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Show dyjrtiso Your Wants In The Item Get Handsome A" Returns- PUBLISHED WEEKLY , Independent VOL 2 In - Politics Fair aiimpartiai to Alii 81.29 A YEAR IN ADVANCE. NO 0 AMERICAN' FORK, SATURDAY. ft)BEU 27, lfjiU Closing: of Mails. Steele the lit? lira and energetic puper. There njf friend, Fred 11. Smith, tl.e editor),,,' keen puhtrue, wiklied uyit (1 room, et,!U'rtxiiig where tliey trn beaut ies of tex, Misses Bell resort, preparatory to tM Wasin BIB'S la la for the winter. He There are ten professional rat satoksst Eureka hi moving d .00 k( tu. fn the IVilul 8iiites, and it goes witkottl W goes there to engage in helping place 12:00 a. n. DEALEHS IX sayinj; ti. it tlie "ifusiun has not yet the contemplated new mill up there. 4 .43 p. in, been inru'lcd by w msn. the third ot the In the afternoon day 4:15p.m DKl'tiS, TOILET AUTiCLES, An Intei-esti- ng Makes Man Hem Massed. wnr it an OOIWr; KttTII AND EAST. rusticated scribe arrived back to the CIGARS. ETC. Mre C.im-t- i 1 wonder why this now Hodou iDuiio Rubcrum, old auJ most besulifbl city of all, American 8:53 a. in. U called the ftiurpriaot11 8:45 . ro. Headquarter for Snf the writer. It war six Folk, where life ia a pleasure and enjoy- gown Mr Cunwo Pirl atw becauM it ia poo 3.10 p. in. ocId$' w xtety worked upon 111 ment in ahnnil-mresillu to find Ur pockoC. GUNS, LOADED SHELLS, Ofll CTAH LOtTK. THROUGH FERTILE FIELDS. tnim af the icill r nv-- t and wanted Politically speaking help Sal Vpoa. logo For Alpine : POWDER, SHOT. AND Id new ndolie iniuaf. with many hut discussion with both Hen Mondays. Wednesdays and fir. Bnndlurk (bt ilio lose of ths psa) HUNTERS SUPPLIES. -- Saturdays The Whul do you thiukof rue at a kail priley bul tliein giaid- - political parties aud obtaiucd many 8:30p. iu. Giant Ar,v,e, ideas aliout Hie coming election. While j:la or. Miss Minnie I Powder, Ease and Caps. Bair Farmer lleet C're 4ruln Sugar 3 KR himself wending j. in, I'une J Other Nultuu1 lul Irotlmsts. MUi Minah I think youd mako n office uoius. he has his own opinion, it may not lie Ilia fXlrUkivt Agent for swunmar. Tim general delivery, sjileiilid beet and grifltidg. About half or I he the opinion of tho people's feelings whom stamp ami reg. Mr. Haiiklurk A swimmer? Why ao? Dead Shot wiry window open at 8.00 a. m. and of Provo, The he mit. Republicans Mi Minnie You strike out so bsautt cloaca at 3:30 p. m. Iluving some leisure aud business as beets are ditid the fields are liued Powder- with people iping and preparing the Spnngville, Spanish Fork sod Provo tally, you know. Mew York Sun On Sun pay tbc and Com end get a Good SHOT UUX Cheap. well, an Item representative took a trip general delivery Winn SIIHilAwia aw no majority, and open from 8:00 a. m. through I ho entire county lost week and sweet vegitfii for shipment. There U. give the Democrats a. m . md from 4 :00 (ill 0 :U0 American tul 10 the notlli of 800 from with a said id dVy4er, more sugar cane been majority Utah Obtained much information that may lie Fork, THE BEEF CROP, p id. Tucothy UcCaetTi Pofrimiuter Will! ) the election. tlio will before they carry ralseilahhiKui Ilian to much interest of cvri our readers who arc fta interested in tui Cuutty as Tell a their Spanish PC and t present there are Democrats contldei.ll; assert that the fklss af the This TaanCaitlB Baa at will end roll of multi ths five A GllOd JlyMiiKMb county up own home. molurjiuU!k running iu'l o The Montana caAlo run will exoeed American Fork City, Utah. At a social Ruthi-rSii:a widow did not The trip