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Show r l istence. When it wu first aatabll.hed it waa for Democracy teeth id awhile it swore its alleppct .Q t)jg MILTON L. SCOTT, g. o. p. and ita editor, Ilea ZZ2ITCSI JLirC xjtCXIHETCXZ. jj. Wallis. followed with tbe aud r, Aihoimh Fork hkUred nl thf become a staunch Republics, L lt LEFT PULP AM (J0OI if FAT. Were. for traiuikituiin thivnuh 'Jit tnmli n liut ah! in the Pott', last iasiX ctrikes trcohd chin Wfitlrr . When the sugar factory first started the key note, one, we know ;) beyond One Year tn A'.li tier up four years ago, it was an undecided 75 ij Month, in the minds of our tarmera 00 question Thrrt Month, whether or not that beet pulp waa a dc iralde feed for uiilk stuck and whether DEMOCRATIC TICKET. it would produce additional milk su The Post hence tor Hi ia ot p0j. huttcr. During these years it has la tics, and will ba strictly nomaytiaan." For Drh-gstto CiiDgn-MJoseph L. proven to be an excellent tood liesidea And iu winding uu again f finis: Huh 'in, milk and butter producer, aud it ia uuw "Those who dn not apprecl J it, For I'ni v i (.'uinmisniouers y l.an-bf.yoml a doubt that it ia satisfactory office nr liavr ww px lo hunting Thom. Kvalik, those who have fed it. (Vhe; Such individuals, 'wTTt do grind (trrnvi-s-, Sr,, tiuliiiete. Utah; r The people of this end of the county not give ua food In ent vei rf ire or pay our tbe pcrbajia are the only ones that ran utilize hungry, REPUBLICAN TICKET. tlie sheriff cornea round . dcUjwja Tfeul not this ua food fur their stock, as it aoul lie good polities, but it isgiodl nsc, For Drligata lo Congress Fi ink J. not pay to ship or haul it a great dot an j good sense ia the only os twice. But the fact ot the value of the that is at par ou the marl i Csunoo ' of depression.' pulp aa food is aiigip itivc of the hies days Lnu--l For VoirMaiiy CumniiMumen We heartily voice your tutimente, June Mrikli-- , Cache; J. U. Robinson that the beet itself ia of grvalei value Dro. Wall ia, aud welcome ju among tbia of With with kind food, together Mslt Like; U. K. Lyuiso, Iron. ia He and no reaaun there that mil partisan ranks o' mroalism. hay grain, our farmer amt atockmeu canuot in where the licit good, la ob(j gjdurand EDUCATION. crene tluir nnlk and butter aupply, and by the people nf tlie lVeat.We want leas political orgaua, or rathe.fhoae who beside have fat, Lealthy cattle. 4 can devote more of their sug to tbe worth of pulp baa The result from TLe schools of Amsvicso Fork are all welfare of our people and if lo office been one frmor particularly, proven by i.ow in lull blast, and it ia a plasiur to eekers and rotten politic,! We befrom two that to to three tuna of e)ua! aee the little ones toddling oil to tlielr the lieve has aoundji x Lg right Pott to course Or of be have fill hay hay. daily duths towards the school on a and wish it with led the addition,, !$tarc suckey, along pulp. morning There are Kiziltpartiiieula in ( f cess. lice with an If the augur experiment under school district all the building and should confirm the estimate made able iiiklriii'liirk with Principal Calder itaeif MONTANA STATE CjfjZtUC. by anme id our farmers, of the nutritive wuud at the head. A vialt there a ill nf the be detail of will ill root, Hint the atuJi.-nlarc eager to qualities The great and wealthy steL af Monwe ace a moat interesting character to farmers nrn . Almut the only is now on tha eve ot a tana ektlin, in th ia territory. Then would be found is that jikreut do not tint the school d) which will decidrl tl Mate (Nov, in an not tbe cultivation only advantage On enough. litany occasions of aile permanently. UnaMuda or exhibition, but lew par id l tor food, but aucli cultivation capitol canlidalr for and Helena are the to only the would raiae give people light nt have altnided and they were the honor. Things are gailing 'quite niolliem. 