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Show BbNT 6FT NoU ROUhH ' DICE'S LEAD CHALLENGED BY 'vGSTMINSTER The Dixie has won both to date, k junior college football of its and Snow October last Thursday. Although handily, when the tminster at Price at St. George Carbon 5 The and It is 19-- 6 direct Miss defeated recently 20-- Wes- to victory. probable lineup for Dixie will would ' L, afternoon in the auditorium. play will be read The at this meeting,- - U-I- E and an - idea given of the char-actor- s; the parts 'will be given out for and The tryouts, of these them on The Henderson r - pounds per Coaeh Tolman and Coach Hafen both man, took in the game and reported they have a strong, fast and shifty team thats going to be hard to beat. Lets get behind our team and cheer by Dee a an outstanding productic i, Miss Henderson, who will to it. written . like to meet those interested in trying out for part in this play, at o'clock this a 6, team outweighed approximately 15 is according be today team plays Westminster. a modern comedy Thomas and 26-- 7 strong Ricks were though they college fine :arts play has been chosen is called "The American Passport ' these two teams were defeated Dixies real test will ENTHUSIASTS TO MEET TODAY DRAMATIC team league football games defeating on - 16t. tllOUf "! M. OV. gr'l c OCTOBER IB, 1910 Saint George, Utah DIXIE JUNIOR COLLEGE as nouncod be: will, winners bo 'an- - as soon hearsals will begin. cbd.', V possible, and re- 'Hiss Henderson announces that there ir .m special part open for a small g'irl could take the part of a twelve-y- o' old. It is important that all those interested in these tryouts' be' at' the meeting today. a -- .D. REGISTRANTS The-- .D.PARENTS OF STUDENTS took - Faculty Womens club is sponsoring a "get acquainted" tea Wednesday from four to six oclock. This tea is for all faculty members and all students, "gy their parents. n , i f GOhN6 It is to in building, find it are urged to be held bhe Science 9' and those who I3ACK TO SCHOOL Possible attend, as it will give students parents an opportunity bo get acquainted with the various teachers. are asked to students " Out-of-to- leave ffSwT and wn their names and those of their parents, with addresses, at the office. WEDNESDAY and program miTittiry-registratio- place Wednesday. ticipated. TO BE S:TTERTAIHED our band marched followed by "millions" As The with ' HONORED The college par- the street, of National out- - and army trucks, we were jaade to feel how near war is upon us; and we now appreciate the necessity for a draft. After the parade a military program was held for the boys who registered. 10 from The college was dismissed Guards'- - o'clock to 1:15 to attend the ceremonies, and to give support to Uncle Sam, ' Mayor C. W. Shelley, of Colorado, Tex- as and California, touched a patriotic chord in the hearts of all who attended the public program. The celebration here was one of thousands 'held throughout the country. , |