begin oil tlw ailernoon ot giimltng thsue. Tliia i a product least 850. aud by the north holding its the run of last year by 80,000 head. engage in tripping Hie light fantastic The so they say, t in more profit nti!c than own, have an equal majority. Mayor -- Tbomae B. Parker. That la to say, there will move easttoe. A gentleman apiiroiielied her amj Wednesday. The Gist stop was made at of ward from ranges northwest of here 10 election the is writer's that CoudcUord James II. Clark. Rotort opinion a market cun le sugar asked: oW'oviiling flkasaxt grove. head instead of 84,000 head, which Imclcr, B. Y. Greenwood, Ileury had fur tlic yolatieea, which wlU uow Uliili county, according to the conservAre you going to dance this evenwaa tlw total urnnber last year. Millar, James W. Preston. our of on the east. seutimeut ative snd Pumpkin City independent at 73 ceute nllun . Thero is gum ing?" Recorder George P. Slicllcy. Twenty thousand head of cattle are . Not nntil after midnight" are Crop pros peel s very gm d all) Jut h now raised hut if the posted po.iticans after his trip, will be in worth fully 1600,000 on the range at- tlw Treasurer Thomas E. Steele. v not hefon Why w that no iersnn, hul prices are exlicmclylow, but through Collector Isaac Atol. retunnablM prices now prevailing. That . an dole crop neAliHiie nrxltw-yBBecnuM. ? is the anniversary Marshal Win. King. tlic energetic and rustling qualities of it Hunk, should niuku no such outrageous number ia about us many as Nelso Morwill itside maiket nn second of hux.,..;iuV. onmbi, death." Texas my Justice of the Peace Joseph J. Jackson. ris bought in Muutana last spring, and sKScrtinos. Thorne Bros, wholesale and retail met hart is laSrocuri'l. Siftings. atermsster John 31. Miller. when the market and other things went chants, with genial Mr. Sorensen as suptliu I of the rains Os icct Road Supervisor P. D. delaying Card. the lly against bis Judgment he sent up into the Cassity. UuckltMt Arnica Salvta Sexton-Cha- rles tDolIit Er new state, which is the abode of cattle Mid Figg, may 1 erintendent, and other stores, a market liceU.it it d that some farmer wd Whilikcr. The Dkst Salve in tbs world for Cuts, aud gold and silver and sheepand horse, dare to ofioh my heart and hand to the is found for nearly everything with the not idl t lie factory bul keep f list beet Poundkeepcr E, II. Bolcy. Bruises. Sure, Ulcere. Salt Rheum, Fever Council meets fourth Saturday in each fairest of her sex, the woee without a paid about 105.000 in e straight forward exception of green fruit, of winch thous- 10 fWkOt. de. month. $iu c. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Clill manner, and annulled most of hi rattle thorn? ands of bushels are lying on the ground Five mile; pf lirct and grain Reids Lisina, Corn, and all Skin Eruptions, Miss Laura Mr. fiophlelgh, you are contracts nt the rate of $3 to $7.50 per the fourth to propose to me in those decaying. A chat with several business were traviwgj lahire reselling that and intuitively cure Piles, nr no pay re- heed for tlie annulment. Call leinen are quired. It la guaranteed to give perterl ' men sod a minute's visit to Nursery- sparsely viilsgs of offhand in their methods, aud very snine words. QB. O. H. DOGGE, Trice generally satisfaction or money refunded. Chollw Ya-aAll of ouahfeilalisuse man D. M. Smiths place; and U their deal goes crosswise they onto the Physic impanel Surgeon, auouE. S3 cent per liox FOR HLE BY margins and settle the account, especially dotit'rtorknow. was lost in the southern distance Offict at Raiding, . American