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Show COLLEGE MEMORIAL TEAM WINS AND LOSES The Dixie College team staged another thrilling battle with the Snow Feb. 2. The College at Ephraim, Dixie boys played a fast consistant game and held the long end of the score until the third quarter, when Snow by long basket shooting came 3 score. out victorious by a The Snow team played its usual skillful, clean ball; but the Dixie players are not satisified with the results of the game, and await the State Tournament as a chance to reverse the outcome. Feb. 1, the local squad defeated the Southern Utah Aggies on their own floor, the score being 44-- 2 2 in their favor. Although there was a big difference in the score, the game All the playwas very interesting. ers did exceptionally well and the game was fast throughout. and teachers, Fifty students, townspeople accompanied the team to Cedar City. They organized into a lively squad and yelled continually. The boys have expressed deep appreciation for their support and the inter-- , est they manifested in the game. The B. A. C. College team suffered its scond defeat at the hands of the Dixie College boys last Friday night. Although Cedar played a good steady game they were entirely outclassed by the Dixie players who won with a score of The game makes certain Dixies place in the State Tournament which will take place Feb. 28, 29, and March 1, at Ogden. The Dixie students expect to see their team take the state championship. A Mans Mind 26-2- A mans mind may be likened to a garden, which may be intelligently cultivated or neglected; it must, and will bring forth. If no useful seeds are put into it, then will fall therein, an abundance of useless weed-seed- s kind. and will continue to produce their SERVICES HELD Memorial services in honor of the Wilson were held in late the Tabernacle Wed. Feb. 6. The program included songs by chorus, band and orchestra selections and talks by President E. H. Snow and H. L. Reid. Mr. Snow spoke of the accomplishments of President Mr. Reid Wilsons admisistration. told of his life and adminstration. The services were well attended by a large and appreciative crowd. TITLE SELECTED ALLEN RECITAL TO BE GIVEN The instrumental department of the Dixie will, this evening, present a musical recital, under the direction of Professor Earl J. Bleak. The program includes compositions of the masters and a short discussion about American Folk Songs. It is as follows: A1 Hayes The Black Mask, March, Will Huff Eleanor, Waltzes, A1 Hayes Exuberance, Overture, Three Rings, March, Wm. M. Talbott Sunrise and You, Baritone Solo, Penn Eldon Larson A brief explanation of American Folk By Mary Graham Songs, Lover of My Heart Serenade, .. Beyer A. S. Bowman Eldorado Overture, Flowers of the Wildwood, Waltzes, W. S. Skaggs Patronille Francaise French Patrol Lucicus FARM ROUND-U- P Horsemen, H. Fillmore March, Thunder, Rolling was The success of previous concerts is The Farm Bureau Round-u- p held in St. George, in connection with a sufficient guarantee as to the the A. C. and the B. A. C. Feb. 5, 6, worth of this one. It is hoped that no one will cheat himself by staying and 7. was away. The purpose of this round-u- p , to encourage the industrial possibilities of Southern Utah, to assist in the Slang beware! Better English is inof on the road. and organization again cooperation dustries and to establish a Farm BuDont think it over; put it over. reau and Household Auxilary in this section. Mr. Atwood of Logan gave some dustry. Other speakers were Mrs. McBride, very valuable information and timely Mrs. Jenson, and Randall Jones. suggestions concerning the poultry were educational and All speeches cooperaHe encouraged industry. while. worth coltion between the farmers and A movement for the appointment leges. a county agent at the Farm Buof John T. Cane spoke encouragingly Woodabout the business of live stock. He reau was defeated and Angus to the hired County was by was coming bury stated that livestock and crop Bureau Farm the back to its own and that within a few handle years prices would be again up to pest work. The Farm Bureau in Dixie was a standard. success and value to the citithe was great at Uncle" Ben Eldridge Southern Utah. Its purpose of zens Round-u- p and gave some good advice set before