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Show 7 THE SUN WEDNESDAY, c 20. 2002 FEBRUARY With liberty and justice for all Crystal Baker Opinion Editor When the National Anthem is sung, most people automatically put their hand over their heart. Apparently Kelly Clark, who won the gold metal for snowboarding half pipe, didn't think so. During the awards ceremony, when the National Anthem was sung, she did not put her hand over her heart. Many people took offense at this, in which It is said they think Clark was disrespectful. that putting your hand over your heart is to So while we say the pledge something. Pledge of Allegience, it is required to put your hand over your heart. Over the years it has become customary to show that same respect during the National Anthem, but apparently it is not required. I think that out of respect, people would cover their heart if it was required or not, during such a patriotic song. Jamie Turner feels that "when people don't put their hand over their heart during the National Anthem, they are being disrespectful. If they can't even put their hand over their heart for the people that die, who fought for this blessed country for us to live in, they are not thankful for their freedom." I don't understand why she didn't feel like a big football game or an assembly at a school, and the National Anthem is sung, almost everyone has the respect to stand up and cover their heart. It's just something we have all been taught to do. Patriotism should be so important to all of us in this country, and we should all show our respect. I find it difficult to understand why Clark didn't cover her heart, especially when she knew how many people were watching her. Did she do it out of pride, or did she think it wasn't counted as being disrespectful? The the importance of showing respect by a simple gesture. Whenever there is a big event, w'hole situation disgusts me, just like it disgusts many others. Just the simple gesture of covering our hearts to show such respect melts peoples hearts. It show's how much we care and how important our freedom is to us. I think there are too many U.S. citizens who don't have the gratitude for the men w ho fought for our country. So many gave up their lives for our freedom, and here w;e are alive and well while they are dead, and their families have suffered through pain and affliction. War is not pretty, but being granted our freedom has been such a blessing in all of our lives. We needed those men to fight for all of us, and they did it freely. They gave up everything for this country. They gave their lives. Someone who is so inconsiderate as to not even cover their heart during the National Anthem should replay the moment of war and fight themselves. Only the people who actually fought in war can truly understand what it was like. But for those of us who didn't, we can realize how blessed we are and how selfless those men were. Patriotism is a big thing, not something we overlook. Next time the National Anthem is sung, everyone should cover their heart out of respect. It shouldn't matter if we are pledging something or not. Respect it. is TT-- Opinions on Wall Street Journal never let my schooling interfere with my education. I have j Mark Twain You dont have to either. Education can be Flexible and Transferrable. With University of Utah Distance Education Independent Study take courses you have flexibility. Sign up for courses anytime and months to complete your course. 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