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Show ZION HIKE WILL BE- - PESlNET-IT- ' AQTIVITY. resolution has been made by the Dixie junior college it' is:' The Zion hike shall be a permanent activity. Heres why: October J after arriving in the canyon and getting situated comf ortably, if A new the' students indulged strenuous of climbing and hik- not conveniently, in a bit ing, The trails and mountains were given a thorough going over by the enthus- iastic, fresh, folk. ..Later, when young they L),. turned, not so fresh nor so enthusiastic, sjc quite sf a COCK. cooking commenced. The I food prepared vas con- suriied with, a gusto, and who was the girl cooked' the best who got the approving glance. ' i doop .lengthened into blue evening, and the romantic lire of the community camp fire gathered everyone around. Community singing brought out of the aching legs and the kinks The canyon walls echoed and rebacks. echoed with the lusty strains of The Man on the Flying Trapeze, and Then, as calmness settled tho among group, an entertaining program was given. As a fitting climax, Mr. Reid related the legend of Sinewava, and the music of the unhappy love floated The a shadows "All-you-et- ta. to crown the serenity and peacefulness of the evening. But activity will out, .and so as soon as the fire burned low, tho mob wont down to the lodge, where dancing was done on the balcony, patio, and road; a colorful setting for a beautiful night down and a grand climax for a' simply wonderful excursion. Yes tho Zion hike is hero to stay. .D. ON NOVEMBER 15 and. l6 tho LAMBDA H, DELTA SIGMA is sponsoring a show called, The Ramparts We Watch. As soon as the Lambda "Delta Sigma gets its ticket sellers organized, you will be asked to buy; and as this is supposed to bo one of the best shows of tho year, be getting your pennies saved up. Lets all go to tho shGw. .D. MR. JOHN T. WOODBURY APPOINTED as JR. VAS FAMILIAR NAMES ON THE U. S. A. Clinton Larson, president Victor ' Iverson, chairman elementary education discussion, with tho following contributors: Kate Isom, A. 3. Sullivan, Florence Foremast or,' Karl Foster, Tillio or, Viola Woodbury. Delbert Chamberlain, chairman elementary education discussion, 'with Lavoy Wins Es-plin- contributor. 'as Brimhall, director Herrington grade school orchestra. Tillie Winsor paid tribute to departed members of association. Member board of trustees Utah Education Association. Glenn E. Snow, member of panel discussion in higher education 'section. Member .coordinating committee on teacher Rulon ' retirement. A. K. section. Hafen, president modern language Clark Frei, president secondary educ- ation section. Leo A. board president state Snow, association. David Courley, superintendents. school secretary society of resolutions Member committee. H. Val Hafen, member elections committee. B. Glen Smith, .member resolutions , .D. WELDING DEMONSTRATION PROVES WORTH- -, HITE A welding .demonstration, was hold in the 'Science building October 7, Whitmore Oxygen company. The demonstration showed 'that by the by use of an oxygen lanco,a hole could bo bored through a piece of steel six inchos thick in a' very few seconds. It ves also shown that by automatic cutting, a piece .. of stoel six inches wide and two inches thick' could" bo cut in two in one minute,' leaving a much smoother cut than left' would bo by a hack saw. Besides these were demonstrated aluminum welding, special fluxes and airplane welding. There wore approximately fifty students' attended the demonstration. . D, SPRINKLING SYSTEM stalled at the RECENTLY assistant director of the Vocational National Defense work at Dixie. Mr. Woodbury has his office in the Vocational office with Mr. Ashby. audo-visu- al Education. THE NEW ' pMgVLTC use. tho new gym, Shrubs and Woodward is now laivns RECENTLY in- high,, completed ahd in have been planted, sprinklers arc .proving very isfactory and tho J sat- |