Fork that fawm of pvrr:p--vTlutyc are pisny poor people in Lak Steele &CVs, Drug Store. IndNucuolis Journ::l. In Montana, erkwa some high strung with the wind blowing lliiough his Shore, wbilaon the oilier hand there tenderfoot insists upon knowing the exOamlilinK Item. whiskers. are man farmer. One little Relief Society Conference. difference between a dry aow and a act Police First COURT LAKESIDE Captain I am going to Farmer on Provo Bench sre not so store and Ike postoflico, consists the lieifcr, in which case the court may Relief of tbs conference dry The quarterly put a stop to this gambling business in prosperous, but much land (No. 8128.) determine the moHosImprove, hasincss potlion of the village. of the Utah atalu will be held be called upon to my precinct. Society Second Police Captain A good idea meat is going on. The most ot them pitable Joe1, freer extended the poor at Spanish Fork on Monday, Octo her 88 mentous question. J. B. Roberts, The Montane cattle movement of 1888 Chief Ranger. Meetings held every It is a disgrace to the city, but I don1 have plenty to cat. scribe an ii vtiation to dine, and to reMuu (Jay evening at 1801, at 10 oclock a. m. havs been larger tint for the winwould can think it. you stop cruit up for fhe continuance of the jour8 .00 p. m. Visiting Presi of 1888-- 7, when tlw calf crap loose raovo. dent. J. L. Ddwkley, Mrs. ter Mary John, I bet a hundred, can. thousands of acres of There Brethern Invited. ire waa Pinanclal Secy1 ney. diminished, making tlw greatly B. Carol 1ratt, Secretary. a Texas go you, old man. of course, is the county seat and number of ripe steer In 1888 about equal . fine soil lierty hut it takes capital to till Ttorntons 11.11, American Fork. Utah. is heard from more often than other Ilothixo sales agent wauted fm to that of 1888. Dry weather early this it. For the Interest of the Power of WIIL towns. That city tonot an extensive AmFIlrsii wWi, w) vicinity . Ltberal year and low prices ia the eastern nuir-wo ll,e the Lake )skoro country BMpeetent Kepbow llorr U ny rich farm, p eawdasltr. ""I bew Vsi tlw ahipmant lower thus UtoWh DlfE W - A AiweoN, UR.gnrt sugar cnminissiona paid.'aqr-wWtt Mwh EctlefT' ffla sud ygua, ViA VljfOdlU) ad dents, Family Doctor heri and uiost complete' m)W rWwar'nr..- - around U . who I I'mr next assemble . pie ;Tbsstw netattei t oaea will keeps him alive. Write lioiwe- esuf ny vided mors by also have marketable, the bryf wmi. YSEXAAMW, Nephew (sadly) I'm nfrahl thats so. ineas. They 3 or 2 rrrcftunWB J betagTCMMstv DEPUTY SURVEYOR lie made his will in my favor twenty eo mills, asylum, B. Y. Academy and MBS Swnd Wamamamuu .die several other instutioni from which is which is slmillar to that of points. and yean ago, and I don't believe hellGood rhiladelpliia, Pa. are selling at 20 Three figures on the rang while that will is in existence. tif help the community. Eggs money gleaned PAKY PUBLlC.frMot Rhl MUO flail Ml rwr. -ament are not random guesswork, cents; lurern seed 7 cents per pound; Kiwa A visit was made to the factory, whose She (yearning for a compliment) 1 soino of tlw oensns statieffX.. Three are hultvr 81 cents snd everything else acSlav. Fllnk Honk on Donations. - Utah have always so wished to be beautiful bora of actual experiettce in Monlanu machinery is all in motion, and employ American Fork, . cordingly If de membnhs of tlis congregashtm about which makes my plainness ao much and Dakota among ths cattle mmi, and 133 liandi. The tuctory has sevwho are so liberal in donatin buttons baxtaqcix harder to bear. of attuntiun