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Show THE DIXIE OWL The Store where you can get Everything for the Family Dry Goods, Notions, All Star Brand Shoes A. R. WHITEHEAD & NEXT THE DIXIE DRUG CO. I). C. Watson Ph. G. THE QUALITY STORE SNOW BUILDINC The Rexall Store Jas. Andrus & Sons Co. INCORPORATED We carry a complete line of Drugs , Medicines, Toilet Articles, Stationery, School Supplies, Kodaks and Sporting Goods . Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing Cattle & Sheep Mens Supplies Wagons & Farm Implements CALL AND SEE US ST. GEORGE DRUG CO. w- - p'- - E. B. Snow Furniture Co. DEALERS IN Ranges, Furniture, Hardware, Rugs and Linoleum, Wire Fencing, etc., etc. ST. GEORGE, UTAH 45k It will pay you to come here for anything in the drug line, because we stock all worthy remedies and toilet preparations as soon as they are placed on the market. Of course, you have occasional wants which we can not supply, but we are always It glad to make special orders for what is wanted. is a pleasure to serve you. All Sanitary and Antiseptic Methods. Best of Attention. AT PHONE WE HAVE IT OH WE AVIEE GET IT John M. Higgins -R SAINT GEORGE, UTAH SNOW BUILDING SON Dixie Barber Shop U- DR. SAMUEL BLEAK DENTAL SURGEON ST. GEORGE, UTAH Dixie Auto Co. GARAGE Gas, Oil, and General Repairing Guaranteed Workmanship Just West ot Court House. Phone 22y |