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Show THURSDAY, MARCH 8, 2001 News THE SUN The transfer process from a students view By Rachael Hughes A & E Editor hughesfamlansrc .com This week as a part of our student senes we are going to examine the transfer studen- t- representing a large portion of Dixies student body. Whether youre choosing the place you transfer to for a certain academic program or for financial or economic reasons, the process of applying and decision making is the same. Representing our transfer student is Tyler Dabo. Maybe he doesnt represent the average transfer student, being one of the stars of Dixie State Colleges baseball team, but the process he has had to go through is the same as everyone else. I caught Tyler cleaning up after a pottery session in the ceramic studio. He was very matter-of-fawhen explaining the uncertainty of his future and the decisions he has been facing. Tyler was recruited from California to play baseball for the Rebels for which he is now completing his second successful year. In deciding which university to attend after Dixie, the major factor for Tyler is where he can play ball, with academics coming in a close second. With that in mind, Tylers options are far more varied considering the direction he could possibly go. His three major options are Brigham Young University, Long Beach State, and San Diego State University, all of which are recruiting him for their baseball teams. The longer shot, but Tylers favorite choice, is Stanford, which offers one of the best baseball teams in the country as well as one of the best reputed academically. Unlike the normal process of filling out applications and scholarship forms, all Tyler has to do is play ball excellently. Sounds pretty simple, but for Tyler the pressure is on; each game represents an audition or tryout in the minds of recruiters. Because the season is still in progress, Tyler won't be sure where he is going until he gets solid offers from colleges, after which he will take the best one. Tylers career plan, besides playing ball in college and possibly professionally, includes marketing and business or possibly medical school, all of which interest him right now. When asked what advice he could give to other transfer students going through this process, he advised to start preparing now, my roommate has been preparing to transfer since the beginning of the year. He said to start talking to colleges now and researching where you want to go. The deadlines for many college applications across the country are rapidly approaching, so the time to act is now. Stay on top of requirements concerning transcripts, letters of recommendation, or interviews. Find out what is needed and find a course of action. Once you find your direction-sti- ck to it. to transfer to, a student should consult with Jonathon Morrell, in Student Services. Morrell can inform students of what classes will transfer, minimum requirements, etc. Morrell's office is in the Brownmg Building, adjacent to the Tutormg Center. Eds note: When considering what school Have a safe and responsible pram Represent yourself and your school well: Obey all laws Drive safely Dont let friends drive drunk Say no to drugs |