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Show Pago PEP PRESIDENT RENCHER PRAISES HIKE students and faculty participating, the student body well over With members 175 officers feel that this years fall successful-sin.c- . .it ' was- - 'auditorium. Various club ovo-f- all . was ; .it :. Mo ; .one . c omplaihed v.,.'The . character building. participation was among t ' ficers respect, admire and appreciate you everything fine which you represent.-M- action, part, is taken without-ever- consideration and thought for your, From the first freshman to the welfare. last senior we are cheering for you Jack Rencher Students of. Dixie. ' .D.' FLYERS STUDSMT REALLY FLY flying division, of the The C. A. A . under way this week when Erick L. Anderson, the former Salt Lake Western Air despatcher, arrived here with his plane to give the students their first flying course in the. air. R. H. Alley, flight inspector,was here last week to look over- the setup. course got - reported everything in favorable He dition. E. Beeman - Waldo'' Brooks is course. ' Appreciation is extended to Lee Owens who got the C. A.' A. course underway, but had to turn it over to Mr. Anderson to complete. .D. COLLEGE DEBATE SUBJECTS CHOSEN The college debate subject has been chosen,, according to Paul Crosby, debate manager, and will be, Resolved: That the Me stern Hemisphere should form a permanent alliance or union- for defense - against foreign agression. The high school subject is, .Resolved: That the power. of' the Federal Government should be increased. Active debating has already begun, the Arrowhead according in hotel , all to . gave a brief talk, ox- -; plaining - the' purpose. and aims of- - the club . This was followed by. games, danc- ing and light' refreshments. The at the. party prom-- 1 isos- a- happy outlook' for. the coming '. ' . - ' pop--displayed year, one of the Pep clubs best. .D. - :P.T.A. ,'.P. T. October. chapel. . ' HOLDS' REGI 01 IAL A.' It - '. C 01 IFERU ICE. region ten hold a conference in the Southward L. D. 3. ' There were 45' registrations at the morning session, representing the .following towns in region' ten: Ordorvillo, Santa Clara, Leeds,' Cedar City, Enter- prise, Glendale, Hurricane George. Registrations begah at' rest' which the' at of the day was devoted George teachers joined, a noon luncheon. .D. DELTA PHI ALPHA PLEDGES new after 10 a.m. , St. Seven St. and meetings. con- -, expocto.d to arrive in the near future to inspect the ground M. boom ' of ' ' on our banquet clubparty held.. October groat success, those present. the freshmen. May we compliment you.. on your:, support of student activities ; we know we can count on you in the future. Students of Dixie, your student ofand Pep., was a . . The-highes- the-'- ' it - loyal-support-- y but alf werb enthusiastic .about the fun they' had. "Aare.,. truly; ssociations pf this type . stirring -- - displayed through 7by$ And means of putting the Wand: up tfre '.dormant L.of were also discussed. spirit The hope was expressed that pteryone ;WiTl get;, behind':. the". Pep club,. .and '.''give ;t ho hr pH . gbt-.;-more- - - . -- sportsmanship it was all future games, a decided at meeting of the Pep club held. Wednesday afternoon in the college rainy, ..disagreeable weather Friday night, and everyone or less sprinkled ...down, splendid .Although to hungry, fans at thirsty out- , , ' Candy e ing has been the most u "v'; 'A""'" the change from Pine Valley. Me wish to express our appreciation, .to the students who: helped make this-- outing the' success that it was. ' SPIRIT" REETVAL and pop will be sold PLANS CLUB Two V.-y.-m- members to the group SEVEN were pledged into the Delta Phi Alpha club October 16. Norman Hunt , follows : They are as Enterprise; Halbert Lund, .Modena; Roene Bigler, Nephi ; Barbara Tweedie, Hurricane; and ton and This, will according- Sullivan, The Helen Cannon, Walter FullerAlma Woodbury, St, George. make a total of 2 4 members, ' to president, Lola th-eir'.clu- also held a banquet in the. building Thursday evening. club- Science enjoyable time was' had by' everyone.. A-ver- .D. . formerly,- ef this.-school, was married Tuesday, Oct.. ' 15. She MISS AFTON THOMPSON, is now Mrs. Von I.Iartinoau.-- . The-'- ' Couple will probably live in Sty GeQpge., as Afton is planning to contihU'e;'schbolV' |