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Show ye a! v h X n VA h yw o.U r C Ct l)(nf V' r 'l ? V - .t-- A V V 'W r A nKV 4 P' a-- St. George, Utah DIXIE JUNIOR COLLEGE, STARDUSTERS STAGE DRIVE PENNIES D POPPED F OR TUNES KILL BE USED FOR BONDS Oast your votes of success It ,. ,. Sr fJ.V-A-f- 1 - V ! o C- . U c a V H, 'fT 'H h V A'. 2o : '.vAf 'V S.-- .i't A yi yt ' should ' clear that ys t'- - v ucva:"; October 30, .the campaign. xv v E 194-2- , Volume A, Numb c : ARMISTICE DAY whenever the is exhausted, PROGRAM SET welcome. also be made penny supply dimes arc equally M STUDENT .COUNCIL ORATION FOR LEGION .TO BE FROMINENT FEATURE CONSIDERS for your IV ) a ij vgr PROBLEMS Armistice day orafavorite popular tune in Yearbook Name To Bo tion is an important part same On and or. the days activities Voted at the By Students America, Each year time youll be. contribufor students. name new Do the American Legion gives you want a ting to our Nations evenThe -- for the yearbook? This the student winning this contest a gold medal. This program, issue is being decided toThe tryouts for announced by Bob Inscore, day. this The problem was presentoration will be held next is being staged by the "St ardusters 'orchestra' as ed to tho student council Friday afternoon at 4 o a club contribution toward Wednesday night with the clock in the audit or ium .ire the college's purchase of decision that it should be Those participating tual victory. duo-purp- ose ' war bonds and stamps. presented from this All receipts drive will go for that purpose. To vote for your favorite tune, drop a penny or . in any one of the ten bottles in the hall, labeled as one of the Nations leading melodies of the week. tunes These will be those as weekly reported in Your Hit Patwo rade. Semi-week- ten, ly, of- or-mor- for vote. to the students council also decided asked to meet with at 1 p. n Thurs- to select the judges to hold a winter quarter for the tryouts The final c onto or will social of some kind in lieu of tho annual trek to be hold on the morning ot The day v Zion Park. It was that the further voted band should have Armistice day as a fatware of the meeting conluci cd by tho Legion and Auxi- representative on the liary. Tho Armistice day parade student council. A decision was reached will be held at 2 p. ru to give a matinee dance this. year. A redeo will the bo held immediately afbor tho week following close of the scrap metal tho parade. a . the contributions of contest. The ' winning Kindred groups will be this popularity race. will class will be admitted featured in the parade; be announced. class i. e. , those sponsoring Following free, with other this report, tho orchestra members' being required to scrap notal drives, those of will purchase- the three pay a small foe. sponsoring tho sale bonds and stamps, and any "highest-tippe- d M melodies, and they will be played at NYA HONEY AVAILABLE other like group, the following student body Some NYA money is availd; danco. able for lower division ett Wednesday. Cooperation of dents is needed interested Students for the announcement by Mr. Sver- should apply today. all stu- students, according to an |