NW )4- NF. Merchant Street, 7 :05 p. 3:45 p. in No. 5 lie naiwt-- Hit- fil lowing witnesses to''- AuF.nic.ix Fokk. Utah 3:25 7 No. 7.30 prove ls continuous residence upon and Salt Lake. cultivHion oi, mill hind, vx: Janes Nohtii I)i Brown. Junes Tuck field, Peter Smith. Noutii Ah. 7:00 am Stephen Moyle, nil tit Alpin, Utnh. 3:00 s m No 3 itviios Oiioo, 0:30 No B 10:10 2 :40 pm Register. 8:00 11 in' No 4 Livery Fend and 11:20 Booth & Wilson, Attvs for ehmnnnt. 4:35 ;NoN I 1st. pub. St pi. tilth, Alt. s in the Territory 1 II. Baiu'Oi k, U. F.Agt. S. Thornton K. e r, Ancient Semes Depleted. The archaic room in the British museum is now approaching completion On the west side of the gallery stands the harpy tomb, formerly on the Acropolis of Xonthos in Lycia. The harpies are seen sculptured in lias relief, carrying off the son Is of tlie (laughters of Pan darcos, a Lycian hero. On tho north and south walls of the room are arranged the casts of the pedimental groups from ths temple of Athene, in oEgina. The originals, it will lie remembered, are at Munich. They represent tlie expedition of sFginaten heroes against Troy, guided by Athene or Minerva, and the contest of the Greeks aud Trojans over the body of Pntroclus, described iu the Iliad. The temple won erected before 168 R, 0 --Okicaxo Herald. .i II. Uesnktt, (i. P. &. T. Agt r v The Human Flneushlou. In explaining his peculiar idiosyncrasy, Professor Beck said: I first discovered that I could be punctured without pain at school when a boy. My comrades used '.o put bent pins under mo, but the joke wns alway on them." Here, by way of il lustration, the Professor absent mindedly shoved a pin Into his arm up to the head, and then resumed his reminiscences. sometimes use awls, knives, wtllmakora' needles and horseshoe nails. There are only two more human cushions whom 1 recall. Professor Rogers, who has retired from the business and gone to sea, and a gentleman who called himself Ajax. He went back to the baking business when I defeated him. I have discovered the only woman pinciuthion, and before long Wo will lie united in marriage. When the pins or knives are withdrawn from iny flesh the incision closes within three hou: ;, and 1 suffer ne inconveniences. Exchange. Jinmipt anil (No i Ill (!erin'"'v MsA Connection. -Sl i - " 1 ,1. (ieii. Mg'r. E. Wki.iii, lil'll. Supt. A. Lv fy. or D. U, Duia.t:, ilii.t n s S;2il Ar Silver rvr I I tuns uu imt (rfinin.j-j- f ipoml, tt uiv-.- . l!.ir--ka- . i.'i New York Weekly Tribune Hoodsr Cures i: l(m ipringvillc mi l.lli'ism stunt tli'3 pig is tlipt ur litimi Mii Fork, .l.'in-ncii- U. IU. STATIUS. Next Hour l lirenl With those w!i ';.i rcp .'idi 'U , A '.v of ouggiec of all kimls, Helling of Tires, fixing ete. Simp 0iio,i(r (;ity ,tl Repairing r.:.-r- . lu.u b is !, 1 1 Vhuti p ,. . J" r.kil. i. .lv 1 1 Fffk, - I inf, I have been using Ayer's Cherry Pe fund in my family for Ik) years, w ith the niii't satisfactory results, nud can eliiTi fully rcroiuini'iid it ai being espe-eia!-ly to nil pulmonary complaints. 1 b at a, for ninny yean, mule ji jlinotie.ry nnJ other medicines a special I't'idy. and 1 hive coir.o to tire conclusion that Ayer's Cherry PoctWsl occupies a Kikiiinii ovoc other medi-inw of ho class. Clioj. P.irouport, Dover, X. J. nt Mm T, S. Toil!!, .UJ M) cl, Im "1 tl li.'jH-isia- 'Hh J H.iakii.s. (. l l'ii.ii:.iioiioii 'ii( i. 1 , c:"n 'r1; f i! !, h 1. bUjtritut xij4!i, I , Liter or Kiiim v Price 75 (t, ei 1 a Tit:--. Ei ITiik 1 I Di Mlel 'leirgr.iph Iti'u building. Tliese iifiicc is in u hn wish to ihllll ! : rn .1 I, v 'in!, lcf'iic.1 nnl Dii;:k!(-y- , 0eraier. ,. 0 r. tr . I. " ycrs Cherry.IT.Pectoral : !; !'. J. it . I..iwfll, Xsss. iri:Pttoact,surctocuro - |