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Show 'ifeltl and thon Snow girl is tho she asks us to but editor, Hallam is Shirloa taking Lake This this. do Do this? through with this? She says yes, so A. K., wo 11 proceed to the .Lee go Ur-i- a coach (Bentley) We approach robust a lad, but all we ,et is, Watts it. to; you? We tell you we then wade ,(We knee' deep in Snow. ooking told there is are and Wo Linna.) find a . -- is re yet. We find it Bleak. Robinson (in). a gus: right.D is Barney, Monroe, Wyona for .the enrolled have metal class to make sheet The its Mr.: It just give a hoot, She takes some dough and says to Glenn E. , Will McAlli- - D Indifferent: do you mean?" .. ... , in tho election Wednesday, horn on your this class materialize. car nust be broken, The few who have enrolled Mr.: Ho, just in-- - are still hoping. Gus: certain 'lady a c student' different. new ho apartnent below him. no Snow wo not find ho does in. If ho did, rather Merkley, Yvonne vice president; Jackson, Toquorville, is Art Student (boasting secrotary-t- r assuror. Co: Ive studied under mmissioners of amusements ly) Gildo, tho great painter, are: Jay Huntsman, Stu .for. four years. George; Mary Pratt, HinckFriend: But he doesnt ley; and Garth Tietjen, seen to recognize you. Kanab D Art Student: Perhaps, but I still have the. IKSU7FICI2IT STHD3ITS get it twice each year, Glenn E. but in Dixie, Lucille to got SMILES to travel thru faculty land. Wo find the Lee is Bent, find and JUNIOR NEILSCN ELEC SENIOR CLASS PRESIDENT Junior lleilscn of 'Wasour Ashby in Salt hington was elected presiat such a tine as dent of tho senior class Would a chance want us to still you it did editor she an As PgQ seven horse's on Pearson Corbetts LANS What F. ?. doesn.ft The A.. PUSH DRIVE F. F. A. boys the behind drive scrap am. metal 100o, states IUS3H HaS SBIUBCD Mr. Hinton, club sponsor. They are determined to s ter it? much postage will' this do, their bit, both here The Smith works not at a quire? p. 0. .Clerk: three'cent? and at the Woodward. trade, but teaches stu- -M dents to Reid, but can Hyclass first Budding Author:- - How re. ; " its rum Lorenzo? They say Ellis, is Ever- - ' AHLO matter. Budding Author:' ott working problems. thank you, sir. We discover ... also that deer season when around ho can walk a so Hardy that hes Cottam. Hinton doesnt hunt Falck-o- n chool days, though. We have heard of rants Small boy: bo son. It is Daddy, what made from . Spencer One of tho Vivian full down a And ' - . . ' Bam, week several j o sped hill a curve quite shaip car turned turtle, - Jacks wreath was myrtle And Jack is playing- is or. However, Myrtle Henderson. It cant be true that hit Tho on the harp. "If ignorance is bliss, youd hotter get your life hold no ' Jill Jack and cur- insured." but Pauline is Fuly Clark won Uncle truo A "Why?" -- J ohn sailor for early this to say hello. Jones girls can she FOSTER, now a tho was here eats and cats until she is re, RULOI; blue, strawberries in other lands, but we even have the Woodbury here. Some things are expensibut until D and ve. here', Ho college, however, the winter quarter. is college .bred? He is Feather: Why, college Miles without bred1 is very expensive, have we Huntsman, TTe comes good will not able to enroll in tho to Dixieland.' 'Oh, "Because . die of joy. HOLD THAT youre LINE apt to |