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Show eight Page nTIEimon WAIL BOND SIEIOEIiTS: SUPPORT nnnrr tot r k RTHL'ETID -- SVEATLRS bJs If E) 23- ty to and needed opportune I. I i t -1 FOR THE FOOTBALL. -- (L & A UJS --- no ourSnow, who editor, Shirleo has an uncanny capacity for popping the most unexpected Running boards, at .the most inwould times fast in places. up which L disappearing, could bo likened to i eAn Di- xies male 'populations head- : title distinctive this, than . ' es- ZRAUSPK'I FLOYD .GJIT:- - Floyd Bradshaw ; ' and Dixie a a returned from Drum. 1 , graduate of our mis friends are was si aonary little girl' campus visitor this conclusions as to 20 mg to got a kick out of week. own. a spark ypu .draw quick (some pick-u- p .D 3IXTY. . TO ' ear.-..(.A- seat would most t likely I one found on many cars could be "more suited for herself scarce are nicely as 7311 let would 077 iAi the reasons there. his one) who could sur- Now, while some comparipas 7a 1 Doan Utley? some people son between theres the.-And, too and the "soft cushions in"' differential., .on .n thoK-car- i l -'' Arnold bring her under tho pecially Jasper. ing of gas, while probably Leavitt and Goorgo Fry. Now Keith Baker would fit in for smoothness and very plug. your .a' 17 to. BOYS cSDUe. Y the eyes of n La h BUI through an auto mechanic individuals took on' tho forms of some automobile parts Lou Gardner, probably Betty would most resemble the emergency brako. Blanche Bennetts abilimake . 'L.i JAMJARS AND PROGRESS least, that's the very amusing, it either be censored bo 'Understand could compare vie: .it.)': it with : way CO-Z- DS TURN OUT DRIIL FOR DANC-- Sixty ambitious we have Bob; responded RD'UU cc-c- ds to Kiss or. only load to bloodshed.'. Inscore. Ve dont know Fuller's .call.. for group will put cn a 7e could tack the title what a differential is on: review on April 23. of steering wheel on any a car for,- - but we dont' dance seems as though every of the' class presidents, ; know why Bobs name is in: oneIt is doing those steps but wo. wonJt .. bothor them i this column-eitherso', 'now. with that now, because in all" right." D now these of byyouve. days gasless Probably car. runs a little "My danems-Th- ! -- , ; its ; - automobiles all people guessed we dont then stops."in cars mostly. .is park, so about the mechanics of a' way, "A spurt model, eh?" the steering wheel is car, no .wo.ll clas? .r.nw. Civil ! hardly used anyway. Hu u S.U s e y ! Buy 'Perhaps it would be all do : know much- ; I I : right to Aud- - mention-th- at rey' Morris and Dixie Tob- - ler: just faintly resemble tho exhaust when it isnt And for the muffled. sealed power piston, rings could anyone be more fitting than Mauri-no Bent-"-' -- ley? Then for the spotlight , : ; : RUTIFIIL FLOOR LR RIPS convEru Ei H SM1KS HT A R ROW H E A D APPLIANCE e |