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Show Ejpur.. 'i t. i .... , f noticed the srarkle in Dorothy It almost surpasses the yees? Have you Prei's on her linger. Caul" he Denzil nor has something to do with Light sparkler it. "hite shirts show stains of any color. Pi L'rrii Cox seems to unconsciously two hod red up pic stains, which locked lilac lipstick nearly the color of his , shirt. it the lipstick of a person leaving on the bus at a.m. for school at the WY? Could certain 4 It pays to be a he C-.- I. The biology books nave arrived at and the only person able to buy one the girls so I.; nave to O rick with. George Pry out a last is t':ell,;i re 'lied the thoughtful a take biology will mho lad, could I wish for?;' rale partner to study is preparing for the geclo-- y field trip by collecting fishing t lie probably expects to catch some rare geological specimens. .c-k- ives next doer. le. rj The risi.es biology depctftmant tend thanks to for Hancock I he :c , ) uierllai5.. , j)C$ Jri-tS- to ex- - W a -- v., Clem did in cleaning and ream arming the collections nd material in the biology de-- A A hr. . ' I-- ; . (3) (3) in-hunt newshound, personals, saw weakenSmith to curiosity concern- ing a crate in front of the Education The gadget wvs build ing last Tuesday. called everything from a refrigeration unit to a marine motor. It is a vacuum motor. A 0 i j li Aisr: sm-r.p (D U) a bike whizzed Three youngsters o a group of coeds on the school through front :alk last Tuesday They ought to have sirens, because someone s going to ' ot bisected one of those days.' (:.) lumber of cars parked judging by the in front of the colic a buildings , ve mould judge this is the machine age. be wonder if the city '.'ill have to install ID) f ICAff :pj V Oil ! j WE C ro AT FR LUNCHEONS I 0 I V. sa king meters. ID) (D) PICIIT C" CinOTRA A PCG3TPILITT play the riolin. or any. other instrument for orchestra work? string see If so, hr. Bleak. r. Pleak is a considering night practice for those vho cannot attend dav classes. 01 ON r you ; ' j j . Do L A A p- urtment "A j A IR or |