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Show THE DIXIE NEWS LlCEOI ARROWHEAD HOTEL Warren Cox, Prop. Service is our Motto COURSE ARRANGED 1 The Dixie College Lyceum Course 0 tor next season, recently signed up jj with the Redpath Lyceum Bureau, P ra gives St. George, Utah promise of being one of the BS in hi best the history of the school. ')t T( is, g a PS?! Sg'PSSjaSBtS. iL SJSSS M The course includes, Irene Stolof-sk- y siIsgEs'Ss pEb SSSBlliPjLlZs ait a A k. & and Company, Sidney Landon, E The Betty Booth Concert Company, it DR. SAMUEL BLEAK Alton Packard, and The Russian fa Cathedral Quartet. Miss Irene Stolofsky will be remembered from her appearance on the M r gjSM Dixie College Lyceum Course of two iktjfc ggLfi; years age. As a violinist, Miss psl Tfc Stolofsky is a marvel, her mastery GTTlI.riMTT.T.TR touch wins all music lovers. w Sidney Landon is a master at the art of impersonation. With the aid of wigs, grease paint and a precisely vivid imagination, he gives faithful bi nsl M Fjjt nx nm reproduction of Mark Twain, Josh Billings, Victor Hugo, Bill Nye, Is Tennyson and others. Longfellow, Bj JOHN F. LINDER Miss Betty Booth PI la and her companion artists, promise la. an evening of high grade musical enM 17- l mezzo-sopran- (a, tertainment. M o, TERSE TURNS IK,xvk,5' it IJ. & E. TOGGERY He is a wonderful pianist. Critic complete line of He can make one warm and cold, H Mens and Boys Furnislungs. happy and remorse, at will! Thats Student Every tiling Up to Date nothing! So H li can our janitor. a a it Mr. Homer Young chap, you should be a very fine geometry student. Student Why? Because your head Mr. Homer is both plain and solid. Do you want to go for a He ride? She No, I havent my walking shoes on. Pi P) jgi X xl jg Up I j DIXIE DRUG COMPANY D. C. Watson, Prop. Everything in the Drug Line. Silverware for Presents. A splendid line of Notions and Sundries, Kodaks, Fountain Pens, etc., etc. t' fe1 -j jg Ej gi St. George, Utah The idea of your working steady eight hours a day! ASaHES!isMSMgS3SS'aIlffiMIi:BlS&&B I would not think of such a thing! SSSSSSE5IMhEB!SS:5ESkil51El Neither would I. Second Stenog 0Si It was the boss that thought of it. IB First Stenog (HJ SI Im a college gradApplicant uate. Well, I guess Ill give Employer you a chance, anyway. HI BANK OF ST. GEORGE m m (si The Bank of Service is IS 0 0 Alton Packard is a master cartoonHe is entertainWhats your opinion of Girl ist and humorist. 0 PHraPHSaSlS!lJSBS!laSiEEllISil ing, funny, and instructing. these women who imitate men? 0 M M idiots. The Russian Cathedral Quartet Boy DIXIE BARBER SHOP Theyre Igj Jt Girl Then the imitation is will bring to us the great marvelous John M. Higgins, Prop. iggigglS5SII!Sils'W0SllsWW000B!0aLBlSS Russia. of of the richness songs NEXT U R ISiSBISISHlSlsSIMHiaiiSESSSHiSlSSS?! tW This quartet will come at just the apSanitary and Antiseptic Methods "Do you know any one who has a propriate time; when Russian music JAMES ANDRUS & SONS CO. is becoming immensely popular in guitar around here? MjsTaHiSSEiSllsSls:'Sl!S.!S)aSigla Incorporated jj America. No, but I have the asthma. jppsia pSPBEBS.aEIISEiSEP Goods, in Dealers Groceries, Dry g M F. G. MILES The stingy farmer was scoring the Hardware, Shoes, Clothing, COLLEGE TRACK TEAM jj a lighted hired man for carrying M Furnishing Goods, Harness and Saddles on his best girl. M The Dixie College this year antici lantern to call Cattle and Sheepmens Supplies gj Oiling a Specialty he exclaimed, when I The idea, activitfield and pates entering track