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Show 111 1 I T mx IK I L1 UOUUKUK. SAINT GEOKGE. UTAH. TEH. 24. 1925 THE DIXIE NEWS AS THE DAYS PASS DIXIE DRUG COMPANY D. C. Willson, Prop. Jan. Everything in the Drug Dine. Silverware for Presents. A splendid line of Notions and Sundries, Kodaks, Fountain Pens, etc., etc. Jan. St. George, Utah Jan. S. J. PUDLIX Feb. Watch and Clock Repairing All Work Guaranteed mock-orang- Feb. ST. GEORGE CAFE & IIAKERY Tlio Rest Place to ing things. February 2nd was a big date. Watch for March 2nd, another 29. Chairman Pickett of the big date. And that isnt all! Watch Nicholes and McArthur for developments. Yelling Circus Squad resolves to teach its members ROTA BETA. DANCE how to conduct themselves during the next basket ball One of the most successful social game. affairs of the season was held in the 00. We all discuss the victory Biz Ray dance hall, Feb. 10. It was over the B. A. C. under the direction of the Rota Beta 31. Hurrah! It's snowing. Society of this school. Snow balls fly. Home misThe hall was artistically decorated sionaries demonstrate preach- in red and white hearts and kewpies. ing Mormonism in a foreign A novel feature was that each guest land. was presented with half of a heart. 1. Miss Phillips has an unde-- 1 the evening there was much During e sirable adventure on a merriment in the effort to find the leaf. other half. Punch was served and 3 Face the Music- is very an excellent program w'as rendered. to The successfully presented society is to be complimented uptwo full houses. Congratuon its success. lations, Fourth Years. The class in mass attended "backRUSTINO COMPANY ward. 4. The funerals of Dalian The Rustino Company performed Barkdull and Bishop Samuel In devotional, February 2nd. The Isom. entertainment was high class and 5. President Nicholes discusshowed careful 'preparation by the ses that the key of success is The Fourth Years displaythe doing of more than you players. ed their ability to imitate lyceum are paid for. without making them "silG. Who is going to the Naval numbers, ly or of a low class. training school at Annapolis? The players were: 7. The Spooning Class, held Jardinero de Rustino, Jordan Rust daily in the College AuditorLady Fossetina, Gertrude Fawcett. new enrolls members. ium, Count Eldoniro Eldon Larson 8. Everybody cheers for the Grace Gates Lady Gracia basketball team as it leaves Pearce Sir Percival Wesley to win more victories. Olive Snow Oliveria Lady 9. Rota Beta, alias, Mrs. Rustino, Gertrude McGregor n or Club, Boys match again pleads: The Student Body and The Drayour hearts. WE need you matic Art Department will conduct at the Biz. the programs in the Devotional Exercises, during the week Feb. 12 to FIRST YEARS Eat Bakery Supplies Meals at All Hours Feb. I Feb. SO. UTAH TELEPHONE CO. Connects with Feb. Hell Telephone Co. and the Feb. Western Union Telegraph Feb. Cent lid Olliee, St. George, Utah Feb. WASHINGTON MILL CO. Flour, Brail, Graham, Cracked Wheat, Corn Meal St. George, Utah ARROWHEAD HOTEL Warren Cox, Prop. Service is our Motto St. George, Utah DIXIE CANDY COMPANY Manufacturers of Pure Home Made Candles St. George, Utah DIXIE POWER COMPANY Electricity for Everything Our iirvt Consideration is Service Tell us what you want And we will place the "silent servant on the job. Rooty-Begga- Beg-a-Ma- NELSON MERCANTILE CO. Rest of Everything Goods and Service The First Years are daily practicing their convictions that success comes to them who work for it. Our studious habits characterize us in the class room, in the halls and everywhere. It is not our purpose to star in the social field, but we have demonstrated to you that fun is not distasteful to us. It is work now and play when the job is done. DIXIE BARBER SHOP John M. Higgins, Prop. U R NEXT Sanitary and Antiseptic Methods JAMES ANDRUS & SONS CO. Incorporated Dealers iu Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Shoes, Clotlung, Furnishing TilE Goods, Theres a class in the D. N. C. That is climbing on to fame; You surely will agree Whener you hear her name. Her steady course pursuing Yet very much alive Is the class that's always doing The class of '2 5. Cattle and Sheepmens Supplies Wagons, Farm Implements, etc. St. George, Utah JOHN F. LINDER Modern Shoe Repairing St. George, Utah THE THIRD YEARS I i E. D. SEEGM IDLER The Auto Accessary Shop Gas and Oil. Racine Tires Tire and Battery Work Tourists Guides SECOND YEARS The Third Years are studious, jolly, and "swell, Our high marks in classes you all remember well; We are all climbing, making ourselves supreme And our appearance is always one Selected. that is keen. FOURTH YEAR REPORT Dental Surgeon Room 1 1 Snow Bldg., Phone 45k Did you see the Rustino company? And did you "Face the Music? If you did, you know that the Fourth Years are really alive and do Palmer Graduate Chiropractic Adjustments i Will Cure Y'ou 16. The nature of the programs will be patriotic and educational, one day will be devoted to Valentine. A TREAT The Dixie Dramatic Club will discuss the famous English play, The in its regular Great Adventure, meeting Wednesday night, February 14. It is one of Arnold Bennetts best productions. Miss Mable Jarvis will read the play. Besides the play, there will be a short program, consisting of musical numbers and a reading. You are invited to attend. CHANGE OF EDITOR Mr. Philo Farnsworth, appointed by the Student Body at the beginning of the school year as editor of' the "Dixie News, recently resigned his position. The Student Body, after some deliberation, selected Miss La Rue Snow to edit the paper for the remainder of the year. We congratulate Mr. Farnsworth on the quality of the papers he has published and extend our appreciation to him for the earnest effort he h.as put forth. feel that the Student Body made a vise choice in selecting Miss If we may judge her future Snow. work by the quality of the work she has done, we may predict a successful future for the "Dixie News. II. G. We DR. SAMUEL BLEAK FRANK B. NELSON, D.C.,Ph.C. ALBERT HERMAN Gents Furnishings St. George, Utah DEBATING NOTES The interest in debating is beginning to reach the climax. The teams for the College debates are penetrating t!i e very bottam of Cabinet Parliamentary Government, in other words, the grind for debaters has com menced. The school has completed arrangements to enter the State High Schools debates in the Southern Division. The Question is, "Resolved That the State of Utah adopt a constabulary. Tryouts will be held Feb. 13th. Mr. Arthur F. Miles spoke Feb. 6th to the members of the Debating Society. Ilis subject was "Triumph Over The lecturer was very inFate. structive and entertaining. The Debating Society greatly appreciates the assistance of the townspeople in making its meetings a suc- - Joe Does your watch tell time? No, you have to look at it. George No girl thinks that her picture for the year book does her justice. "What is incense? "Holy smoke. |