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Show THE DIXIE OWL 5 Comments on The Life of Washington be done to raise the spirits of his Englishmen, including Fox, He was keenly Byron, Tennyson, and Gladstone countrymen. watching for an opportunity and who were the most unsparing finally it came. We all know of critics of everything American, One hundred eighty-si- x years his brilliant success at the battle have paid homage to Washington. ago, there was born on a plantaof Trenton, which was the turnIn France his name has always tion in Virginia a boy who was ing point of the war, and accordbeen revered. In distant lands destined to become the man most ing to Bancroft turned the shapeople know the country of Washhonored by Americans and affecdow of death into morning. ington. George Washington will called The of Father tionately Washingtons spiritual nature always receive the love and revhis Country. This boy was was strongly developed. His erence of men because they see Ceorge Washington. as was known the camp camp of in him the noblest possibilities of As a boy he was noted for his prayer, for his men had that same humanity. When he died in 1799, kings truthfulness and obedience. Dur- humble faith that God would hear dehis and From he had a them. and nations put on mourning. Washinging youth help great sire to be a sailor, but gave up tons State papers we find that he Bells were tolled and flags were never doubted the goodness of dropped to half masts when the this idea to please his mother he was left fatherless at the age God and was always very humble news came that Washington was y of eleven. He compiled a code of before his laker. we of the Dixie dead. When through the blessings of unite with the whole country, in morals and good manners for his own use and rigidly observed all heaven and the wisdom and abhonoring the name of Washington its rules. His language was clear ility of Washington, peace and first in war, first in peace and and manly. His manuscript liberty came to the colonies, there first in the hearts of his countrywas need of someone with ability men. books, which still exist, are modto safely launch the Ship of els of neatness and accuracy. Henry ,1. Miles 20. All hearts instinctively When quite a young man he State. turned to Washington as the onbegan to serve his country, risking his life to faithfully perform ly man to fill that important posAt the time of our nations peril, the duty assigned him on the per- ition. He again left his own in- When she needed a guiding hand, ilous expedition to the Ohio Valterests and his quiet home life God sent him to be the defender In which he so dearly loved, to take Of union in Freedoms fair land. and Indian French the ley. War which soon followed he was upon himself the great, almost a distinguished figure, as his overwhelming responsibility deThrough storm and the stress of rebellion, ability as a soldier was great. volving upon the first President He When the liberties of the colonies of the new United States. Through days of the darkest despair, were threatened, the Continentfaithfully and ably served his When others, disheartened, were al Congress naturally turned to country for eight years. He rehopeless, Washington for leadership. fused the third term knowing down with their sorrow acwas of state own his lie Weighed the inclination that safely ship Against and care: cepted the position refusing all launched. Having spent the best in his countrys With courage and hope still uncompensation. He risked his all years of his life for the cause of liberty. For the service, he returned to his belovdaunted, ed Mount Vernon, continuing, service he rendered, the AmerWith faith that all yet would be ican people will never cease to be until his death, to take a keen interest in all the affairs of the He right, and watched oer our appreciative and grateful. guided During the time of terrible suf- government. nation, We admire his obedience and fering at Valley Forge, Washingthe dark and the terThrough ton shared all the hardships with truthfulness as a son, his courage, rible night. his soldiers. Under such trying caution, unselfishness, and abiliconditions the grandeur of his ty, as a soldier and his wisdom But just when it seemed peace was dawning, character is best shown. When as a statesman. His character as the long, anxious watch When he for months, the army had met a man was well-nig- h perfect would be oer, d disa was pure, with nothing but reverses, gentleman of dauntless courage and When, after the smoke of the couragement, and defeat, Washbattle, ington knew that something must stainless honor. 1 To-da- Lincoln high-minde- |