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Show !w gras JUFIOR COLLEGE. 3t. G-- orr:o CC3TU13 BALL 3ET FOR THURSDAY, CCTOBER 31 ANNUAL MALLCTEEN out Drag your start . old sheets, rickety prize vn.ll be given to the group with the most unusual costuming. The couple having the most original A ten-doll- ar five-doll- ar costumes will receive a prize, and for the best individual costume there will be a prize of 32.50. Co.me prepared to 'save the best time of To add to the unusual fun, the year. there will be confetti and all sorts of noise makers. Cider will also be sold. The alumni association has selected Gerald Seegmiller as chairman of the association for the year; Ronald McArthur, secretary and treasurer; Gai Graff, decoration chairman; "'ayne "Thite-hea- d, banquet chairman; and Phil Squire, dance chairman. d HOUSING UNITS TO BE READY FOR "rIHTEA 'UvRTR NEEDS M Snow was in Hawthorne, Nevlion ada, day looking for more trailers to be used in connection with the college housing program. Arrangements have been made to transport 30 of the units to St. George for use during the winter quarter. units are being west of the football field by the put up government to be used in connection with the college housing program. The units are A apartments each and can accommodate 32 people. They are expected to be ready for use by November 30. emergency housing D D SCHOOL The PLAY CAST SELECTED parts are: .every has E?.tson by George selected for the Penelope Reardon, Baldwin; Laura Reardon, Elaine Dana Reardon, Joyce Bithell; (Continued page 2) COUNCIL ANNOUNCES ACTIVITY EC CHS LTUT RE LY for the year was allotted the student council in a meeting held Monday night. However, amounts for the business and decsting departments will not be dicided until later. The allotments made are as follows: The budget by Boys' club Yearbook r Band Dances S55O 20C Lyceum Dramatics. D. qg 1200 $110 J. C A A ,.... . 2GJC 100 Girls' club athletics art Chorus ....................... .25 , . . . . . . ggo .100 Miscellaneous ,...630 The budget includes a total of gT; The council decided at their meeting to remit the married GI's wives t o ob tain a student card for half price. Other business of the meeting was as follows : Marilyn 3n;w reported that she had sent information to the various junior policy, colleges concerning the good-w- ill reas she received hasn't any yet, but, plies. The procedure for the freshman initia- was approved by the officers. tion ' Chester Roundy was appointed debate. manager . student activity bocks will be reacL for distribution the first of next The week. cast for the school play, Family has Cne," been chosen. Those STUDENT amus ement : President Two Volume 8, Number ' looking for a black c.at; for the annual alumni Halloween Costume Ball is going to be held October 31. brooms and Oct ob or 18,. 1046 TTf,?h Mar jean Short; i.arcaa council members approved of taking the upper division pep club arid the band The Cedar for the game with 3. a. C. on Get. 2q. hr. 'modbury explained the correct cedure of a formal meeting in hoes that to the council will profit by his talk. |