to tho subject for wveral outside advance in from order eral would parto de basket, denh breddern, He (consolingly) Why, now, I nevei years past, during which mspecinl effort SHIPLEY do program a little by ties. Alro a visit was mads to the was the next village that entertained change only mado to koep track of the losses Uiought you ao homely as some, don' hasT TON&ORlAL ARTIST droppin in a needle an thread once in This town lias you know? West Shore. apple orchard of Mrs. Surah the rambling scrile. and gain in tlw number of northweston dose sewin ob I de fo in awhile Style. purpose Hair Cutting any Scott of the second ward, where a force been viv dry the put season, and only ern range cattle. Tho credit Of bitting EoslUh aa Mi Is Bpoka -- Guaranteeil. buttons de pastor would feel deeply ot catisfaction- were busily engaged extracting about s liandi close to the mark is due not to one alone, been a has of N. w ernp First cornea Forelgnere-IIofor dcre thoughtfulness. it, Herr grateful the fruit from the treca. . It was a beau- raistd. Very few lieel are raised here. Kaltflciach, that I you never with m; but also to other well posted men whore E2TPlors on Merchant Street.3 Y.nai-tld- . . ... rub opinions have bearing npmi thu outlook. American Fork. tiful sight to observe nearly a thousand Ccraels are tlw principal product, while once ao great friend Baamstein ice? About $1,000,000 should to realixud at Second Veil with it Foreigner in goes bushels of fine choice apples Hows This. heaps some cane at.d potatoes are produced. prices from 104,000 ratlin. That present how vox me with yon nrncehe . mj The choicest The farmers are not quite so prosperous bosom A. CHRISTENSEN.. We offer One Huudred Dollar Re- through the friend, and now he don't. Ligt number of head requires 3,300 cays, or ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot winter apples are sold at 70 cents per about 330 medium siio-- trains, for its elsewhere hut most nt the people Two Sorts of Costooura. ,, be cured by Hall.sCatarrhCure. movement. Every cattle carrying rail-robushel, and second class at 23 cents. have plesnty to eat. Not much time Bootblack Shine, sir? F.J. Citksxt & Co. Props., Toledo, O Before eager for tlw tr.iJc has clicLriflcd wu spent here. It being quite Iste in Clerk (patron (singly) We the undersigned have known F.J. moving on a pleasant brotlu-rlits driven" aud tracks, and is sending t, sonny. Heres a quarter tar you. forward the pulucu cnttlc stublca on Cheney far the last 13 Tears, and believe chat was indulged in with editor Clove the afternoon, ood th?s being the southBootblack (a little later) Shine, sir? wheels Hlmost with the awiFtm-e- of a him perfectly honorable in all business nt the inquirer, at his oflice ern (own of the county, the scribe turned Oflice at Bromley House. Millionaire (suspiciously) -- a.noyi restibulcd limited." The roaxon began Utah transaction and financially able to carry Axkmcax Fork. Next morning n view by the scribe of homeward, and in about seven milea much? Good Newt. out any obligation made by their Arm. 13, and it will last until about Nov. July -under steed M his drove tlio driving, royal LiaWest & Truax, wholesale druggists, the fasti) settling up of country between jo 18. St. Paul Global A ilntu-; I'rlito. electric light poles of the Queen City," Toledo, O, Provo and the Modest City, 8mall Boy I wantor tolre wm. Hall, Catarrh Cure is take internalTaking l Uia laucntgea. Dentist It is not usual administer PATSOX. trUIXOVILLE, ly action directly upon the blood and Harvard of.be y for milk