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Show Fgc r our Initiations Order of the Initiations seem to T"eek be the order of the reek. The Delta Fhib.lphans stole the march other organizations and started their on 'oating Wednesday After almost six reeks of school, the decided to "?:bl corad finally the freshmen. leautiful sophomores j f (?) costumes and vcilling (?) service have been evident yesterday and today, v;ith the freshman assembly the horseplay. up IE LURCHECN3 (D) r. Larson attended i a meeting of the President state. lr. Hafen Deports Cn Legion Convention (D) fro Heston, Provo. is. ermer student, is .attending the ":ho a la mine 0. at B. Y. ' Dixie" Che . reports that this that J. I met C. be C..reful consideration discussion given to the national and inter- national problems mhich confront us to- and sent to her. (D) attended. overall atmosphere mas one of ut'one of the ioqularism sobriety. usually attends these conventions nresent at. this one. at Dixie" Uaxine expresses her v;ish con- that ' the D. ' .(D) Clara '?illiar.is .has been an cinteo secretary of the . . The vms is in receipt of n also says, "It doesn't seem so entirely .strange with so .any kids' here Hafen, back from the American he ever a From B. Y. U. ;he vants to know how "good. Cl (D) vention ras the finest 3n-lette- .. 128 "rites Maxine Heatoh cur mas PARTES inono centennial committee the day before the teachers convention. During the meeting plans v;ere discussed for pageants and plays denoting the earl''1 pioneers of most CLUBS i I 1'r. Larsen Attends Centennial meeting Legion convention, t f this afternoon rinding (D) Hr. Lee I CATER TO C. . . j j . very few veterans of the second Trorld '"or vere nresent. ho t of delegates in' tter.cor.ee 'ere state Phone 278 -- br Surprisingly, nationyice political figures, v:ho j I 7ESTDRN JEUELRY are I greatly concerned about our economic and political condition. (D) (D) C. IR Soe.gmillcr IADR-T0-0RD- RR LEATHER GOODS Cpunish Club Holds Interesting Meeting The first Cpunish club meeting ot a lace start cue to the Guardsmen program STORE -- C UTT RIG held the same night, but- after things ot rolling there mas fun. for all. Tver'lhir.p v.as in Spanish. The i personations of the Three Bears in a skit The p ana bear vn g.fv.e fall a ood lau h. ORIiySTTTAL and BUILD ETG STORE nlayed. by Kenneth Keate, and mamma bear Lorna Kemp. Frank Value e 2 -- as the baby bean, and. Joyce Hilne slaved Ooldi- . locks ir.c. :nrs like Cielito Undo and lexica li Rose v.evo ung-i.Cnar.ish, Kent meeting will have more besides. 1 Dancing is frsshr.ents mined rl for all, and there y.dl be re- - j i 22 East 1G0 Eorth L.-- e ove , Tier. |