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Show ,4k Vol. 232, No. 125 Salt Lake City, Teams Find By Harry F. Rosenthal Associated Press Writer - CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla A Coast Guard cutter on Thursday reported finding a large piece of debris believed to be part of the fuselage of the space shuttle Challenger. NASA also recovered one of the shuttle's control panels and said parts of the cockpit appear to be floating on the Atlantic Ocean. The fuselage is ttie cenLal body Friday Morning January 31, 1986 of Shuttles Control Panels 1 portion of the shuttle. The segment was hoisted aboard the Coast Guard cutter Dallas and a spokesman reported, "they said it took everything they had to get it up there on the cutter. so it must be fairly large." An investigating board spent the day checking TV tapes of the liftoff taken from different angles and NBC said the focus was on one of the solid rocket boosters. Reporter Jay Barbree said a I'tah study of the film seen by the public seemed to indicate that a splice between two of the booster's four segments sprung a leak and "served like a blowtorch and frame-by-fram- e graveyard of the world." Crews covered thousands of pounds of bris. including a control panel rede- officials said vital clues had shuttles two solid-fue- l rocket boosters were detonated The boosters, which separated from the exploding spaceship and flew erratically through the sky Tuesday, were detonated by a radio signal when one of them headed toward a populated area NASA been destroyed when the Hindenburg a 6,000 burned through the tank " degree blow torch Earlier. NASA had expanded its search for shuttle debris, dispatching six Navy ships to probe the 'missile At a news conference Thursday evening, Lt Cmdr Jim Simpson of the las an the 1 Coast Guard said the cutter Dalreported finding "a large piece that there appeared to be parts of cockpit on the surface "They had multiple sonar hits indicating there is something large on the bottom," he said A bone with blue fabric attached washed up on a beach, and medical technicians examined it to see if it belonged to one of the seven astronauts killed in Tuesday s explosion The bone was found near Indialan-tie- , 35 miles south o. "ape Canaveral and taken to a hospiu , at nearby Patrick Air Force Base. NASA spokesman Hugh Harris said the bone and tissue fragment measured four inches by six inches by one inch. NASA officials did not know what kind of bone it was, and there nothing See Column I A-- Flowers Pour Into Texas For Memorial Service By William H. Inman United Press International CLEAR LAKE CITY, Texas -King Hussein of Jordan, who signed himself a fellow flyer, sent a wreath, thick with white orchids. I I ! i 1 ' ) !, il .1 f A Coco Beach, Fla., Brownie troop sent a basket of live plants, the payment proffered in nickels, dimes and quarters. Fortune 500 companies, including Rockwell and International Business Machines, sent gargantuan floral displays, and a lone NASA tracking station in the Atlantic sent a spray of red, white and blue carnations. The flowers, uncounted tens of thousands, arriving in van loads by the hour, will grace a memorial service the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is holding Friday for the seven astronauts who perished aboard the shuttle Challenger. Not since the death of Elvis Presley have so many Americans sent so many flowers to a single place, said Judy Yovanovich, spokeswoman for Florists Transworld Delivery, better known as FTD. The deaths struck a chord. Special orders have glutted retail establishments throughout the Houston area, stretching to the limit the ability of shops to fill them on time. Were going crazy here," puffed Janice Titloff, owner of Clear Lake Flowers, who said more than 100 or- - ders have poured in since the Tuesday tragedy. The death touched off such an outpouring of flowers that FTD dispatched a special project "liaison and trouble-shoote- r from his Michigan headquarters. These shops are not used to handling this crush of business, said Yois vanovich. He the trouble-shoote- r Memorial services for the seven who perished aboard the space shuttle Challenger will be televised live Friday at the following times: KUTV, Channel 2: from 10:30 to 11:45 a.m.; KTVX, Channel 4: from 10 a.m. until noon; KSL-TChannel 5: from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. there to make certain everything moves along as smoothly as possible. Where did the orders come from? A large number are being shipped from the Hawaiian Islands, florists say, in honor of Hawaiian-bor- n astronaut, Ellison Onizuka. Hussein and Queen Noor sent their gift on behalf of the royal family and the people of Jordan. Said Jordanian Counsel Sabir Amawi: The whole globe is mourning Americas heroes. We feel we are members of an international family. This is a token from our people to your people. Hussein, in particular, was affected by the deaths because of his per M n il jj v Senate Passes a King Bill, But Holiday Is in Doubt By Paul Roily Tribune Staff Writer Everyone