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Show THE DIXIE NEWS THE DIXIE NEWS ATTENTION, LADIES! Published by the Ladies, we know your hats are students of the Dixie Normal College. beautiful, but they show up much better in the sunlight and fresh air than in Devotional. We have been unable to ascertain whether these hats are worn to display their beauty or to cover up defect ive hair dressing; but at any rate, the hats will be safe in the hallway while Devotional is in progress. Her crowning glory is a womans hair, But hats were made for the open air. semi-month- ly A. Boy. CONGRATULATIONS, PATRIOTISM February is frequently considered to be the patriotic month of the year. True, many of the national heroes STUDENTS The students of the Dixie are again showing themselves to be loyal supporters of school activities. There has been a very gratifying response to the call to be photographed for the year book. Most of the classes have responded well; and a good year book is now assured. We all know from experience that there is no profound pleasure to be derived from posing before the camera; and still less satisfaction in seeing ourselves as the camera did. Often there is a desire to contradict the adage that the camera tells the truth. Students, your response is and artists were born during it; but the general conception is somewhat misleading. There are twelve months of patriotism, twelve months in which each of us may show our worth thru being as big as we were intended to be. It is well to remember that patriotism does not consist of feeling pious, or of flying flags and making noise. But it does consist of sincerely espousing the worthy causes for VALENTINES DAY the betterment of ourselves, our counour our fellowmen, neighbors, St. Valentines Birthday is here. try, and our God. What does this day mean to you? May each of us wear the worthIt is a day which affords an opporwhile flag of patriotism. tunity to send your rays of sunshine and friendly greetings to your friends and It means even LINCOLN more. It means you have an opportunity to be a living message to the Yesterday we celebrated the ad- world. Let your message radiate as vent of the birth of one of Americas much joy and cheer as did St. Valenheroes: Abraham He Lincoln. tine in the days of old. furnishes us an example of a man who got by his hoodoo, or rather, I should say, hoodoos for he cerCOOPERATION tainly had many of them. But he rose above them and became their Cooperation is a most commendmaster. able thing. It promotes fellowship, What honor we gave him yesterand assures day can mean nothing unless we are better understanding, success. willing to follow his precepts. UnThe recent arrangement between less we are willing to profit by the life he led and the example he set, Lin- the Parowan High School and the D. colns life has been in vain, as far as N. C. in the exchange of entertainwe are concerned. What are we, as ment numbers is very much desired. It is hoped that this cooperation vyill students, going to do about it? become permanent. This will lead to fellowship between southern schools. We will B. A. C. TO BE MAINTAINED better understand our mutual obWord has been received through jectives, our problems, and more ful-- . the papers that the Branch Agricul- ly appreciate our Southern Utah taltural College is to be maintained. ents. It was thought by the State legislature that the State could not afford to PATRIOTIC ENGLISH WEEK retain the institution. On February seventeen state 5th, legislators and The week will be educators visited the B. A. C. and the a week of realFebruary enjoyment and growth, decision was reached to retain the in- for the Students of the D. N. C. stitution. We are glad to hear of Those who remember Better English this move, as our northern neighbor Week last autumn await with anticicontributes much to our success. pation the Patriotic English Week C. B. this year. The work is under the direction of the English teachers with As new editor of the Dixie News, Mr. Hafen as chairman. This inI wish to thank every one of the staff sures its success. The week will be and all contributors for their loyal devoted to a study of literature and support. LaRue Snow. Patriotism. fellow-studen- INTER-SCHOO- ts L 19-2- 3, GEMS DEVOTIONAL You never can tell who is going to win out in the great profession of life. The greatest waste of life comes through the lack of ability or desire to prepare for the things we want. The man who does only that which he is paid for will never be paid for more than he does. If you would succeed, know that you are worth more than you are paid for. The greatest thief is the thief of happiness. The test of moral courage is to know what is right and then do it. SCIENCE NEWS Our Problem The Age of Mammals is fast pass Ing and we are now living in the Age of Insects; an age wherein No Mans is every mans farm, and Land the contending forces are the ravaging insects and man. As this strug- gle progresses, new insects are being mustered in which call for new methods of combat and great expenditure of money. Every year some new allies join the enemy by landing at our Pacific or Atlantic seaports. And the discouraging thing is that these new comers are more deadly in their warfare than our natives. Because of this growing army of insects Mr. Farmer must fight and do it conThe face is the index to the1 soul. sistently. This is our problem; how A person never fails with the courare we going to meet it? age to do the thing he knows to be If our nation could check this great right. onslaught we would be saved $1,100,-000,00The official anannually. nual board bill of the grasshoppers ORATORICAL CONTEST alone is $50,000,000; more than the The annual Washington Day Ora- annual cost of all our higher institutorical Contest will be held February tions of learning. This is a great 2 2. This contest promises to be ev- loss and it will increase unless we Will en more keen than previous ones. strike, and that to conquer. The students are entering with a de- the young men and women of our termination to win. We expect Feb- county assume this responsibility or will the Insects in the ages to come ruary 22nd to be a day of lively V. M. T. overrun the earth? 0, STORY AND POEM CONTEST Two features of the Amitia Girls program, to be held sometime the latter part of March, are the original short story and poem contest. Only girls may compete. The winners will be awarded pins by Mrs. McAllister and Miss Phillips. Girls! now is your chance to 'set forth your picture of home life. Get busy. THE WEST WILSONS PRAYER (By Dow Edgertson) Lord of Nations, For this sick and wasted body, I do not pray; Keep sacred my countrys honor Just for today. Make her pledges inviolate All through the fray; May thy precepts guide her statesmen. For tliese I pray. Lord, for this tired and thought-wor- n mind things, would I fret; Neer a of For the light rising sun; But the blasted hopes of a world But they look to the West, to the Would I regret. crimson West, Let not that peace dream sink in dust For the things that are done, are Or fade away; done! For it was born on Calvarys Tree, e The eastward sun is a hope And not to day. from the Dark of the night distilled; Lord for this still and withered hand But the westward sun is a sunset sun, I do not care; Is the sun of a hope fulfilled! Nor for the acid cup of hate That I must bear. So out of the East they have always But for the bleeding hearts of men come, Who grope today The cradle that saw the birth For the peace and love that is not. heart-warOf all of the hopes of For these I pray. man And all of the hopes of earth. Wisdom is knowing what to do. For out of the East a Christ arose, And out of the East there gleamed, Skill is knowing how to do it. The dearest dream and the clearest But real human service is characterized in the doing. dream, That ever a prophet dreamed. What makes life dreary is want of Yea, into the waiting West they go motive. Heaven itself cannot help With the dream-chil- d of the East, And find the hopes that they hoped of you if you have no desire to help yourself. old Are a hundred fold increased. Some one threw a snow ball and For there in the East we dream our hit the girl who was walking by on dreams Of the things we hope to do, the head. And here in the West, the crimson West, Labor without thought is drudgery. The dreams of the East come true! Men look to the East for the dawning new-mad- m Douglas Mallorh. Come out of the Kitchen. |