the people new to was about dairying. industrial posMrs. Maycock expressed the ideas viewpoints concerning to organize this section of systematic advertising and stand- sibilities and of the country. ardizing Dixie products. She spoke The movement was appreciated by of the possibilities of this section by and it is expected that the suggesall raisas commercializing such crops en- tions given will be taken advantage also She others. and ins, figs in- - of. couraged women to take part in 32-1- 1. NUMBER 6. SAINT GEORGE, UTAH, FEBRUARY 12, 1924. VOLUME II. has The Girl in the Country been selected as the title for the poems and stories to be entered into the Amitia Day contest. This contest is open to all Dixie Girls. It will be judged on the basis of contest SCOUT ANNIVERSARY WEEK of literature. The theme OBSERVED length of the story will be to 10 minof the poem, two minutes. The Scout Leadership class of the utes, Two awards will be given, one to Dixie College has taken the lead in successful story contestant, the this community in appropriately the to the. winner of the prize other celebrating Scout Anniversary Week. poem. 8 was the fourteenth birthday Feb. All material must be bubmitted on of the Boy Scout organization in or before Feb. 28. on m. that 8:15 at and p. America, A page in the yearbook has been date 650,000 men and boys throughout the United States renewed the reserved for the Amitia. scout promise. ing, Black Hawk won; Signalling, On the morning of Feb. 8, the Crow; First Aid, Crow; Firemans Scout Leadership class of the College Rescue, Owl; Knot Tying, Owl; Dresconducted a noval program during sing Pace, Crow; Scout Pace, Stork: assembly. The numbers were as folThe following is a summary of the lows: Selection, Boys Band; Dem boys events: Water boiling, Cal onstration, How to Carry Injured, vert Andrus and Victor Pectol, West Crow Partrol; Signalling demonstraWard; Signalling, Carlyle Thompson, tions, V. E. Iverson, Irvin Webb, James Linder, LeRoy Condie, and Elvis Terry, LeRoy Condie, I. Y. Bliss Jarvis, East Ward; First Aid, Mathew Bentley, Vernon Elwood Bigelow, Romney, Don McGregor, and Church, and Glen Baker; Vocal Solo, Kenneth Cox, West Ward; Firemans Harvey Staheli; Fire by Friction Rescue, Victor Pectol, West Ward; demonstration, Alden Adams, John Knot Tying, West Ward; Dressing McAllister, and LeRoy Condie; Talk, Race, Clark Higgins, West Ward; Wayne Gardner; Songs and Yells by Scout Pace, Newell Knight, Santa the entire class. Clara. On the afternoon of Feb. 9, the Saturday night scouts and leaders four patrols of the Scout Leadership gathered around a campfire and enClass competed against each other in gaged in singing, yelling, playing various scout contests. At the same games, and performing stunts. The time the boys of the East and West feature of the campfire was a story wards of St. George, and the boys by Stake Commissioner W. C. Cox. from Santa Clara, met in similar Sunday afternoon the men and competition. In the Leaders con- boys gave the regular program in the test the Crow patrol, consisting of tabernacle. Talks were given by B. Rex Frei, Owen Frei, Oliver Graff, Glen Smith and Mathew Bentley, and Clair Hafen, Ernest Stucki, Joseph the singing was furnished by the Ray, and Crayton Leavitt, carried off scouts and officials. Boys from the the honors. These men won three of East ward repeated the scout code; the seven events. The Owl patrol, Lenzi Sullivan of the East Ward consisting of V. E. Iverson, LaFell played a piano solo; and the Hound Iverson, Eldon Larson, Irvin Webb, Patrol from the West Ward rendered Paul Hafen, and Harvey Staheli, cap- a scout song. tured two events. The Black Hawk The four patrols of the Leaders and Stork patrols each won one class are giving special stunts in asevent. The Black Hawk patrol con- sembly this week. sists of: I. Y. Bigelow, LeRoy Con The program of the week has been die, Elvis Terry, Alden Adams, Laron under the driection of B. Glen Smith, Andrus, John McAlister, and Glen Head of the Department of Eduoa-tio- n in the Dixie College. Baker. The Stork patrol consistes of Mathew Bentley, Wayne Gardner, Vernon Church, Karl Starr, Leonard Some of the faculty members are Snow. and Spencer Sproul, learning how to operate their false Summary of events: Water Boil- teeth. and-styl- |