now seems to want a Martin Luther King Jr. Day in Utah. But the House opts to do away with Lincolns birthday while the Sen- would ate eradicate Co- i persona- l-preference lumbus Day and the Democrats charge .! i t political she- nanigans in the whole deal. 3 Following the Houses t That bill, HB186, would replace Lincoln's birthday with the King Day, so Utah would not add another holiday by honoring the slain civil rights leader. Sen. Williams, Lake, said he had no problem with that concept, even though it differed from his original proposal to replace the day now enjoyed by state employees with the King day. But after senators initially refused to consider Sen. Williams bill, they finally agreed to debate it, then changed it into a form that even the sponsor of the House bill said he could not support. After the initial rejection, Sen. Karl Swan, pleaded with the Senate to bring up Sen. Williams bill, SB17, and pass it on to the House so that bill could be law rather than the House bill sponsored by Rep. Robert Sykes, lead Wednesday in passing a bill to create a King holiday on the third Monday of January, the Senate passed its own version Thursday. The Senate's action, however, increases the doubt that the Utah Legislature will end its general session this year with a King holiday at all. The controvi rsv began when Sen. Terry Williams, the originl sponsor of the hll, p uested his measure be considered by the Senate so he could amend it to be consistent with the bill that passed the House on Wednesday. Lake. Out of respect to the only black citizen ever to be elected as a member of this body, it is only appropriate that Sen. Williams be the sponsor of the Martin Luther King bill that finally passes the Legislature, Sen. Swan said. He added that if senators held See Column 1 lt A-- sonal interest in the space program and his background as a pilot, said Amawi. Ann Yanme, owner of La Mariposa Gardens, was touched by the small anonymous gifts. Many people simply ordered a single red rose. Nothing else. They did not leave their names on a card The tiny city of Port LaVaca, Texas, sent an unadorned basket of spring flowers, as did the crew of a Bermuda tracking station which watched the Challenger disappear from radar screens moments after launch. Spring flowers seem very appropriate, said Yanme. They symbolize hope and rebirth, a new beginning." The arrangements span in price from $5 to many hundreds of dollars, the larger gifts coming from NASA subcontractors. After the service the flowers will go to nursing homes and hospitals and charitable organizations for the most part. Those so designated will be given to the relatives of the deceased. However, noted a spokesman for the Johnson Space Center, the last thing some of these families need are truck loads of plants unloaded on their doorstep. But I am sure they will be touched that so many people expressed themselves this way. It is truly a magnificent gesture by the people ot America. United Press International simple sigu carrying a profound mes- sage adorns the grounds at Concord High A i I Can We Talk? Libya Asks the U.S. By Jeffrey Ulbrich Associated Press Writer TUNIS, Tunisia Libya said Thursday it is willing to help fight terrorism and meet with the United States about easing friction that has led to boycotts and talk of war. Washington has accused Libya of supporting terrorists. Libyas foreign minister, Ali Treiki, said the United States should take the first step he suggested withdrawing the 6th Fleet, which has beer: conducting maneuvers off Libyas coast but Col. Moammar Khadafys government was ready to talk even without that. Despite the maneuvers, Libya is willing to sit down without any preconditions, he said, in an interview with The Associated Press. Treiki is in Tunis for a meeting of Arab pledge not to take military action .. against Libya. Craxi said the message was relayed by Prime Minister Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici of Malta, who has close relations with Khadafy. The Maltese leader has acted as an intermediary between Italy and Libya since the Dec. 27 terrorist attacks on Rome and Vienna airports, in which 20 people were killed and nearly 120 wounded. Treiki denied such a message was sent. I think the prime minister of whom he seeks backing for measures to challenge U.S. economic sanctions. By Sondra Beaulieu United Press International VioHaiti lent protests erupted in at least seven Haitian towns Thursday, with demonstrators burning tires and parading symbolic cofe Duva-lie- r fins of President and his wife in the most widespread unrest of his regime. The government reported the deaths of five people it said were trampled or suffocated Wednesday in a raid on a warehouse of the U.S. aid group CARE in Cap Haitien. The League foreign ministers, from His comments came two days after Premier Bettino Craxi of Italy reported getting a message from Kha-daf- y that he said offered help in stopping Arab terrorist operations in Europe if the United States would Todays Chuckle The reason they never give the groom a shower