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Show September 22, 1961 THE DIXIE SUN Page 4 Attendance Policy Policy on Excused Absences: Duplicating In the case of high school stuIn order that materials needed dents, the attendance officer will in some quantities by the staff or assist the instructors by determinabstudents at Dixie College might ing the validity of excused be prepared in a satisfactory man- sences. In all college classes this rests with the inner, a variety of duplicating mach- responsibility structor. ines have been provided. Sometimes students find it deof in to miss classes in order to work sirable Routine I. quantities d less than 100 can be run off on participate in some other cases In these one of four spirit-typ- e duplicators activity. which are strategically placed on the responsibility is three-folthe campus. Instructors must be 1. The student shall be responsure that they or their student sible for obtaining a signed to use these the attendance officer will notify the parents in writing, notif ing the need for a meeting a'' third such absence occurs. Should the student incur three such absences, the commit' ee and parent will meet with the student. Failure of the student to appear at this meeting will result in his or her dismissal from classes. school-sponsore- d: assistants know how machines. excuse request form (Form from the faculty sponsor of the event, and for presenting it to each of his instructors at least two days before the class is missed. Unless this is done, the absence shall not be marked unexcused. C-- II. Work involving any other duplicating machines will be done in the duplicating bureau according to the following procedure: 1. Masters may be prepared by If they the department involved. are confidential (such as tests) they should be so marked. The departments or student organizations involved will be charged for the time spent. 2. All duplicating in the duplicating room will be done by the Treasurers secretary, or with her express consent, by another experienced person. When someone else is approved it will be his responsibility to clean up the machine used when finished. If the Treasurers secretary does the work, the department or organization will also be charged for her time. 3. When work is done by the Treasurers secretary she will supply all materials and charge the department accordingly. When the work is done by instructors or their assistants, they should procure paper, stencils, etc., from the ' class instructor shall be responsible for providing opportunity for the student make up the work that he she will miss. 2. Each At this meeting the parents and the student will be appraised of the attendance law for students over 16 years of age and their responsibility for preventing further infractions. Should this not solve the problem in question, the committee will consider the advisability of recommending expulsion in accordance with the provisions of the State Law. be Daily Reporting of Absences: an to Each instructor or make an accurate .: is expected to check of class enrollment and attendance at each It is expected that at the 3. The faculty sponsor in charge meeting. of each semester or quarbeginning of the event, shall prepare a ter the students will be appraised, list of the students who wil! be absent and shall place a in of the inpreferably writing, copy of this list in each in- structors policy on attendance and structors box at least two tardiness. College students should be informed as to what constitutes days prior to the event. an excused absence and how the asStudents participating in an instructor will determine' this. sembly or some other event that be A mimeographed report form, requires prior preparation, may excused from classes during the (Form shall be filled in at the time of the event and for the max- close of each day. The name of imum of one hour preceding it. each absent student shall be reSponsors shall do their best to corded in the blank provided. If schedule these events during the the student has been excused, it last period of the morning or the should be so rated. last period of the afternoon. Any exception to this shall be cleared by special arrangement with the HOURLY BUS SCHEDULE president. 4. groups who use Procedure on High School the machines will pay all costs Absences: and a rental on the machines. 1. Students who are absent from one or more classes must obtain an admit slip from the attendance officer before they can classes. Each instructor must initial this slip in the hour in which his class is taught. 3rd Class Period We that bulletin a. If a satisfactory written ex- 10:10 recognize 10:10 cuse is presented from parents boards, when handled properly, can be a valuable means of getting inor guardian, the attendance formation before school personnel. officer will so indicate and Several bulletin boards have been will check the reason for the absence. placed around campus for student use. Announcements will be most b. If the reason for the excuse is effective if they are placed on as questionable, a check in the blank marked Conditional Exmany boards as possible and not left too long. In any event it shall cuse will be made. Each inbe the responsibility of each perstructor must judge the validson who posts any material to deity of such and indicate his termine in advance how long the decision in the blank below announcement shall be displayed his initial. c. If there is no written excuse, and to write this date in the upper or if a class has been cut, the left hand corner. It should be removed as soon after that date as admit will be marked unexcused. possible. Announcements and pos2. A maximum of two days will ters not bearing a removal date The allowed to remove unexcused may be removed at once. absences from the rolls when facultys cooperation in removing excuses are forgotten. Frauduobsolete material is requested. If lent excuses will require a a student wishes to post an announcement in any location other meeting with parents and the Attendance and Scholarship than on a bulletin board, he must Committee forthwith. have the permission of the 3. After two unexcused absences Book-Stor- e. Non-scho- ol Bulletin Board Policy C-- l) Policy on Using School Building All groups who wish to use Dixie College buildings, rooms, or equip- ment for activities other than those regularly scheduled will make application for such use on a special form available at the desk of the Presidents secretary. If the room, department, or piece of equipment, is under the supervision of a division or department ead, his signature must be obtained. The signature of the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds must always be obtained, and should there be a conflict with other school activities, the signature of the chairman of the scheduling committee is necessary. Groups not directly affilited with Dixie College will be required to pay a fee according to an established schedule on file with the Presidents secretary. Once permission has been obtained, the fee assessed, the individual or group making the request must pay the fee to the treasurer, or make arrangements to do so prior to the time of use. In any event his signature must be affixed before the request form is complete. It can then be used as an admit form which will authorize the custodian in charge to make available such facilities as have been requested. If a student, or group of students, finds it necessary to use any school facilities after 11 p. m., it will be his or their responsibility to arrange for a faculty sponsor to be in attendance. Unless this is done, it shall be the responsibility of the custodian to evict him or them from the building. An exception to this rule can be made only with the written consent of the faculty sponsor of" the event, the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, and the President. Members of the custodial staff will be responsible for the closing and locking of all buildings at 11 If student p. m., at the latest. groups remain after that time, their faculty sponsor shall be responsible for closing the windows, turning off equipment, closing the doors, and double checking all outside exits. Class Withdrawal Policy Announced College students who withdraw prior to the end of the sixth week of each academic quarter at Dixie College shall be given an incomplete failing grade for each of their classes as their instructors shall individually determine. After the expiration of the sixth week, however, all students who withdraw will be given a failing grade unless petition is made to the Attendance and Scholarship Committee for special consideration. This shall be given for withdrawals made necessary by calls to the military service, to serve missions, for illness sufficient to prohibit attendance, and for other circumstances which the committee shall deem sufficient. |