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Show THE DIXIE NEWS DEBATING LOCALS SCHEDULE CHANGED Dixie Stock Growers Bank The schedule for the junior college debates has been changed so that the ing: contests will be held March 14, unMiles less the individual schools involved Spencer Isom and Florence that we can if you will give us an opportunity. arrange for an earlier date. It has other. are interested in each C. A. mYTR STOCKGROWEKS BANK B. the that been also arranged the S. D. that and meets the the L. Spencer Snow and Maudeen Snow College meets the Dixie. are sometimes seen together. These changes have been effected of the conflict with the basa because cents William Snow spends ten ketball schedule, and because of a week for postage stamps. bepreviously arranged dual debate Satisfaction Guaranteed at Dixie. C. and the A. B. Karl Savage is becoming decidedly tween the NELSON MERCHANTILE CO. interested in certain ladies. With exception of cook, everything furnished ANOTHER CONTEST COMING ' Del. 4.30 p. m. 1 Del. 10 a. m. Leonard Sproul fails to sleep of An essay contest is to be held unnights. der the direction of the yearbook Myron Stout is interested in staff. The members of the various Gardners. senior high school and college classes will compete among themselves. Mrs. Juanita Pulsipher, Dixie One winning essay will be selected Dealers in debater of 22, will represent the B. from the entires of each class. It etc. Lumber, Shingles, Mouldings, Windows, Doors, Screens, Y. U. in the interstate debates to be will be published in the various secetc. Varnishes, Complete line Fullers Paints, held soon. tions devoted to the classes. The Shop and Mill Work a Specialty and regulatheme length, subjects, gtgiagtgliHssigraisrassKSgtoi at tions will be announced later. Miss Caddie Andrus entertained a Birthday party Sunday, Feb. 3. The cake was without candles. FACULTY PRESENTS PROGRAM Madam Gossip reports the follow- In Service, In Quality, In Price Pickett Lumber Company A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. K. Tuesday, Feb. 12, the Faculty N. Snow, Feb. 5. Mr. Snow is a a program. It consisted presented present teacher at the College. of musical numbers and readings to the occassion. The entire program was conducted in an a party February impromptu manner. The merit of number revealed that there is a each A daughter was born to Mr. and amount of talent in the faculty vast .Mrs. Y. M. Tanner, Feb. 1. Mr. of the College. Tanner is instructor of the science dept, at the Dixie. AS THE DAYS PASS Mrs. Nina Blazzard entertained We Are For You And solicit your patronage we handle For commodities which at appropriate 6. WHAT THE ALUMNI ABE DOING LeRoy Cox is at the present time studying for a doctor of law degree at the University of Chicago. H. R. Atkin is at the present time studying for a doctors degree in philosophy of education at the University of California. He was previously the principal of the Provo High School. Ora Leavitt is this year conducting a school in Nevada. Philip Foremaster has been released from his mission in Texas and lower California. He is expected home anyday. Philip Barkdull is this year at the Delta High School. Last December a baby girl was born to his home. Henry Miller and wife are at Des Mr. Miller is attendMoines, Iowa. ing school, Mrs. Miller is an instructor in art and music. POLLYANNA TO BE PRESENTED The play Pollyanna will be presented in St. George, Feb. 14 and 16, under the direction of Miss Ruby Bryner. This play was taken from the novel Pollyanna, written by Eleanor H. Porter. We are assured of the success of the production as it is not only a splendid play but the cast is well selected and efficient. It will be repeated in Enterprise Feb. 22, Cedar City Feb. 23, and in Parowan Feb. 25. Students, support the school. Jan. 26 Dixie High School plays Orderville. Jan. 31 Dixie goes to Cedar and wins victory. Yell squad goes too. Feb. 3 Two additions to Faculty, a Mr. Snow and a Miss Tanner. Feb. 5, 6, 7, Farm Bureau Roundup. Feb. 7 Wilson Memorial services. Feb. 8 Scouts give program. D DAY ANNOUNCED March 16, annual D day of the Dixie College will be observed. The program will correspond to Competition for D queen will be carried on among the various classes. Votes cent each. may be purchased for Further details will be announced later. K School Supplies Eastman Kodaks and Supplies Drugs, Dry Goods Mens and Ladies Shoes Atfiletic Goods We have complete lines ST. GEORGE, DRUG COMPANY jgj g g Dixie Auto Company W. C. Pace, Prop. Dodge Sales and Service Always at Your Service St. George, Utah, Phone 22y entire that of previous years. Wednesday, Feb. 6, Miss Minnie Hafen, present student of the Dixie was severely injured while riding a motercycle. The heel of her foot was completely taken off. It is expected that she will return to school within a few weeks. SOPHOMORE REPORT Social Butterflies have developed from Sophomore Bookworms. The cause was no less than the debut of College Basketball into Dixie Athletics. This momentous event was fittingly celebrated by a very successful progressive party. The party commenced in the College Building and ended in Cedar City Friday the night. When Sophomores, hoarse but undaunted, proclaimed the Honors for Dixie. E. B. Snow Furniture Co. Trunks, Suit Cases, Hardware, Wire, Stoves and Ranges. 1 a If Ye Ladies Call for real up to date Merchandise its at Whiteheads For the Gents have already learned to go there for latest in all their wants. A. R. WHITEHEAD & SON g i |