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Show rage Gix ' , V.V.- our student" body council. Hes set his ideals, high-- wants.' to bq a lawyer.", He.-- .3" " . n a;: O' is always willing to help,'. v Vt student body would c swell guy if he Dixie. grasnt- attending and our be .minus dAsA with her sweet smil6i Gout personality shed not and sfe0' overlooked in, a be the ,p5jV1QDK CLANK this - Put caps, CU your thinking cause here goes for our first guess who. Nov; who do you think ought to be first? This individual is very popular or he wouldnt be where is in this. school. 5 feet 11 inches, hair, green eyes he Hes brown (fron someone who really knovis) . Hi s oast is no dark secret because wc all know he was r - a i rj .'shes-spen- hc'r this be i M?" getting the rationing to her eyes hair id brovn, khell ckmpu-; .en-j,0- ,y dur ing blue, and one-- found.' work bail : 'wo have : end. s Amusement mup.h year. j' . V "Her, Its work. - due - on and--- ' .always I) v. ""Dad, I was simply groat in the deal, with boasted board--ju- st lege . fair events," relay tho boy from col- Shes been "Thats fine, son. :o doing some nice work there shall make use of them lately. As for her future talc nt s . Your ma will plans they aro uncertain. soon be ready to relay the Is it clear to younov; carpets." who she is? troll, "hero s one other clue and if. '.you let her know. , cant it get ? Chemistry any she-attend- ARE you just loves 'oil,, at ' . of ;; SHoRrpaGE- the ' and president junior year, the senior class. Kc shares a claim in a mine, blonde, curly, bedded .and. and in the future hell bo-- handsome, he has made, many He millionaire-- no a heart throb. helps .groat Tb.cn well all bo with tho amusements we douot. OK at Dixie'. hp proud wc knew him in' the rubber; welders speak- high-- '' good old Dixie days, a "Hes just country boy ly of the work ho did jfor who was raised on the farm "them last summer.-.'-;,"-- of gen--j- oy aNIT0Y; D it the the---, s is This one yoifre nov;, She hopeless: rate 7th class. the president of the grado, cheer leader in his summer .secretarial t hat on crovrd.-Durin- her time at the Oil station doing, partly YO) moan? '. Doing a teachers child cut ip, Jinan t made. . this Ghc's-'wee one,;. snooty'. xNVft'f CAM I Know whom - D0 Y,J SPNd L0NE3CUE EVENINGS aT k0 ' OljE- aRe you tiREd . Charm. Toy, has! he This one' is a cinch to cause weve scon guess, her tine and time again .All die want s j;out.""9f . the; ' is'- future wom-nj- , . ' taking over for our miss- -' HeS1 short but inr Gtudcnt Body President. ,Duo 'the'. brains ' tfork think youSb s0cretdriai If you dont - YOUR om; honey? romance, in,, Auto- and .sucpcss 0F SPErDlrjG t oh), 1 ! -- IF 30 Hech-anic- s. GEE A .1 has:. he's In Le 'R . 0, A a if I rN c. |