1 kerliik that fW tut li beet to a tremendous profit. ia nf much importance to know if warm up there, and tlie state ia 'icing It eia take interest enough in the in the iuterest of both cities. lion nf their rhihlren to visit them in there ia a profit iu raising beet for stumped Tho capitol ia. cow located at Hel-u- a the rnoiu nr In even spend a lew other purpnaea than sugar. It the claim and aumo of our nothing can- - move- - tfaxrcpt people that Huger factory ia Imuis during n nini by attending tx M arena Daly' vast wealth. Tl,-- : writer rirh farmers from the by buying 1 a dug allow nr a getting nniiiiMthuis, ete. from $1 to $5 per ten, let them has lived in nearly every loan si Montbecia uihii with a monkey should give an ex ana of any note, and is prepared to stutu Lihiiinn on the street, nearly the whole experin ent on tl.ia feeding of pulp or that it is an absurdity for tlie penple to licet the lie then if and not itself, they rd the iienta would l there. But tliiiik that the capitol ought to lie moved tlni-- r thirling ones, who add joy and satisfied ran raise beets for tluir own to Anaconda , which ia owned by Milto in a to their profit feeding crinlmi ti life; whose iiiinda are innocent purpose lionaire instuck. Another Daly, who, it ia uaid, will spend and very important au-- l n re, jet Misccptnble, requiring the to get the capitol for the will $00,000 dustrial have been solved, problem, li.kti nne care if (duration, receive very raelter city. He haa chartered nearly of and that a lietter fattening making lute kt'iulinn in this respect from all the country papers in the to of meat for the market. who their may mean quality jHreuts, worn fa that end. and has already exahiglit. but fail to invest the in ra I Uhl IS PATHOS AOS CHEAPEST. pended $50,000. From $Ju terest IhiVulioubV , votes lorjjaiprwhi. njj T i liltluVnvs now are the livings oM cnipToJjf t M ameJter While aonio polilicaua are duuntleasly "Mlputime, d nawVr- - cte tw wtinaalmM). will liO the futiireger t ncceaaanea, or doll, lug, on half i nA ,, it j, we must de . Sjrder to get their votes. A for thcWalure of future liniea, ( c" " purchased cheap er back east or Jr, of this youijw, I,cter ,ow b,b tmr City'rwno from whom rinks must come out futura there been nos working for Ur. IR we wish to call their Attention to one scientists, rulers, statisiiivn, orators, home a week returned this summer, indua- - Daly in fart. B) patronizing our home he was laid off stated that poets, juinaliV, autlion. etc., sre and so or ago, tries, money in saved, lieaidta buibliiiu in tlie state been many instances half forgotten anil left not because had ha Of course our local communities. witln ui encouragement in tbe eiluea up ia a beuctit only when long enough to vote. Others are being this elieapncss line. Many ot our children tii served likewise. yu purchase home manufactured artrampnnt upon the sln-i-What! have we a Pullman or a Carnicle. It - plainly manifest that uot nrar so It look like it, in the Rockies? egie ltcro is au vascutial hut true instance much interest ia takeu iu traimuing the Marcus when a man like fh.'y Tises all that occuired to the writer. Whether it moral dispositions si in times gum- - bv. efforts to buy the election Irunchise not we on or to cloth duo laiitr the lu j In these day of speed mid hurry, Hie people not prepared to stale. Auy way, two which was handed down to are IninilY amid the rush of Inisinesa, the old an . heroic by acccnstry sent for to writer the Chicago ago aitar ia neglicied, the I'liiile is Ui 1 ou years To move the capital of Montana to suit of clothes. Tlie cloth to make the shelf, a receptacle of dust and mil Auncunda under such a corrup table a cloth coktjuat $10.35. lie employed dew. method is the most heinous crime ever for to make them tailor $'J, Utah county We have other schools which we a ti'tal for the suit, $19.33. ushered upon the Montana people. Let making Us stop shouting "Free America." wish to ea'I attention lo, Hint of the Pres Tina cloth was made ot fureigu wool, run is acliool This in good byterian. shipped in here under a high tariflT. a great wink lor Hticklend Arnica Salve. ning order and Two mouths ago ho wauted another, and Tiik the people of America1! Fork. Two Bkst Sai.vk in the world for Cuts, home inau being desirous of patronizing able instructors me engaged here, aud ufucture, went to tho Irovo woolen Bruises. Mores, Ulcers, Malt 111, emu, Fever More, Tetter, Uhap,ed