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Show s THE DIXIE OWL Class Reports FRESH IKS one. The Sophomores challenged the school for a basket ball game at 5 oclock. The outcome proved to be a glorious victory for the Second Years. During the evening we dramatized "Wheres My Hat? This was a scene from Mr. and Mrs. Romneys Keith made an ideal honeymoon. Mr. Romney, Katherine (as Roxy) made a fine type of the clinging vine, Lida was a second Miss Lindsay, while Rulon did Mr. Davis to perfection. Indeed the 30th of January proved a highly successful day for the Sophomores. And it shall always remain one of the red letter days in our school memories. Katherine Miles 21 Our class, besides displaying brilliancy in everything we try to do, have 'discovered that we have stage talent. This was proved on the evening of the 30th; when the girls danced so artistically. During the sports in the afternoon we were represented well. Although we lost out in the tug of war, our men did their best, and we hope to win the honors in the debate in the near future. We wish to congratulate Papa Hall, in his actions. He makes a splendid and is capable of getting Mutt, Jeff interested in his problems. Freshies are said to be stupid, but Letha displayed some of our talTHK JUNIORS ent when she gave, Hind Side BeThe judges were unanimous fore. Who says that the Juniors haven't in our favor. We intend making a been doing things lately? On the name for ourselves. Watch us! night of the 29th of January, didn't Florence Forsha 22 they get their banner up before the of the school knew anything rest SOrilOMOliES about it? Didn't they paint their on the Sugar Loaf? Didnt The night of the 29th found a 20 a success of the 30th, and make they to of small crowd Sophies returning the school after a rehearsal. On ar- carry the spirit of the day clear to the end? Didnt they riving at school we saw all the Junior through a time than anyone else? have better boys trying to put a Junior banner And the original did! They surely across the gymnasium building, of that the Juniors songs sang in the course we, the Sophomores couldnt didn't they make a stand for anything like that so we evening program, were hit though? They actually coneach went to different parts of town so one of sidered that appropriate to rouse slumbering Sophs to the restuto was them whole the taught alization that war was surely on bedent the body, following Thursday tween the honorable Juniors and the manly Sophs. During the night morning. Oh, theres no doubt about their banner was torn down and it, the Juniors certainly have originburned before their eyes. The Jun- ality. Satuiday morning, Feb. 8, promptiors ran one of their new at nine oclock, a hayrack carryly pennants upon the flag pole and chalthe liveliest bunch ever, pulled ing lenged the whole school to tear it You are asking does it re- out of St. George, and started for the down. Everyone envied the main there. Oh! yes on the chest of Oil Fields. as sailed past singing Juniors they a highly respectable straw Junior. school their songs. Theyll never tell As gray dawn crept over the valley well anyone what but happened, two guards were seen doing sentinal as came them back into seeing they around this relic of Junior folly. tlie even town, poorest observer, With the aid of the Sophomores the school erased the 20 from the could tell by their beaming faces how successful the trip had been. Sugar Loaf, which the Juniors had 3 placed there the morning of the 0th. The afternoon sports ended with Everything comes to him who Who waits, the Sophomores as victors. But here's a rule thats slicker: says that Dolph and Tom didnt make The man who goes for what he perfectly spiffy girls? Who says that the Freshies didnt enjoy their unmo- wants. ? No lested bath in the Will surely get it quicker. Sun-flow- THE Best class in the 19 1 f)s D. N. C. 19s. Loyal crowd from 19 !)1 A to Z, 19s. Back the school in all thats fine. Never hear a Senior whine, Up and doing, right in line, 1919's! Lead the school when 1919s. spirits high, Halt what slower classes try, 19 19s! Bring the Juniors colors low,. Up the gold and purple go, Class is anything but slow, 19 19s! Parties, well they know the kind, 19 9s! 1 Livest bunch you'll ever find, 19 19s. How their games and dances take! Oh, the chocolate they make! And the sandwiches and cake, 1 9 19 's ! Loyal parents, staunch and true, 19 19 's. Back the class in all they do, 19 19s. How they work, but oh what fun That they have when work is done! True and steady, every one, 1919s! Class I'll boost with all my might, 1919s. Keep her colors pure and bright, 1919s. Other classes passing by, But the 19s take my eye, For that class Ill live or die, 1919s! er Mud-hole- t Mr. Nicholes. Willy, what are you making all that racket for? So I can play tennis Rulon S. with it. Mr .Nicholes Then youll need a me the trunk strap too. bawl, Bring man. young Let us have the faith that right makes might, and in that faith let us to the end dare to do our duty as we understand it. Lincoln. Undertake not what you cannot perform, but be careful to keep your promise. Washington. |