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Show S DIXI3 JOURNALIST'S CHATTER- Issued ouch Friday. by tho journalism class at tho Dixie Junior. college , St. Go or 30, Utah Alma Woodbury, Alpha, music ' Mary 'Paxmari. Ross Esplin. Corris Cram. Poggy ' 1 staff ' EDPrORIdiL ........... Judd, ....... ... ....... . .Staff- Carolina .". brarian. .Editor .Associate- Editor .Assistant-Edito- Stucki... .... . Artist .Associata Artist Smith.. A ' ; and cello. awarded a. scholarship last of' outstanding class last junior spring. Ho likos flying and archery. and Luen. ) Ho also likos to the v te two r, iamb year or s of th (Oh, yos, watch ba- sketball and football games. He doesnt like blondes or red -- heads, . " Can you his best, his who guoss cr.o only, girl is? Wo ll give you th rn guesses. What? You. :ohly need one? All right whoj.s it?, That-- corrp.ct and -r ; GOODY-GOOD' ; EDITORIAL Y ' ARE. 'BORED "The'' worlds WITH-LIFE- FOR PEOPLE . full so ' kings. I LIO Tv ' : of a number of things, I wonder A we should all.be as happy as bored;- you have Ummhow about a trip . like. a hilarious its Weber College ...Signpost Carboniclo Bulldog Barker, Virgin Valley good- matter. what your taste, time, Veil, Books; all ypurs for the asking. do to is read with imagination you have to do-- all' things, to .have, nil things-and to 'bo all things. ah empty 'You still think the world-ithiswont help you, place? Then if. The world: is full of nothing will. people: You and I,, tho city charmer, tho"f armor, the nan in tho moon. Loom to put yoursolf in tho other follows placo with humor with understanding, and, abovo all, with sympathy. You will bo living, net one lifo, but many; of and you can never, again complainto do. ' nothing ' no ' ' ' RECEIVED Utah Chronicle or thrillor-dillo- r, S . you're the" big-guin' a maybe youd' just Ik I) A (p! Tho G.H.S. Sentinel Tho Rattler, San Juan High Tho Ricks .College Viking Scroll The" Parowana.-Th- R.L.S.V 'A s PUBLICATIONS nothing to to deepest do, Africa, or, if youd rather, a nice safe place where you can watch the war with all its glory. Perhaps youd- like to bo So a as ono ..Staff Reporters ........... .Advisor i.V bo Ho was .. .Secretarial Staff A a music. ...teacher, Ho can play (at well) tho trombone, piano, pipe organ, -- . . also club and is F.T.A, ip the arrived hero (by stork) 20 years ago, Ho is a talented musician and wants - Tva"Lu Johnson, Beulah Barber, Vanda Lund Berncice Holt, Alena Allen, Sylva Atkin Raymond Cottam, Marilyn Cox B. Glen fraternity. X Pb is. a Dixioito in every sonso of word. St. Goorgo is his homo town, Viola Jameson Goorgonn Anderson, is Ho Ho r Joal Jolley. .Business Manager Juhlor Cannon. , ......... .Associate Manager Orson Trent ham. ........... .Sports Editor ' of monitor . of Delta president . Tho Hill Top Echo, Tho Y Nows Tho Student Life, Milford H. H. S, 'S. ' ' D QUOTATIONS : The Zittio publisher's newspaper daughter- returned from Sunday- schwa with an illustrated card in her hand, "What have you thoro?" her . mother - ' . . ' . Proudly wo D, our hail-- - club consist- s pooch for' its excellent work, for its ent success in everything it undertakes, and for financial contributions to Dixie. i'-t- ' D When ter women- them. - go wrong, men go Oracle right af- "Oh," said the child, rtisement about heaven." " jjist The an adve- Rattler D. newly created papa received- tho "Hazel tidings in a telegram, A a reading, "When morning; both dorf. message was a stick the 'On' Sf;G girl this birth to well." gl Western Union. "--- want .you boy, call Viking Scroll The . a D THE HANGOVER' in trouble at "I hoar Mike got bank," '0h, ho thought college and began t-- - ho was taking notes." Exchange still I1 |