Hands. Chilhave tome veiy iidvaiieed ideas of tench mill uud purchased a good cloth as blains, Caros, aud all Skin Eruptions, i:'g tne little ones. tlie other, made from I'luli wool and by and positively cures Piles, or no pay reWith pleasure we feel in chronicling U I nh workmen. It coat him just $7.10. quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect Price the (iluciitioiin! situation and tool as lie Imd an American Fork tailor make satisfaction or u.oncy refunded, S5 cents box. FOR SALE BY though il l a duty we own to Hie good the suit up, w Ini charged $7.00, a total Steele & per Co's, Drug Mtore. ed-- i people ami those who woik for the fof fn.uo. lly patronizing our uculion of Hie little e! ildren, that they lonie minutncione uud home sheep Relief Society Coiiterence. inky becojie intelligent men and women men, and home tailor we get a suit t The quaiterly conference of the Relief How iiineli beetlir if the nmtlicis aud clothes $". cheaper than sending even Society of the Utah stake will lc held lather would but take the Him' uf gath- baek east anil supporting foreign sheep Oetoln-at Mpauish Fork on Mou-lavIII ering their children arour.d the hearth iiii-- aud manufactories. The closer you lM!)4,at 10 o'clock a. m. or lead to and them, atone of an e veiling buy at home Hie cheaper you will get Mu. Mahv Joux, I 're! dent. t Hcli t o them words from the Bible, to your goods, ami while doing so, you (.'Allot, B. Paul'. Secretary. i'iin iu singing tiymua and take turns in make your neighbor prosperous a Well leading nr relating good moral stories; as yourselt. Whether this saving is due wanted for Ilotuimi sales and finally, kneeling around the lamiiy tn a high or low tariff we cannot nssert, American Fork and vicinity. Liberal aitar ami returning tliauks to that bene but we do know that it ia duo to natron-i'.ingo- commission paid, and wc fmnj-i- , tlie fieient Being who ever watches over and owu communities aud help best and most complete outfit tv. r proMany of the evils i aiea lor them. biiildiug up our own hemes. Figure it vided by any home. Wiite at once for on the street, or lialdts con terms. Mend 3 or 3 rcfrcncc. up uud see if it isn't the fact. tractcV.ii youth, that requires a mighty WASAUA kt.lt A llllOWN, Campaign howler howl fur home warfare lo ovcrccmc in manhood, would manufacture. Pa. be unkuown. Infidelity, which is Wc may have filly faclmiis of diffastiy growing in the land, would then ferent character in this teiritory workirg bo kept in check . day a night, but if you do nut buy ' Inr.iH'.Jb'm, b.tu urge j an ids to then product they are tnt going to Ap:. . lutt-rail take n.ero interest in the education of thrive. II wt at they are not i n M u . led tl.cir cl.ilduu. visit the school ami a; home it injures their repu'atkn else hit-t.'. am them in their learning . Let people turn their atlenticu mur.. where. Wc have a t ot teacher, that wish to v to this and not allow themselves to get become ran.iliur with the parent of tlie mixed too unfair with calamity deep their school, nod will al- howlers, as you aic bouud to be if you hou'.J i (bildren ways in pleai-.- l to sec them occasion s. T follow up incus I ' Bum idly nml make the children ted that cd-- u ui t !i 'U is a wonderful thing, which it is, gO Ollt srnrcK : i n't1, r ten the teadur's tiu..i...,, Nu.e timis his opera , In aud Isliois are net stood, iliuIi, pb.r.t P.iir.-.Rather late, hut the Pan, ilda.) lack the i.ol n)- in Bf.U-ntill.'.iVi. That p.icr tin of the 1 'Jill i. at nml parent in Hip in tin' ri c its the on stvond sturUd ycirof just Muusey's Vi Cl '...I AMERICAN FORK ITEM. , knii furthering y'iuL-the great fleshing we ail have before u. of making k kU' Ccwi iu life. eiJucstiuu of tliu No More Back Ache. WOBBLES ige jawf-flT- $1-8- jf y , r lrrl ITEM THE AMERICAN r FORK CRAVELf CONSTIPATION. IN ' FLAM ATI ON or TrtC Trial Size New York Weekly Tribune Coiorado Weekly Sun, Hu: Silver all Pkoils will do well to look over tho advertisement! in The Item before purchasing. He Iilu'l lo U Thing, lint make the trip to Chicago on the Chicago, Union Pacific k Northwestern Line. Why! Time tho quickest, solid vest lbu led train, no change of coach at at the Missouri River. Through first and second class Sleepers ami Dining Cara. For full information call on or address J. M. Hayden Agent U. P. Myatim, a The Greatest CLampirii of a0 Many Men of Many Mind, but they til agree that the solid vestl he led trains ot the Chicago, Union Pacific & Northwestern Line diatauco all competitors with eaeo. No change or delay at the Miasonti River. For full information call or address, J. 1. Hayden Agent U. P. System. Tin Greatest Weekly Newapaper in America AND THE J BLADDER. DISEASES. 