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Show STUDENT APPOINTMENTS .Eajg-Jai- A were LADS their orientation testing . ' ' BUDGET MEET IDG SET program. other number of appointments new - ...ELORIAL SERVICES HELD FOR AIR ACCIDENT VICTIMS All freshmen and students to the Lemorial. services were held last Friday and mon-d- ay a series and mental the 'next few will' take famous" '' by, the student, of vocational council in their meeting tests within Mveeks,.. The results of the Wednesday night., Shirlte Snow was. named' tests will beused to aid. commissioner of publicity... the students? to: adjust Other appointments-wisely to: college .and post commissioner' Fry, college- problems . .Harold of debating; 'V D, made ; . crash : : ' for Smith Johnson and Blaine Cutler, respectively, victims of an airplane athletic ' Gwen Sylvester, advertis- - WELDING CLASS "3" ; M .. ElktOLIi-EN- IS. ...QOSi 0 POLITAN--- ' .lo t s , . rimkcda iaiiitudd ah. too ing manager; Alvin Cot tarn, in- Blaine lived until Saturday night. The two, both expert pi- -, ' manager) killed stantly, while -- Ham--mb- nd, last Thursday' was Smith were:-Georg- low when Slain s wife at Saluting Ivins. welding class, is nov The student budget was well under .way,. ....The group, at both ...seSpeakers ' briefly discussed, ..and it is "V somewhat bhndicapped, rvices praised the qualiwas iviad'e-ties of the deceased. Mspecial: order' due to lack of equipment; usic was provided under the a neW "for of business equipment. will 'special but the. direction e meeting to be held Monday-night- . be on hand soon. The , personnel..': of the The. stage manager. . ? - Lr,-McAllister- . .council will. meet .class- The each Wednesday - 3. J. : at night-- oclock. 6 N BLEAKS FATH3.DI2S Death, strudk in again includes, a county clerk, a a Funeral services were in Kanab, last bishop, school .board conducted .. Sunday fo.r Smith and last a Tuesday fo.r Blaine. employees, Both a Lforkihg girl boys are Dixie truck driver, of the city s ecre tary , and six. students;'... - one ' . an Monday operation. . following Mr. Ble ai': had not. been well for some time, but .7 as not known his condition was so serious. : ::D ' : SOPHOMORES r it Beaux The Art Guild : N ' COMPLETE INITIATION OF " - to Frosh co- . air training here. RO AST GUILD- 3LECT3 . and had mpleted CPT. : ' . graduates' Every one seems very inDixie when Samuel .Bleak, terested,- and. is ..doing his succumbed in a Salt Lake work veil, hospital . -- initiations EfeEL seemed activiofficers ties highlightthe all week. during. Those last The freshman entered inwere chosen Tuesday.:. Funeral services mPresident, '.ere; the held .Wednesday afternoon Gwen to, spirit 'of the occaSylvester;. and did some very exsion in the. tabernacle. Lyman. Smoky; Students ..and ' faculty secretary;, and treasurer, cellent costuming their .elected L. : " vice-preside- nt., members extend. ..their sin- Evelyn- cere .famiof Bari J. Bleak. ' ly sympathy .to Berkley. and There re- .' 'were some side- lights along with the porter, . Helen Faveet-t.The club is planning to highlights,, but the frosh meet .Monday nights twice really seem a part of the ; studentbody now. every month.'-The .greenlings .were are. to be Invited soon, according, to Lr. and initaEtions i kill take formally .accepted into the - Tilu- CLASS Ili .VOCATIONAL CARPENTRY has nov;.. materi- alized,, Hawkins -- , N . Ross Lc Arthur, to do. carpentry v.ork in the navy, is the most recent, addition to the class. who--hope- d TESTING PROGRAM STARTS.- , place. ... F.T.A. r. ... vv .. . college in Wednesday . sembly, ' ASKS .. .. FOa.FSjSv - ... ... J ...... v'--- . Prospective teacherd cided - PLP .LEADERS deL make the college charter in students are English T. A. i completing. their placement Fees may. be: .paid to tests. this meek. Smith .by Freshmen are beginning in. joining the. : those-intereste- - ; the-F- . as- : . .3 TART If there is Wednesday to one more attempt to retain, .1 D s PROGRAt: not. suffic- ient pep in the 1 school this year, it.will.not.be the fault Lr. leaders. They are of L the already laying the. foundation for pep' club, cheer f real a !. |