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Show Paae Six ON THE Similize -- by The Owl A HO -- Personalities Tilt here anqtriere, becoming acquainted, is getting to We scheme. for one would, like to and be a night- - know tall the help you. . -- personality, which is at present being dissected, likes to take an act- -, ive part in basket ball, but just be a spectator at foot ball. He. likes dancsentimental He music,- - : friend. dress is Ho. is of " our most' One" is in Leeds,, Utah. very well. and blue eyes. school-gi- rl Heres all She in them ; all. although j : ; ; j like I she dances lovely brown hair has Lena has jvhat we complexion, to a gal who is A A dif feront--Let- Its last characters on call: 1 i a ' As well worth ;it. : our review, are ; ; j football squad. ' Both boys ; j ; ; - know. So, about showing Ross gals, for the women and should: he has some use, how We t 1 tt that the female of the spe- - cies 'can enjojAdhe cool contemplation of a condescending, bored, stag-lin- and contemptiruj ; for three hours without e ! waver- ing never, ceases to amaze us. Our vote .goes to Carol Cottam as tho bello of the evening. She looked tops And speaking so. did Viola. of male beauty, Melvin Ogden did. the honors, See you next week-- - j I I ( & J 71 v - i - . If any gown shoppe is' searching for a suitable, radio program, it should try a girls, quartette singing clothes FOR THE NH'.JLYED CLUB band in "Yes, tako ! much to get a hus- - trouble theso days.' a word ient." . ! to tho wives' is suffic- - ! i . ,d. i heart goes out to Jane." "Is that whats troubling you?" "Yes, he goes out to her every night." "My ' twO-swel- l ; : It doesnt , ! or .D. ; - are good dancers; however, they differ in regard to gals. Vance is a woman chaser,' while .'Ross; lain no .A use f or the women :i j At present we think they; ate boys that ho one:, can afford missing.- to , . . - -- ; two boys, brothers. ..from Orderville. Those boys .are Ross and Vance Esplin. Ross is a very studious boy 'who likes library science, Both- boys are inter-- 1 . i ! : estod in biology.. Ross- .likes tb 'par- while Vance ticipate in' basket bur likes .football. Vance is a guard-o- curious insect hunt , same Joyce. Thq fact and A; t always thougai Vere was. somewhat of a botantist, but' he stayed liomo and did very nicely by :A; doesnt lunge ! also are on an senior in a hop, ; and ' home likes all sports get acquainted. Tho Her intricate .. student with a swell a 'good personality. Lena she is really good Lena isHdifferent-r-sho- college, or dancing,' is. Lena' : our .. very j ' ad- - step's. were i mainly: swing, The "A' ticipant .Joyce Adams. 'tripped the light-fa- rt tic', with vigor, even tho Jack was ! peppy gals at of the male group put on. should have hit Broad- - t py telephone college is Lena Jolley. Dixie hoys . A- 'gives us an the dancers as to why Jeo.-- ; Painter wore such a pained expression parafter one .round with a slap-hap- 179-- R n wa. - being number.-Nevertheless- out sitting see what One .We' better His here, last '"'A backfire.-,-.-.'..- personality seems to be cosmopolitan, for he not only enjoys all these, but he is a good student and debater, besides liking to road scientific books. Girls, this fellow is worth knowing no one could have a Meet Lloyd Sandberg. 115 E. Tabernacle. His tv. fb'eing The fellows, instance: way---f- or anV:ex,hibitipn:.-tha- enjoys skating, and wooing the girls. dont "W.ell, imagine seeing you don The and same opportunity to slender. ing how 'anting its come know, banco shouted at us during the First of all among the many one should know at school is a young man from Hurricane. He is a senior, with light, brown hair and blue eyes. He is tall and Qp:. that or. should we say, they look fan.--, .to us, but we dont strike them iliar t. hope we can we. . mdny 'iF'iI'hd-s' dark and handsome man here' at.. school; perhaps you could help .us 'We one ve discovered ' Ip C&A . by A'ltfallflpwor We A x , .. f ; i . D. i As for tho boys. cooperate with Vance. could to afford you take 'some lessons from both of them They are Personality kids. ' ' " ' ' : ' ' ' I j ! |