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Show OlSfY Rp"rt02?5?A) C?W3 ' we m f'C ' A 'i L 'Lo, guys, and gals; here just be noticing the colare again, back in the or? At any rate it isnt same old column as usual. daggers are getting better Kids acquainted Ross broadcast. Flash! . had - What do you .think we saw d Ay nite, ; lies i of. well-protect- itials' are K.C. Thats all all the information we -- - Dean-W.-- all-tie.-oh- s , was Laurel muscle-bou- P.,'-Rodne- .B, , land Dorene P. he-m- nd ball heroes) an foot- his We really give the boys a little support.., It. seems that. Jay For- rol Sand Laurine Bentley, v also. Phil Robison and tions and' football heroes ? it? should " ; c forgotten and tomorrow. ' in male. not but would like to know where they went when they passed the bowling alley the other night. We'd really like to see a good turnout to the football games both today name, . y dont, why but weve and that reus minds of one of the he- -' What hasv Anna H.' got roes who had our own.'"Dal- -, that .'Carol S. wants?! That by Lae" Will Rae. Lewis is right a musician from (a new addition" to the D. Kanab and what J. C.) 'out to the movie no t eg (the musician, we last Sunday night.' '.can). Could; be; a rhapso- Talking about new addiGuess? if And ;By the t' way,'. Audrey was telling us about her pair of wings (flyer) , Sorry, t Tuesday. army in you feel do something about . . with Anyway an ed? you things? Seven feet with care to give. ;. How? Simthree people-Did you hear Foote ifrbm-thand ahs ple: Julia; in"-'A. other jirls- on. the lawn yester- Clayton words, six. feet and one day .when the '.flyers ran Foote. past in athletic costumes? Another incident, also a What physique we have nevthreesome, which occurred er seen '(except on our own , ; bftskgirls their flyers at least they seem to be kept in the air with no- support better be on lookout. Theres a from wings. certain soph girl that has practically been paying quite a bit of town girls, attention ..to him. Her in- ' , from and the now; anyway we more news to little have a hear we Peg- themgy Bleak, enjoyed Kisha Bentley ' and Arnold selves Sunday nite. seem to be making eyes at Leavitt were seen s too dents, so together Well, eac-other-Maybe- a' budtoo. last Sunday, long' until next week. ding romance is beginning PERK and Thrills thrills GABBY to bloom! Or could thev jrQrc simigsjf .. Harold H. and RoLaine P . " .' ' . ' : l Cc ' .UriJ.Sjr-i,htJLsrjyhJ- a.t Doh'I iflsS Hws bin IzNinlma-- D-U.C. - -'- i J I :HouJ-- - ixftyr. Wu St. K C&8SW . y y. b-- ' Tjl 1 V !' '? ! . 1 ' QsUHJ'.-- i jf i ;"L A-Cm i'rj t: :;J .. I LiJjL.., V cU-TiJ...- . i i y o. . K'f'y ?. l At et: 1 ! (J, CA h ''.-- 4- ;g. 0",X i 1 bej 14 bm-- 7 |