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Show i 1'IAIP lUljljI'ATCi. VJTHi U1AI1, XV&O I 'j Ti 1 Ja A, VOLUME i Ji SAINT GEORGE, UTAH, FEBRUARY 13, 1. DIXIE NORMAL COLLEGE ORCHESTRA CONCERT Dll US 2 STATE BOARD AGAIN March Men of Ohio February 8th., the Dixie basket-ba- ll team left to play the B. A. C., the 2. the Parowan High School and the Beaver City High School. The out3. come of this series determines the (A. E. Harris) Southern Division Championship. Earl J. Bleak, Wesley Pearce, After this trip the one remaining Vera Seegmiller, Eldon Larson. game will be played with Beaver, 4. Selection. ...The Beggar Student Feb. 19th at St. George. C. Millocker The Dixie boys are yet undefeated. Doodle Yankee 5. Novelty The game at Cedar was close. At Harry L. Alford of the first half, the score close the Selected 6. Vocal Solo es. 7 in favor of the B. A. C. was Eldon Larson As a member of the Board of Edurallied and played to the our But boys Dixie Normal Swiss College, The of 7. the Boy Cornet Duet cation D team can. At as the end only he supported faithfully all of the (Paul De Ville) close of the second half the score the worked and Bleak Dr. Samuel School activities, Earl J. Bleak, Church was a tie. Five minutes were given NAVAL ACADEMY CANDIDATES 8. Overture Raymond constantly for its uplift. in which to play off the tie. The He supwas Thomas He Ambrose very optimistic. final score was 28 to 2 6 in favor of Recently President Nicholes re(The Queens Secret) ported all of the positive things in Dixie. ceived a letter from Representative acand Beautiful On never The He 9. life. Waltzes complained The game with Beaver was less Don B. Colton asking that he submit Rhine Op. 83, Keler Bela cepted cheerfully the things as they Selected close. It resulted in another victory names of candidates for the United came. The spirit of love and kind10. Reading for us, with a score of 30 to 20. The States Naval Academy at Annapolis. ness characterized his life and was Miss Ida Seegmiller Dixie has never yet been honored Parowan game will be played MonLizella radiated to all of his associates and 11. Overature of an- with an appointment to the Naval confident We feel night. day was ever M. H. Ribble those who knew him. If he other victory. School, so it seems highly probable discouraged he concealed it. This orchestra concert promises to exand team of our are We that some of our candidates will be proud The following poem represents the be superior to any previously presentin State the to honors win it accepted. The candidates submitted man he was: Mr. Bleak is pect ed by the department. tournament. are Howard Miller, Myron Stout, Karl very enthusiastic about it. God give us men. Winsor and D. Jordan Rust. Success We are proud of the work of Mr. C. B. The time demands strong minds, to them. COME OUT OF THE KITCHEN Great hearts, true faith and willing Bleak and his students. They add much to our school activities and hands, COMING! MUSICAL COMEDY The Student Body Play does office of community programs. Their work Men whom the lust of has always been superior quality. Did you ever come home about not kill ; Down in Old Louisiana is where Be at the Tabernacle, February twelve oclock, midnight, tired, enter Men whom the spoils of office canthe College class will shine Februm. to 15th at 7:30 p. the culinary quarters and proceed not buy; 16 and 17. This is a clever musary When vacant a and regions. Men who possess opinions replenish your as being as described ical comedy, to enjoy you were just beginning will; as a grand opera. The cast conSUGGEST SOMETHING good internal and organs a not your tell lie; Men who will yourself, some of the best singers of were feeling a little less like the sists of Men who can stand before a DemA successful entertainschool. the Fellow Students; Mammoth Cave (never fully exploragogue, to all of us. ment is assured. Leonard Sproul is Dixie The belongs voice a majectic And datum his treacherous flattered), did you hear A the director. It is what we all make it. Come out of the Kitchen. call, ers without winking. StuScream A High-clas- s of the laws the think Do you this than more even who live situation tragic Tall men House At the If you need Opera changing? dent Body arises in the school play, which will above the fog; 16 and 17 before be February suggestion your do, present 24. 