is because hes all washed up anyway. Malta sent a letter to Craxi, he said. There must have been some misunderstanding? The United States accuses Khadafy of harboring Abu Nidal, the renegade . Yanks Leave: A-- 10 Palestinian terrorist whom the Reagan administration and Italy blames for the airport massacres. President Reagan ended U.S. economic dealings with Libya after the attacks and ordered all Americans - Jean-Claud- deaths pushed the toll in disturbances since Sunday to eight, and raised to 12 the number killed in the last two months of demonstrations. Thursdays unrest broke out despite government orders that security forces "take all necessary measures to end the uprisings. appeared calm but tense, with rumors circulating of the imminent departure of Duvalier, who inherited power from his father Francois Duvalier in 1971. Radio Lumiere said Baptist-rumembers of the elite "Leopard" coun- - k - reated tensions. Treiki said he is urging Arabs to boycott the United States economically. terinsurgency corps had been sent to the northern town of Gonaives, where thousands of residents crowded into the streets at 8 a.m. When an angry mob threatened the local militia headquarters, militiamen briefly fired into the air. The Port-Au-Prin- n Rioting in Miami: A- -l crowd surged on, parading through the streets with coffins bearing the names of Duvalier and his wife, Michelle. Radio Lumiere said every street in the town 90 miles north of was blocked, with crowds burning tires and saying they would not retreat. The people of Gonaives have been at the forefront of opposition to Duvalier since security forces there shot three youths to death Nov. Port-Au-Prin- Smokeless - Tobacco Warning Goes to Senate Utah-publishe- d living there to leave by Feb. 1. Italy suspended arms shipments to Libya after the attacks. Despite his denial of Khadafys offer, Treiki said Libya is ready to cooperate against terrorism. Treiki said Washington should not blame Libya for the regrettable incidents at Rome and Vienna airports. If there are tensions, they are American-c- Protests Break Out in 7 Haitian Towns; Duvalier Ouster Rumored as Imminent llill Passes House 49 - 17 By Dan Bates Tribune Staff Writer Ads for smokeless tobacco products in newspapers and other periodicals would post health-riswarnings similar to those on cigarette promotions under a bill forwarded Thursday by state representatives. The Utah House kicked a variety of measures to the Senate for that politys consideration, including bills dealing with phony diplomas and sales taxes and a resolution on hunting buffaloes. reconstituted House Bill 154 from a proposal to ban smokeless towould fix bacco sales completely the same advisory on print ads for chaw and snuff that representatives have approved for labelirg the prod Photo School, where Christa McAuliffe taught and planned to share her space adventure. ucts packages or containers. It passed Rep. Richard Maxfield, decided to revise his bill last week when it was learned that a total ban would cost the state about $530,000 in annual sales tax revenues. The proposed warning states: Use of this product may cause oral cancer or other mouth disorders and is addictive." But in resuming arguments initiated earlier this week, House Minority obLeader Mike Dmitrich, jected to HB154 prohibiting the distribution of free samples of smokeless products. If the intent was to protect minors, another statute forbids providing minors with all tobacco items, he said. However, Rep. Maxfield said the 49-1- state promotes education programs whose message is tobacco is harmful, regardless of age. If were going to spend money telling them how bad it is, then why let them give it away?" he countered. asMsono Rep. Dmitrich tried in vain to eliminate language in the bill that indicates the Utah Legislature formally accepts medical studies that suggest links to smokeless tobacco and cancer and other diseases. "I dont think you have to wait 20 years for undisputable evidence that hundreds are being killed by oral cancer. The evidence is obvious, said a phyRep. Carl Anderson, sician. The minority leader also wanted to accept any warning adopted by Congress in similar pending federal legislation for the sake of uniformity, rather than use the Utah advisory. But representatives thwarted all his attempts to modify the measure. that They also passed a bill 67-0 See A-- Column 3 28. In the western town of Jeremie oh Haitis southern peninsula, crowds tore flags from several government buildings, destroyed a cement cross and ransacked a photography studio w "se owner is associated with the government. Long live the army! Down with misery!" the crowd shouted while several fires blazed. Demonstrations also were reported in the town of Petite Riviere in the Artibomte Valley, where crowds destroyed a drugstore named Michelle B. Duvalier. Today's ForthsI - Salt Lake City and vicinity Scattered showers, otherwise fair Highs 40s, lows 30s. Details, B-- 4 In the northern town of Pignon, crowds rang the church bell, shouted slogans and broke up a peasant market in the |