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Show c:.;: it. That includes Che: is 'ool-3:- y, who's bach after cho ci u Dixie in mcls ; re nee to the "U", Tony Cntruzzula and Dawn, Jean line HaY. rris, Horlene DeSwm, Cleo nlliv n, Val- -i wVT : froa the 3. Sheila Carter from the at the conventions in Salt Lake :ui Shorlone Snow and Gai' Greff from the bin aau.e and a sheminn swroo in Provo. ea ifnfen and cono-rt- s Cow-to- beauties (Lyall, Patie, Blondie wn and Joyce) donna Yardley and Clara lus Lillians. this year, And as always, there the numerous males who spend as nuch tine at the dona os the airls do. Taking over in Verm n Short's place are Victor Frei and Gardner Snow, . are Frew special bulletin we learn that Hr. Eruhn' s king snake shed its skin, that Dixies '44-'4- 3 student body presi- isbensen, shares honors U.s centennial and that the "Y" at the Hurricane junction is still the host popular night dent, Homer. Cha as song, of B. Y. spot in the county. 0)0 Hlicf "c or 1 :o- r lidiny around tow., so f M ttODQj r." t 1 " 1 - r- a-- d x i r (KNOW cir'G a pco C you're receive 12, another 13, and the The way the old last 13 of the Indian accomplished this was to first borrow a pony. (Indians did not horror; would naT:' s boys usually eilsor also has - koai. .ij.e e:. '.ooc or of y j. Jr . : S: i.1hr:.. reasonable not an- - wir- - said that Alin 'd Syrenus to you fin.ally hit town. (Bob afraid hed never .cisco. briars rkecl in boasts a i. af , blankets, if has Jc;,.r;ono .or:. e is usually which lens. i a car h o. Liar jean Baldwin o siv'-ol- Stott. Puss ol Go-- work, Boo. it after us down to Lent on s me sciiooi crovid s r t, Phar-yyc:- r, air piece J:1!- ls not a paid advert!- - .a r.L) . ocial requires at to fill the - Ab--r or Lt.y dr ue, along wit? Paol-oJo- gy and but always took and gave outright), Thm he proceeded to divide the 24 ponies into groups of 12, 8 and 3, returning' the nony he had borrowed. The catch is that 12, 13 and 18 add up to only 2324. you bought a frying pan and lid and the two together cost 1.20, the pan was worth vl more than the lid, what did you pay for each? Basy? Sure. If N M OHBGA. DELTA TO HBBB ITT IT THURSDAY The Omega Delta will hold a meeting, Thursday, Oct. 24. Jeannine Harris and HeVon Brown will act as hostess and host. of a book The program will consist modern review of a play, by Charlene Several musical numbers will be Snow. given, and light refreshments will be served. |