35c. For Sale by Druggist. ALL KIDNEY l-dit- . CcJ , Cause in the United States. lii-e- gcn-tia- llj AND THE ST. LOUIS 1 Globe-Democr- at, 1 All FOUiR FOB " , ug-.'n- t&ssiEnetn; Tblsmomy isroarsa-tee- d nsTeyuuioiuuTa. to cure you. mnWsia injectortroa G'ce vpw , - s,-- ii.--- - 1- - tic-tac- -- the incur km s er-pl- THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE a phenomenal circu- Is a Twenty-foPage Weekly, lation and covers the entire field deyoted to Science, Commerce west of t he Missouri river. and the Field and Farm. It is a It is a large eight-pag- e paper paper that may lie relied upon and contains all the news of tlie lor information concerning tlie Has Rfcnred ur world, Literary Features, Mining Whole World. News, Departments for the Home the Farmer and the Children. CASH most accompany all orders. Address AMERICAN Is complete iu everv resjavt fur u country office. We are prepared to exmite plain or fancy jolt work" to perfection, and ut prices Hint arc in conformity with tlie pressing times. Wc know rsonilobii.inetss vis hard tc get ready money, hut why should a without a printed letter hcuil. a printed statement, uu enveloie or bill head? Printed .stationery s of vital imitortanee to a firm 3.SOAL KILAKKSFOKSAIsE, Bail Bonds Summon. Complaints. PypecfVxon. Q.mercaw V. AMERICAN P-U23- ? uexxeslts Any,,j willing to work for the cause of i'.i.ivilio., in placing reliable infor-i- . lion iu the hands of your acquaintances? If you are, you should be identified with THE AMERICAN PROTECTIVE TARIFF LEAGUE, 135 w. 23D St., new York. uii IM nuifue out awl (end It to the League, )iir pusliton. snJ Rln s iielplug hand. We want many ir.ro, women, boys, aud ylil. 1. rurk for ua a few Imurs dally, right in and anain tliHrowii twine. Tlie badness is ray,plroMin and par better Inau ai.yotia drietly offi-re- l liave a dear Held and ao'iil.. special ability ui. u Xo rapitul juirrd. Ya equip rri rvlliiny tlui. you iicvrt. treat you wet unit you lo earn leu lime, ordinary trap Women do ns well men, and bojs and (in make yoo--l pay. Any one, anywlu-ri-- , ran do th. w.irk. All aucr-r- d who follow onr lln and sin, direction., pie darnrot work will hi rely brin. you a (treat deal of money. Ererythlsy I. urv aiul in great demand. Writs for our pampl-ifull Information, ho bam rimilur, and rm-irif you conclude nut to yo on with Hi. u Stinson George Sox 488, . UOOD ADVlCil. it! e., sb.-uj.;Vr ii effort dj'J ini'. a, ace t. i:.. :ea-- e circu!..lio:i of I'.ia borne .q-e- r wl.icb Every 150., FORK, UTAH- & Co., PORTLAND. MAINE. cheaiUT than anywhere Legal at bv. per Mail order promptly attended tn. in the Territory. 'THE JTEM cause ot bii.iue... Venires. Warrant of Arrest Warranty Diela. Subpoena. Ent ray Notices. . tViendLte 5to DOLLARS per DAY 20 Easily Made. FORK. JOB DEPARTMENT Justice a c Vie - THE ITEM, r i iic-b.- THE COLORADO WEEKLY SUN t Phila-ielpl.il- prom LHHigjltCATAHRH jH-n- t This Giias Couoh Cum Than ah othan fail. Ceucbo, Croup. XhiwotTvoanraMsTwhooBlpB Couch Asthma. For Consumption it Ml no rivals haa curod thousands, and will cum rovit 1 - p.itri-.dii-- t;,c r teadies tho American policy of Trotec-tiu.- i. It ia his duty to ail in (his respect in even- - wr.y possible. Ail, r the l:oi: ui-.paper is taken care r:t tub rcribo for the AMKkicw Ixoj.CMisr. , puijlishcd by t!,o American TaiifT League? One of its rrotec'-viu dents says : "No true A:, u rban c:.u Ico-:it il.e get along witin-u- t in greatest un-- tnu- -t pniitic. l the Uniicd jq.it- s." port ii i..r,l fjr free Wake, .nniplecopy. w.V!.!:vvY;.man, (icner.il Mmi-tory- . ij j West jd St., New York. . - - -r |