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Show Pago' Tvjo ' SCHOOL PLAY STIDES GEOLOGY 1TgHT COLD OH TRIP . (Continued from page 1) Reardon, Gai Graff; liogina.' A Rehrdon, Rodney Roper; Uarry Reardon, Marion Mrs, Bentley; Essie, Eldene Hally' takon by 25. students of tho trip geology class October 4 was rather a freeze-ou- t, from all that can be gath- Kenneth Keate; Sherwin Parker, Horthen; Todd Galloway, Kay Heaton; the trip short, but nearly all the najor geological formations in southern Utah were observed. James Parker, J. D. Parker, Crofts; Karjna Mr. James Lily Reardon,. Reba Hoodbury. Several rehearsals have been held, and the east is having a lot of fun at practices. started The it Stage manager Dilts making new scenery for the play. school play has always beon a m Uorkman has ly-ceu- to look forward to, but this year promises to be better than ever. hiH. S. DEBATE Fawcett has been chosen debate of the lower division American Problems and Debate class. The subject for debate will be concerned with the establishment of socialized medicine by the Federal. Government. manager ... hi . . . Knar a historic Aurora, Illinois when ho got. an air mail letter which was carried on the first helicopter mail trip from Aurora to Chicago. The trip inaugurated a shuttle service. to speed mail delivery, and will be adopted eventually by other towns. A BAREEIL AMD Hurri- The fault cane was the oldest formation served, and the newest was the . D D MISS DIXIE KD MRS . HAULER SUCH MR. ob- fifty-fiv- e at Spencer's sediment million-year-o- ld Ranch in Long Valley. D CLARK KAESU ASM FOR and Mrs. D.J.C. Halter Snow have written requesting that the D. J. C. be sent to their new address in Los Anigeles. '.halter is taking a dental course at the U. S. C. write: are receiving tho They "He each week and school paocr certainly enjoy every word He both have that empty snot our hearts where Dixie belongs in deep wo were back there enjoying the and wish in it.- JELPS Id JOE HISTORY feels he had a wart in a event in his homo town of Robert cut snow and bad weather of Plenty Mr. MA1TAGER LaMar ROBERT KUARA ered. d LAMAR FAHCETT D The - spirit." N D "GUARDS! ET" QUARTETTE" DELIGHTS 7 ER IH FIRST LYCEUM The lyceum audience was HADILUCE delighted with the performance of tho "Guardsmen Quartette of Hollywood" on October 7. The program had rlenty of variety, with both classic and popular numbers. The voices blended well, and the personalities of tho singers were outstanding. Darrell Ilafcn has written for himself and Clark Hafen asking that the D. J. C. bo sent to them in Salt Lake City. Mo says, "There aro many times at school here that we ' Dixieites up this way are desirous of knowing the events of the school down there." He will see tc it, he states, that other former Dix- piano numbers by accompanist John H. Uinslow were also well received,. St. George audiences have learned to appreciate good piano j.usic, and Mr. Uinslow hld his audience throughout. the paper. PRESIDENT SUC ie will get students a chance to read first Darrell is playing on the string of tho famous U. of U. football team, is really making a record for Ho was prominent as an athlete while at Dixie. a-.- him-so- lf. D D GIRTS SIRG AT U. E. A. Jeannino Harris, Morlcne D Swan, Cleo Sullivan, Violet Sandstrom, Sheila Carter and Valrea Ilafcn represented Dixie in the chorus at tho centennial preview during the recent U. I. A.. convention. Most of the high schools of the state wore represented in tho chorua 400-voi- ce Tho D D r FOR UOMTUHION GETS' SUPPORT 01' U. 3. AS U. E. A. 7EE3IDSHT A. a mooting of tho U. S. A. House of At last President now was as Utah's nominee officially endorsed for president of tho Rational Education The election will take Association. place next July. Delegates wo ok friends feel that ho to be elected to this Ho is at present a important office. President has much-respect- Snoxv' s a good chance ed member of tho R. E. A. executive board. Such an election would moan a great deal to Dixie, |