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Show rive Page 7 t xxy,.. RESTS CARBON SATdRM-g- - A- .. flyers' KTnjir iuLFORif-todai In their .first league game last day, the Dixie high shool football- JJ football" tehn goes .into action Saturday night against a strong CarCarbon junior college aggregation be the first game either bon. This will team has played this year, and' is a The college league game. The been every nite this . be- hopes.-Jt- ' Vance been Banard Eaten Merrill c Kunz Sam Chynowoth Doyle Sampson Tex Mosely ' 17P. 9.1 rt 1.70 90 re 0 1 2 qb 1 Junior Steele rhb b- : l68 Line weight Backfield ; .. the Vie tor :..P'os Exp Cannon-'.- ' V tv:.';i;.--:: ' Dee Madson Lowell Terry Keith Cahoon Rudy Iverson Elvin Hafen 1.58- college next Friday. WOMENS Wrt .'The be : with that more experience.' for Dixie will probable line-u- p ' .185' 94 10 '.ml 5 5 .56 l60 84 160 55 Wayne Sehmutz Do Wendell Tobler Reid ' Phil ' ' le qb. rh' W Ih Leslie Hafen .DV v YOU-- RL A WISE 000 cHicLO George L. ASSOCIATION .' ny ; reyy yfir .1- a.-iI'Ak- -2 WVWvt'HO . - 'to .select .'officers,' ENJOY Llf E... YOU ARE THRIFTY . A .. who. ' Herbert Pitchforth St. George Richfield will play at St, representatives; re Frei La Grande n: of ' been have Faw Leda are: ..Shirley.. Harper, cett, Roma Reber, and Laura Lytle; St, G orge; and Vivien Brooks by, Fredonia. chosen p No . Home Tom . . n. .0 - The 'Dixies last "years "team any ompeti-ItioThey have practically the 'same-line-u- Car- - the Dixie' junior college .will- be organ'When one repreized early nextsentative from. .each of .the five girls physical education,- classes meets with Mrs. Tolman -- ; trip to . , ATHLETIC was. the '.only ones to show Y7r3 YOU : 145 53 165' 50 170 92 Snow and team, Delta 175 44 155 82 Gordon Lytle Vere Barnhurst Loyd Hardy THE . ' ' nent i oned ab o ve , bon: . day. travels to school-tea- ' 165. Team . Student the high Hurricane .8-- 169 In addition to the following will .their first football that IMilford, .where At plays its toughest .'Milford", has a big strong opponent Delta Delta Delta. Delta .0 . Herbert Today St. George. St. George' 0 0 Bennett Paul Sullivan 0 Of rg Frei : Pos. Exp, Wt, No.Hpmo Town lo .1 l60 83 " Delta Dolt a 172 88 It ,175 89 Oiderville lg Esplin ' Were. .played game.. 1-- La Grande-- ins, Pirchforth,' with' Phil Raid, outstanding players for Dixie.' The whole team did not display its .usual grade of ball', but it did well for Some of the' fellows ;its first game. .and. 1 fighting .for positions and hay edge, and. who; will probably start the game are: Student Jaok Turner Lee Williams team 19 ' l have who Men 33-- - ! .week, at-.fu- strength for this Max co-capta- hard, and until dark ' and romped over. Hurricane The two working practicing' Fri- ; team has college - O |