Show NATIONWORLD The Salt lAke Tribune A9 Thum lay September 9 2004 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK: ( takes crusade Cosby to Black Caucus r- - I 1 WASHINGTON Al — The Rev and African- - Sharpton American members of Congress had one word on Wednesday for Bill Cosby: Amen are all in debt to Bill Cosby who did not have to come bit the firing line" in opening a crusade for personal responsi- bility within the black commu- nity said Sharpton Both the iiitspoken comedian and the former Democratic presidential attended a "summit" problems examining inner-cit- y during the Congressional Black Caucus Legislative Conference Sharpton said Cosby has brought about "a sea change" in attitude by frankly and openly criticizing a culture of many young black Americans where achievement is kademic HOBBY CRAFT SUPERSTORES & Uowee10) 1 '' ' -I ' r1 5 ' ' 5 ' ! 1 i i UAR1ERS 1 1 k t I t I i - : ill Ik t I MANLIKL Su-"W- occAsion Cosby chastised some "lower economic" people for "not holding up Bunt 1124mi11vAmariated Prom Cosby addresses the 34th students are African-America- n accused of acting "white" "I can't even talk the way these people talk: 'Why you And I ain't' 'Where you is' blamed the kid until I heard the mother talk And then I heard the father talk Everybody knows It's important to speak English except these knuckleheads" he said While Cosby's early remarks were called controversial in the news media there was only agreement Wednesday after a their end of the deal" e "These people are not ing They are buying things for kids — $500 sneakers for what? And won't spend 1200 for 'Hooked on Phonics' " he said then He said those within the black community should stop blaming others for their problems and instead change attitudes in which language skills are denigrated and good parent-candidat- closed meeting between the legislators educators and other leaders Sharpton said Cosby's critics were "in the business of victimization" Martin Luther King Jr and others did not die "to give our children the right to be hoodlums and thugs" said Sharpton He criticized the "glorification of decadence" that "has been confused with black culture" "This is not our culture" he said African-America- rt z- HALLOWEEN ITEM I Annual Legislative Conference of the Congressional Black Caucus Foundation In Washington on Wednesday He advocates a change of attitude toward learning Bill - r J t) t4 it-P111 - 7 m $) "914441 TH 8 ASSOCIATED 'th PRESS Iraq — US jets pounded insurgent positions in Fillujah for a second straight day Wednesday raising plumes of smoke but leaving no extensive damage or signs of weakenipg the Sunni militants who have steadily expanded their control ot this city about 30 miles west of Baghdad After the attacks bands of fighters many wearing loose black pajama-lik- e pants and lounged outside abanLned buildings facing the Ntrierican lines seeking to escape the intense sunlight of a day when temperatures topped 114 degrees Most hid their faces with Arab head scarves or ski inasks : Elsewhere in this city of 00000 fighters patrolled the streets in new American pick-tip- s One resident 2kbu Rihab said they were part of fleet stolen between ordan and Baghdad The Fallujah Brigade which Americans organized in May to maintain security after the Marines lifted a three-weeSiege has all but disappeared long with virtually all signs of Iraqi state authority Members of the Iraqi national 'kuard which was supposed to back up the Fallujah Brigade red the city after one of their commanders was executed by Insurgents for allegedly spying tor the Americans Local police bperate under the tacit control of he militants : The airstrikes in the eastern ttnd southern parts of this city targeted a militant "command and control headquarters" that has been coordinating attacks against US and Iraqi forces the PS military said in a statement "Initial assessments indicate there are no noncombatant cailalties" the US statement - FALLUJAH - - e '" tt l' - )' a t ) 1 ‘ I ABDUL KRADER SAnightAmoriatedPMIS interim Iraqi government has lost control over key Sunni Muslim cities such as FaIlujah Ramadi and Samarra In FaIlWah real power is in 711 S 300 W SIC UT Your Style - 'N:'-x--- ' " e — ' :t m e I- v1 ': 1 - 1! - 355-277- 0 '- f4 401 pervtiNt ' ' — I - i - t SEPTEMBER J it I 117 co Vinyl DRACULA LI CAPE199 12 bk Plastic Li CANDY CUPS-3- 99 --l- r A I ' I' ' ' WIG599 LI WITCH 17441 $ Witch's Broom LI DECOR699 1 CUSTOM PICTURE FRAMING MIRE ORDER P pot canon Nol Fon tor Gilt Contrunner co Rod Onn coupon I Ober Oat !gott'' 4:1'?--1 Ma cc I be owl in connonclion olh oi Flifflal or Evens knows Nemo Good Mb Itri not e KW logged j re Studi67--I Deluxe -V ° ff 0 1 L ePt - ppl les t t 129 All in A stock Craft tr4111-- d mime a P t z — 'included l"ime'h0 :l Clear Acrylic SPRAY FINISH 399 fin''a tri au 91011 Character BURLAP SCARECROWn WSTAKE Your choice 2004 Vt( (199 7" 6'1 q f FALL 4Y CLINGS Asst & : t 04 40 Designs NIS rite WINDOW CIL 1':4 vbPecia Asst I 2"xl 1 - AP k I " ACCESSORIES or UNIQUE GIFTS - BAR & 3210 SOUTH HIGHLAND ‘ FLOWERS DRIVE SIC O pie'l jaipir not 14 6)off 11' Macs k te mese bC) lifDWOUU KJ ler Non in lexe eel seep m coreenceom wen oh crew ohm Not wed te! 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