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Show I ) Make it a w!n-wi- n situation by Scott Allen Dixie Sun Guest Writer No matter how much we avoid it, there will alw'ays be one undeniable truth in this world I am extraoidi narily attractive to women Wait, Im sorry, I w'as day dreaming at the keyboard again I meant to say that we will alw'ays be forced to find some type of gainful employment to survive What w'e occupation choose has a direct impact on how others perceive us For example, friends, Sebastian A Defense of the Writing Center a writing assignment or by Susan Ertel Asst Prof Developmental Studies Department A writing center is not a tutor ing center That may come as to many on campus -students, staff, and faculty a shock alike The main function of a wi iting center involves peers helping students with their wilting -not rewi iting it for them, not editing oi pioofreading, but helping students understand how wilting woiks, how wi it mg is a pi ocess, how readers eact to wi iting, how using the almost right word does not mean the right woi d has been used, how strategies used for this assignment can woi k for any wilting assignment the student may face in college and beyond What a good wi it ing center accomplishes is more involved than simply tutoi mg a student to be leady for the next test Leigh Rvan, author of The Bedfoid Guide lor Wilting Tutoi s suggests 'If I could tell you one thing about tutoi ing its that your i cal task is to make changes in the wax students go about w i it i mg It is nnpoi tant foi a wilting centei to be supei vised by the Composition Depai tment or English Depai tment foi sex'er al casons Fust of all, most insti uctoi s on campus l equire two for their courses, but writing instruction largely takes place m the composition courses, specifically English 1010 and 2010, with many students tak mg 20 it as well Because writ mg mstruction takes place in the composition depai tment, it would follow that the composition depai tment should be supervising the writing center in its mission to improve writ mg on campus Secondly, the instructors m the composition are dmectly depai tment responsible for the training and supervision of the writing center staff English 2790 teaches best practices in writ ing center protocol, proce dui es and professionalism It is mandatory for the writmg center staff They aie super vised during this pi acticum class for an entire semester Thirdly, helping someone with wilting takes on a different dimension than, helping someone with math homewoik Wilting is often peisonal, a student may wiite about a vei y emotional or embai i ass ing situation in hei life Awnt ing centci prei will know how to help that student with her wilting without becoming lnxolved in the pet sonal stoi y English instructois do this all the time Their piofcssional advice and counsel are mvalu able with helping the wilting center peers deal with controversial or emotionally charged topics yet maintain the ability to deal objectively with the writmg began my life of helping others write better in a writ ing center I worked at the of Central University Arkansas Writing Center my junior and senior years m college When I began teaching junior high and high school students in a gifted and talented seminar class, I relied on those strategies learned as a writing center tutor to help my students organize and present their projects for our class What I learned in the Writing Center was invaluable to me even as I taught high school Spanish At Dixie, I was the director of the writing center for a time It was a privilege to help tutors like Stephen Vincent, now at BYU and xvi iting professionally, and Heather Palmer, now at the I U, who has helped edit books They began pi ofessionally their cateeis helping othei in s wilting by leai n to wi lie well The Wi iting Centei is a gieat addition to oui campus foi it to be most effective it should lciuain under the manage ment and supervision of the Composition Depai tment live with two and Kyle Kyle has a job in a deli, I respectable where he cuts the cheese and meat Everybody needs cheese and meat, so its a good job Sebastian does not have an actual job He sells reptiles and spiders to pet stores in Las Vegas Exterminators make a very good living killing these animals and Sebastian actually con vinces people that they need the creatures There should be laws against it, but what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas I work in the hospital as a respiratory therapist If there were no respiratory therapists, there would be a devastating shortage of Kleenexes and as a result the world economy w'ould collapse It is a good job On the list of respectable occupations, reptile dealer ranks higher than drug dealer, but low'er than hip hop artist 9 As low as those professions are on the food chain there is one that ranks so low' it makes children ci and grown men, well, cry The last thing you expect in a grocery store is to be attacked by people selling imitation designer cologne Regrettably, there are far too many young people being sucked into a scam in which they enter a con test to see who can sell the most cologne and perfume Im sure youve seen them in stores, malls, and reli gious events Theyre every where y From the number of these kids going around, you would think we reek, how ever, Americans smell rathef pleasant The per fume pushers should go to Franck (National Motto Rebel Against Everything American, Even Show'ers) It would be a win win situa tion USU RECRUITERS UTAH STATE UNIVERSITY RECRUITERS WILL BE ON DIXIE STATE CAMPUS FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2004 IN FRONT OF THE LIBRARY FROM 9 AM TILL 1 PM |