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Show A PL ,,Yv Pe la u chilin, here 7ell, out the rut of again into the Theres Cr .'YrJ K- we- . go and air ., and iamb 6r 2 dogs, please turn them ' between you'd cheering your head there gate posts',. ive tdhfrraqter e. SeeiWcji m parks car at 11 p, m., October' 21, 1912, by sec ond tree south of Dorm. Aialcf too tall for JAP mean, 'anyone'. If ... a game better .be d lv la we m could to; Tney seem be ' GEPuhAH wearing-leathe- jacket, 'strayed off during; Walked like an beat two. or week for that ;the past runover hand in boots. a .while back. Hinckley Captain .Hammond, plays in buildEntered Education s', at least, that, more fie Id .than; one . It Show em, seems. he is frequent ing ing at 11:01, returning at you want them to win. Dorm now. enough-fou6, carrying what ap-- p the Girls It 11: Well,' kids c a . r e d 'to be a T down to: .could-pJ.be for the oldest "pep talk" and some good ripe Extinguished flights, on Shumvay, or. c.ould it? Vvhata "brawl" was the guess;' we merely suggested making' exit. Entered car model V8, "ball". Thursday., .. ..Johnny takes care of the Dixie awakened ,ju,st like younger of '3b, license Gio . 2913 J. generation er P. S. Passed on.. Shumways,; someone threw scrap) without metal w.as me making neap very 11, kids, if you it. The': dance; contribution.we any re being 'good, interesting. We , 'Hoto: the The Buthave to start- To to going definitely!, . PEEING EYE, propose that majority of ttye.-,-- Carbon make up our news but that' s-o- have ff team ex-co- - - : w-7 ? li.IS-BC- -- HB I ice-wat- . in-sist- :on ' - . : ; ... . ' were boys there-ryan- we d IS OK?y college be guarded uwduld 'hate and erY night-- - : ".the" Wc 'll.be see e.verybody-r-that ing y say to . are remember, spme. good; sports give the bovs they. Too bad there weren' t more., the support the. like-theer PAY So long now, PEEK Carbon, ."copies Thehere. wouldnt object. ' find the Education build made us ing the ' ' just- ' .'wife-- a Fish: of ' VICTIH TSRAITE3. EYED SLaNT- The above are facts! Seen1' by the SEEING Roaster: "Ear shall" promise his- name know!-- We girls ' some' morning and awake- 1 ' - ov-)- n .' by the . -' EYE "Light of " in this' column;. Well, what of it? very liobn. EYE SE S'EEING THi to get back t'o our. L'y :r.'ife hap gust. laid ALL! NOSE ALL! REV; LS Grth Tiet- - thr c thousand eggs, and iiOiHin territory wa s with- Nelda-n- t kin c p would be ' . ' own he Why next day was so sleepy' thei wc course. All all in' seemed wouldn't kipvj-o- f everyone LA to have s' good time.;;' that can remembei anything)-.really got (Those those hunters 'in ;the mood;. went dear hunting and others deer, at any rate. We hope they got; ..or. ..get ... Some .Elaine and Betty took Wary her mail into the Arrowhead the other, day, should think' enough male way, cry it was. special deliv-(the' mail-- ) . Peggy Bleak, noticed; has 1s there . there ' s By the lately. that she have been r . if youve the-.-di- r take-n--t6 What we mean and her flyer in "heaven" the i.. OPEN rn Ulkp . their deer (dear) , , 000 00000 ao a:o .- - NIGHT ALL ft . N ?YV. p c c c t ITS' SIZE FOR P OT EPR C.nEE IN OE UTAH THAN-AI'- PEOPLE :op: '.EVES . PTI.T'A IxXj X TATE G : H 0 u 0 3 S ' E' ' '0 D '0 T o o P P P P OOP erb cooocooooo c c o c c o o c o o o o o G c o c o c c o |