Chappie (to another one) wont a It gas my tooth, of surfaces boy. Price (he system. Utah mucous Chaw-ley- ? where tbeuiiTis'joid in song with the What uiakea you ao glum Now tbia ia a beautiful litllo town, hurt but an instant. Provo Iwt. 73c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. You've goiter gimme gas, or I wont cricket on Ills hearth- - " A peep was aud holda its reputation of lieirg a proTestimonials free have it pullro." Charley I think my guvnor intends made into the Independent oflice, and an gressive burg. Sheep and cattle and You shouldn't be ao afraid of being to have me toko up foreign languages. WESTPHAL, Edwas the greeting of extended 0. F. soma fruit, beets, etc. are its chief supII. C, How so? Clmrcli Serviccg. hurt Now ait right up here, like a lititor Johnson, ami a pretty smile from porters. While of course there is s can- tle man." Well, he remarked tbia Charley Pbevtteriax. 10:30 a. m. SabliatL bis lady typo. ome information was bein' hurt. Taint morning that ha wan tired of so much a Tain'tfraidof and several other ning tuctory, tannery k School. rienaaut drove obtained aa to the prosperity of the small industries. After a Tea minutes that I'm afraid I cant help givin a It's English you know," and asked mo to see him at Ills oliioc. llo threatened 11:30 a. m., Prayer Conference; 4 Modeat oraaeh when it come out" City," and it was found that of journalistic chat with Editor Jackson to talk to me lilco a Dutch undo." . Society; matter." 0:43 won't "That m., Junior C. p. she waa fairly on the road to recoycry nf that K D I10BBS the scribe was ho said that I rook French Then Globe, too. All wot Ye enterprising Ive th it will, boy Senior C.E. Society; 7:30 p. from the recent p. m., panic, and her farmers Inst in tlw distance, going down, down, ever licked is wailin under th winder leave" too often, and aside; 1 i'mt to i Reqister U . 5. Laud Office, m,. Preaclr.ng. to bare ino walk Spiinibli" hereare fastly shipping their produce to nut down, into the littlo t hear mo holler." Good Kowa. valley which con& MlNIBG ATTOFBEY Wedhesuat. 7:30 p. m., Prayer aide after. It's all Greek" to me. Boston 4 iuihih LAawMtvi in This is third markets. the tains city Utah Lake City, What would you do if you were i Herald. Meeting, the county in the p reduction ot sugar man, Ethel?'' asked Mr. He Sappy. Pelrtib i Bible study. Fbiday. beets. The beets from here are all I'd work as linnl hh I knew howfoi Report- - are J . A. Livixostox Svira, Here ie to town another similiar many the good of my country. What wouk of Ainerlcmi r rail to the factory. Some Pastor shipped by also raised here, and otlicra, but sithoot a single suoiicrter ex- yoa do if you were a man, Mr. De Sap tlw experiment i.i aie good spuds Utah Latteu I)at Saixts Sunday School at fuel cm the Oryu cept farming. But we are happy to pjF' J ury. SalLake City, 10 a. m. in the Meeting House. Mee- are of extraordinary quality kbd size. state that the people in that Republican proved ancce'. Tlw Dead Word. ting at 8 and 7 :30 o'clock p. m. A crack of tbs whip, a jerk, a switch made at un aitil.'i la '. town are lully up to the standard. They Mr. Will, Mrs. Brannlgan Mulcahy off toward of the tail aud the scirbe Ban, Tmnpt, Pesttts Unllrond Xutos. have a beautiful district school building bow are yes? Phata the good ivorrk the sci with the 1"- ' Care for Ilewrieacw Am the south. Not long after he found himSoger works r.f conW. N. of Batavia, Halley Y., saamai of MeeSeae. with several department and Principal this mnruin? iu nut er (MwfMA Ormttmetmtrhtm, ductor