Wagons, Farm Implements, etc. g 1 was courtin I never carried no lan ies. St. George, Utah The prospects in this work are tern. I went in the dark. said the hired man, sadly, PBlKillEllails!BiS3SB!ISIs!SlS!EISISKllISIjS Yes, promising as there are many old stu dents training and an abundance of and look what you got. S. J. PULLIN splendid new material B0SSI10iate0lKlSH!lHsliaiai0EljlMM Mother Why did you strike my 23 1 The college will enter the southern Watch and Clock Repairing jg division league; and it is expected child for nothing. COSIP ANY AH Work Guaranteed jjjj POWER DIXIE Because he wouldnt Teacher that honors will be won in state the Oiho river was. me where tell efficient are men as all WTifinrjgiigBigHHiBHgi'SiigiiRTgllHllH'llHslSggE tournament, g looked at me. Electricity for Everything and stood He only and vigorously woiking. No doubt he was dum gnsillEaSlllBllsiiSSBllllglSiEllSESSHB' Mother Our first consideration is service a SCHOOL SONG BEING PUBLISHED founded at your ignorance. SO. UTAH TELEPHONE CO. TeU ns what you want H "Do you have any Mr. Tanner The College Song, written by And we wiH place the Connects with Mr. A. K. Hafen, is now being pub- trouble meeting expenses now? servant on the job. silent I I should say not. Mr. Reid lished in Cinncinati, Oiho. It is exBeU Telephone Co. and the pected that within a week this song meet em everywhere I turn. will be on sale at the book store. Western Union Telegraph It was printed in a previous issue A SAD WEEK of the "Dixie News. THE HUB g Utah St. George, j Central Office, The week had gloomily begun, for ft of line mans a a was is TYPESmith poor complete AND showing SHORTHAND Henry Sun. f WRITING HONORS Gents Furnishings, He was best with Bill and Dun and 1 and Goods Trimmings, Dry had very little Miss Caddie Andrus wins memberK SCOUT BAND ORGANIZED Shoes for Men, Women, Mon. Artists. ship in the Order of Gregg wont Children and buy said he, This cash, is the third member in The initial appearance of the scout Miss Andrus who my shoes Groceries, Hardware. class Advanced Stenographic 8. the Feb. band was made in chapel left but ones and Ive nothing certificate. this awarded been Chas. F. Foster, Proprietor This band was organized in Septem- has Tues. In the Typewriting department and ber. At that time it consisted of him struch A thought bright Ashworth Thompson, nine members but the present en- Blanch Graff, Clair Hafen, and he said Thompson, Wesley The boys six. rollment is twenty H A cute little heiress will I IS Tanner have received Junior Wed. range in age from nine to seventeen. Golden Order in the Certificates The performance was of exceptional Membership WASHINGTON MILL CO. But when he paid his court to her, This is a profesvalue and the boys are to be compli- of Artistic Typists. of artists in typeShe lisped and sweetly said No mented on their sincerity. Espec- sional organization Thur. Flour, Bran, Graham, ially is Mr. Bleak to be praised for writing. Alas, he said, Then I must die Much enthusiasm is shown both in Ill his able leadership. Ill brown. burn; Ill Cracked done; clasIm Wheat, Corn Meal the Shorthand and Typewriting Fri. it and ably certificates, these ses for a EXCHANGE They found one tooth, an eye, determines their ability to do typeSt. George, Utah hat. These shorthand. and them The West Side High School are writing then upon Then jury in Typethe The China certificates are displayed Sat. preparing the Opera, be in writing Room where they may be presented will Exchange. It Shop. interested. one seen bv any March. i i j |