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Show THE DIXIE NEWS THE MEANING EXCHANGE OF PATRIOTISM From the Woodward Workshop. From the I . A. C. A patriot is one who gives A final contest was held Feb. 14 Unto his country while he lives, is givwhich medal for the Hendrick noblest en for the best ten minute extemper-aneou- s His loftiest thoughts, his deeds; speech. his countrys Every effort is being made to make Who comprehends needs; The Military Ball the big event of Who gives his lifes blood, if he must, the year. no trust. An excellent cast has been chosen In her defense. Betrays life is on when live works Whose Alice for the College play, done; And such a man was Washington. From the B. Y. IT. and Brimhall H. A patriot seeks not for fame, President George Judge J. B. Tucker delivered inter- Nor glories in the worlds acclaim, esting remarks in the Lincoln Birth- But finds his life through its own day Program. gift Ernest Greer has been appointed Of human kindness, faith and thrift. as business manager of the Y news Who lives his fellowmen to bless; in place of Claire Anderson who was Defends the weak, releives distress; forced to resign because of illness. Or gos untimely to his grave, he frees the The Junior Prom, was a grand suc- When Lincoln-lik- e cess, and will be remembered among slaves. those good old times that used to be. A patriot is he whose light From the IT. of IT. of knowledge is a beacon bright, All students were urged by doc- Set Franklin-wis- e upon Lifes Hill, tors to be enoculated to prevent the Where men may use it if they will. spread of the dreaded disease Small May by his frugal living see Pox. The uplift of simplicity. It is expected that the junior prom Whose axioms precepts well dewill be a big success. Eleven University students have been selected to Phil Kappa Phi National Honary Scholastic Fraternity. The University will participate in the interstate triangular debate with the Universities of Colorado and Wy- fined Are words of wisdom for mankind. Not birth, nor gold, nor pretense gives patriot his rank. He lives To utilize each day and hour, Each talent placed within his power, To make his nation tyrant-freTo honor his community To build as only teachers can, to Todays child for Tomorrows man. oming. From American Fork American Fork will attempt raise ? 5,000.00 which was apportioned them to support the steel plant. The American Fork Basket Ball team has won five straight games from their opponents. The Alpine school board held their regular meeting Feb. 6. All members were present. They are to be complimented on their interest in municipal problems. From the Provo H. S. The school has lost one of her best players but expects victory in spite of the loss. The Provo H. S. joined in the move for National Thrift week. Thp Junior Class expect to join the list of classes who have had a successful prom. Mr. Wrights Zoological students took a lesson at the state fish hatchery. , School Supplies Eastman Kodaks and Supplies Drugs Dry Goods Mens and Ladies Shoes Athletic Goods If Its We have complete lines ST. GEORGE DRUG CO. Are Your Thoughts Directed? Then set them towards Whiteheads Store - and get real values in ' Shoes, Dry Goods, etc. Then admiring eyes are directed on you. Yours for Quality and Low Prices A. R. Whitehead & Son Dixie Stock Growers Bank To serve the people is the aim of the Dixie Stockgrowers Bank. Let us be of service to you. We will gladly assist you m any way that we can if you will give us an opportunity. DIXIE STOCKGROWERS BANK e, E. B. Snow Furniture Company BRILLIANT ANSWERS TO EXAMINATION QUESTIONS Brilliant Answers to Examination Questions. The seven great powers of Europe are: gravity, electricity, steam, gas, motors, and Lloyd George. The liver is an infernal organ of c the body. General Braddock was killed in the revolutionary war. He had three horses shot from under him and a fourth went through his clothes. A passive verb is where the subject is the sufferer e.g. I am loved. is called a pediA school-mastgree. The heart is located on the west side of the body ORCHESTRA CONCERT A SUCCESS Subjects have a right to partition The Orchestra Concert, under the the King. direction of Professor Earl J. Bleak An equinox is a man who lives near was attended by many of the students the North Pole. and townspeople. We wish to com The population of New England is pliment Mr. Bleak and his students too dry for farming. on the splendid work they are doing The stummick (stomach) contains We appreciate this phase of our the bowels of which there are five, A, school life. E, I, O, U, and sometimes W and Y. I write for a living. He, The imperfect tense is used to exWhat do you write? She, press future action at a past time I write father. He, which does not take place at all. A vacuum is a large empty space Doctor, Say, that babys spoiled the Pope lives. where isnt he? An noun is something you No all abstract sah, Negress, niggah babies smell dat way. cant see when looking at it. er You Furnish The GIRL We Furnish The HOME Pickett Bros. Company Dealers in Lumber, Shingles and all other Building Material SHOP WORK A SPECIALTY Bank of St. George Capital and Surplus $63,800.00 THE BANK OF SERVICE Dixie Auto Company W. C. Pace, Prop. -- f ! How did you learn to run? Nicotine is so deadly a poison that Arnold Thompson, Trying to get a drop on the end of a de6 s taii v, ill to my 8 oclock class. kill a man. She, Dodge Sales and Service Always as Your Service St. George, Utah, Phone 22y |