on X. Y. C. Railway, and one self in the "Cerael City" of cane roofed Mrs. 11 rannigan Hinnys bin :at oo; oil used Richard Nuttall in oiL Ju:: studresiduum ttlfDlltnut, of tile beet known men on tliu road The -charge. tar free mout'. Muuscy'e Vveckly. says eonbiimption u :is : ents of tlw acliool are quite fatigued si AXiin I'onK, of Park's Tea : For ten years I have .1 luiiit ul lXlqaatU. Jam. Prise ft.OA I suffered fiam while with coal it m with Mr. Nuttall aa their leader in edconstipation. Tried every- a town where both good anil hod Well. Missus Grogan, an bow ilr la reiiorted i sS.,Wwlf retire thing aini found nothing of Inkling vnluc people reside. Spauish Fork has : ucation. .1 IVnniRiiiy lias, d Ml. yes get on wid ycr foino rndgliVira?' with titeli Bjr, AOimt Hearing so many talking of Park's Ten, This finished about ail the towns or and exteusive farms, but tl.c Oil, viry well. They haven't called all uf their locum..: . . LhJaaat Cf., I tried it without much hope. The first y.:,.-- ! do woitin' he uni importance on the south and the scribe un nn- ylt. I suppose tlie.v in grcrrnl sre not sn diisa moved my bowel? ihmIt ami now 1 eeteimaeAM. lint liow ninny years? asked tho MO. T. LOUIS. for me to make the first visit.'' Llfn- - - northern gentlvmun ia tho am cured. It works like magic. SulJ Vineyacontinued Vluh as on of some our county in hurgst-, ef homeward, enterprising taking gjk.'Uue. by Roberts Bros. . j . rd-just AirvrliHg Mature F.vuu. towns, home of Ilia beet men arc in cast of Geneva. Tliia re a Mon-ter.- u fome ns you, bois,;only two tan." returned traveler) 'Jfevttor the (a wine tint a tliu to Let great vgmous rojr Texas Mflin.-A- . An I coinmuuily, and uuiiul;rble 0i u' "u is a (Tft place for bwl liquor, ot the beverage i u-.N.-each year, nvvinr nnr:;o) Mitnir conipuny is c m. tern, laling n it (p- - l ily L it? w MuRMch.' liJX N Aa I'uaroMabla lipjiy ll:!t'..t r ilnn't ynn thiuh, eh? their beets, wliilo r.tliere have oi the Aniibcl'n giape. A iei p ineven tlio mountains Trotter-Y- es; I went into tho antique furI LuimM fllF MlilllUlrML .'-s lb.r-- e UxjKrt ratlicr hybrid, been ordccil to leave tho liccta in the to the bark rnoui .f Mrs Ann (.able, are llocky. West Shore. niture dealer's y to get thnt sevenlliut's a fact. N. Y. teenth century ch;;ir vin uduiircd so ir tuininMil the ground. This duo to tlw late rains found her ami tv.-llu'l Klopl Mow. V. !:v h. .M it. much, lint lie hu l setting the raeenrine bsck anil prolong June, which the eililur si in They wiy that Upsmt IhnvneV Uilor Mrs. Hiiino !uiv 1. ..'f imat?! Ito! tirv ar for him notidug." euurse noth torn 'a Of lieel dressing tlw has pied. After which lm took spin Io k a ratmir iv maliirily. ing Ve. it would beat I Hing H.iihl ud. prwer Wirt hi T5 1 1 the supoose?" For Imteed! an ing must do hut visit the Inm an id h Genera, when- ho met JIbikij.it (!. II toast a M wk lie omihl turn out .! I:i't Mipply Ii : hi ; '.I 4 ili collect a cent i.v Leeainc to l.ik-- . another like It. Muuscy's Weekly. is pii.ii!-.- '' y.Tit. wiiivfR practical knowledge and information, Kcbaper, who wna busy sr.aiigiug hVrm. GUIMJ WORTH . & So, Utah County. Trip. contents ot hi 'faUli . l,c.L'ka8 Hazards and of cmr QFFTg'P.fl - to-il.- sr s. ; . l. A. O. F. 1 Ill Ill . Sift-Ing- W ft' yi 0. 8. . lihi' XO W . ' well-know- n two-tliffd- nR, U u d dentist. Ten-a-We- s W. EIKWAHB ati r tj At Law. to-da-y, fff Qli, DENTIST. 1 pro-pow- ' BYuox gkoo a sale. 0 uiu ltEalsm vu J. . iin c g :n-.-- r -r orii-cipall- y de . hii ' " Delay-Bing- o -Y-- to-dn- 1 oftuii' I ' - . I |