22 and staged February In public duty and in private Tickets 3 5c. Wednesday, February 14th, to the The players were chosen from thinking. You-aforbetta beyout. for Student Body Commissioners, in the actors best of the among forty The suggestion school. The cast is enthusiastic. mal consideration. DEATH OF DALLAN BARKDULL will later be presented for your conMrs. McAllister is untiring in her FACE THE MUSIC, A SUCCESS sideration. coaching. We have seen the splendMan does not understand and comThe Student Body Commissioners id results of her work before. You The Fourth Year Play, Face the prehend all of Gods purposes; and invite your suggestions. are assured of an evening of real ensuch it is in the case of the recent Student Body Officers. of Music, was a play of which any class Come Out see when you joyment death of Dalian, the small son of Mr. might well be proud. the Kitchen. and Mrs. Phillip H. Barkdull. For It was w'ell presented and showed 22 At February the House, Opera PAROWAN LYCEUM about two weeks the child was very preparation on the part of thorough and 24. ill and suffered intense pain. All the cast. the beAn agreement has been made The peculiar situation of the other medical attention and care possible tween the D. N. C. and the Parowan We deeply regret to hear of the Mr. Smith was one that married men to obtain were given him; but SaturSchool, whereby the two schools death of one of the Basket Ball playavoid, but it created day, February 3, he succumbed to High to entertainments. ers of the Parowan High School, may profitably two crowded houses. are exchange and meningitis. amusement for pneumonia Meister The Douglas Mitchell. He died of pneuWe extend our sincerest sympathy The Parowan number, The cast of characters was: will be here in the near fu- monia at Parowan February 7. Rev. John Smith to Mr and Mrs. Barkdull in their loss. Singers, Conrey Bryson C. B. that our Lester Herman Smith Indeed it is a loss for he was a most ture. It is highly probable John school play will be sent to Parowan Dick Desmond. ..j... .Richard Andrus promising child, being of good parin return. of faculties the all Colonel Duncan Smith, Dan HigMANAGEMENT entage and having CIRCULATION The Meister Singers consists of In him their hopes, a normal child. ginbotham. of Parowan artists of unusuHoward Miller their joys, their ideals, and aspira- a group Sergant Duffell Wm. Snow has been appointed to of consists The program al ability. Zelda Nelson Mabel tions were realized. Now he has Charles McAllister, concert numbers and dramatic read- take the place of Helen Moody Nora This posigone to fulfil a mission, greater posManager. as Circulating You are assured of an evening Miss Fotheringay, Helen Woodbury sibly than he could have done here. ings. tion is of importance, as it keeps us of good high class entertainment. and Ida Seegmiller loss sense we their Mrs. Ponting Nevertheless, schools. other with in touch B. C. in it. them with sympathize After suffering long and severely with pneumonia, Bishop Samuel Isom died at his home in Hurricane, February 2nd, 1923. He was a man of exceptionally strong personality, and was a very able leader among men and women. He accepted the gospel without a single question of doubt. His whole life he spent in the furtherance of the gospel and through it, Gods purpos- Henry Fillmore Poet and Peasant Overture F. V. Suppe Violin Quartet, Prayer&Rondo 16-1- r: ACCREDITS THE DIXIE A. C. Mathison, Assistant Superintendent of Public Instruction, in a letter dated February 6, notified President Nicholes that the report of Professor Cowles and Superintendent Williamson had been read and accepted by the State Board of Education. This means that the normal graduates from two years work of our Junior College will be fully certificated as teachers. All the work was likewise accepted. The action of the State Board means much to us. It not only tells what our standing is but promises to foster our future growth. February loth 1. NUMBER VI. 2 ll - |