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Show rrrr T"- T - rr "VV fake Stilmiu' It 21) Vol. 232, No. 121 Salt Lake City, Ctah January Thursday Morning JO, l'lrffi Ships Pick Up Pieces of the Shuttle off Jift t. f a ' ymw NASA Doubts Crew Had v i'K '' Any Warning of lllasl 'o2?' ' ' & By Harry F. Rosenthal Associated Press Writer The CAPE CANAVERAL. Fla Coast Caard pulled 6011 pounds ol metal and tiles from Challenger out of the Atlantic Ocean Wednesday, and experts impounded every bit of data foi dues to the death of seven people in the world's worst space disaster NASA said the five men and two women aboard the shuttle probably had no warning of the impending explosion. The debris collected by Wednesday afternoon did not include any clothing or personal effects of the astronauts 100-to- n ' r r I '' 'A ' ' ' VV'A Y x, ' ' ,s ' ', r '' ' ,, t. .; '& United PreiS International Photo of metal and tiles from Challenger out of the but the ocean, largest chunk was only 15 feet by 15 feet. Navy frigate Aubrey Fitch returns to port after combing the seas off Cape Canaveral. U.S. ships plucked a day of 600 pounds The The around a cause." House Bill 186 was mostly cast in that light Wednesday, although the Utah Legislature has entertained at least three measures so far this session to rectify what has become a political predicament, by and large. The House measure, adopted by a vote, now advances to the Utah Senate, where a similar bill that put the issue in its politically volatile context earlier in the session may be modified to reflect the representatives' action. Sen. Terry Williams. Lake City, said he would likely move to amend his bill in that manner on Thursday At first. HB186's sponsor Rep. Robert B. Sykes. Lake City -had opposed declaring Dr. King's birthday as a holiday in Utah. But after introducing the bill during the session's first week, he said he respected Dr. King's accomplishments and fell the state may look "foolish" by holding out with Texas. Wyoming and Vermont as the only states failing to officially commemorate the third Monday of January as national Martin Luther King Jr. Day. "1 think it's the right thing to do," Rep. Sykes told House members Wednesday. "This holiday is a statement that we believe in equality and civil rights." He then directed his comments to Utah potentially being stigmatized as "recalcitrant, racist or stubborn," particularly if lawmakers opted for a LEGISLATURE to us By Guy Boulton Tribune Staff Writer Three bills to require warning labels when advertising or recorded music contain subliminal messages which allegedly plant unconscious ideas in consumers' minds were approved by the House Business. Labor and Economic Develop- ment Committee Wednesday. "I don't want anything going into my mind that I'm not aware of," said Rep. Frances Lake City, "What I am Merrill, asking you is to protect the privacy of my mind and my children." "There's certainly been an increase drug addiction and certainly been an increase in suicides by young people, mass murders and satanic worship," said Rep. Clark Reber, "Maybe things like this are much more successful than we ever realize." But the bills were described as "absolute stupidity" after the meeting by in Tribune Telephone Numbers on .5 A-- 2. ationally we have no use tor it so display it (during launch, he said "We have a limited numbei ol operators and you want them" to look at a limited amount ol data Mission Control, w all all its soplus ticated technology, had no warning ol said the impending explosion Greene, who was directing Chulleng er's climb to space "We train awfully hard lor these flights and we tram under every see nario you can possibly imagine,'' lie said "There was nothing anyone See . Column aboard the space shuttle Challenger. Across the country flags fluttered f and churches opened at their doors for memorial services. half-staf- Counselors and child psychologists tried to ease the agony of schoolchildren who gathered for a lesson from space but instead saw fiery death boil across their television screens. Some parents reported their children had nightmares. Many psychologists said the tragedy would prove the deepest national trauma since the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. In Los Angeles, the Olympic flame that burned for the 1984 Games was relit to burn for a week in memory of the dead astronauts. In New York, the stock exchanges paused their raucous trading for a moment. Many radio stations fell silent for a minute at 9:39 a m. MST to mark the moment when Challenger blossomed into hideous flame Tuesday. Others played the na- tional anthem. In Washington. Air and Space Museum director Walter Boyne installed a plaque commemorating the lost crew. "Our triumphs are matched occasionally bv failure," said Sen. John the first American t" Earth. Glenn spoke ol Undream of space exploration and said Those seven carried along with them that dream. That quest lor man Glenn. orbit kind goes on." President and Mrs. Reagan will travel to Houston for a space agency memorial service Friday Nowhere was the grieving deeper than in Concord, Mass., home ol Christa McAuliffe. who was selected from 11,000 applicants to become the and the first plain citfirst teacher in space. izen Three hundred grade school chil dren attended a service at St John's Roman Catholic Church in Concord See A-- Column See A-- Column McAuliffe, who died Tuesday aboard the space shuttle Challenger when it exploded seconds liftoff. 74 Fomnl Salt Lake City and vicinity Mostly cloudy with scattered Highs 40s. lows 20s. Details, -- B-- United With the Capitol in the background, flags around the Washington Monument fly at 1 teacher Christa Tim1;i Mr ess mte nui'onyi Mhot" Wednesday in honor of the crew who died in the space shuttle Challenger. half-staf- f after! He also said he believes McAuliffe and the other six shuttle crew members died happy, based on his own experience aboard the space shuttle Discovery last April. Garn, who flew with Vice President Bush to Cape Canaveral Tuesday afternoon to console families of crew, reiterated his heartfelt support for McAuliffes husband Steven, her children Scott. 9. and Caroline, 6, and her parents, Edward and Grace Corrigan, in an interview with The Tribune. Prefacing his comments with he feels in trying to comfort McAuliffes family after such a tragedy, Garn said, "All I can really relate to them is that I do understand. I've been there, under different circumstances: Getting the telephone call in 1976) and learning that my first wife Hazel was killed in an " automobile accident Garn, who remarried and is the father of seven children, four with his first wife, continued: "The only thing I cun really say is that lime does heal You never" forget, you never lose the Ami there are certain good memory. times that will always hurt, even after all these years, "When I have children graduating from high school or college or having the d babies or special times. I will always wish that their mother was here to see those special events. "But on the other hand, as time passes, you get away from the sorrow and the tragedy. You remember the good times and the pleasant memories. And they Scott and Caroline! should always keep that in mind They should remember their mother as a great and courageous pioneer who was not just a civilian astronaut, but who was capable of qualifying as a astronaut in her own right. "She was tremendously thought of at NASA They the children need to remember a 11 of the good times they've had with her and she was." full-tim- e Garn encouraged the devastated Today's Clmeklo As soon us you they start tearing for repairs get on easy street, up the pavement of Concord, Nil. High McAuSchool, where the liffe taught social studies, "to not lose sight of the goals that Christa talked to them about. Not to lose sight of the future and what tremendous opportunities await them in space and sci once. The opportunities lor our young students people today are virtually unlimited - if they're prepared to accept them " Asked what meaning he would to Tuesday's tragedy, in light ol his faith in God as a Mormon. Gain said. "I don't ever assess any particu lar meaning to a tragedy. am not one who believes that, in faith, God calls particular people at certain times. I don't think he interferes wi'h our free agency to that extent But I do know that they're the ChaUcm..- r crew) all in the palms of God's hand That he recognizes them for then contributions "All of their families should have 1 See A-- Column t 9 5 one-ma- - Related to legal holidays that keep off the job. t..e Sykes bill would drop Utah's observance ol Abraham Lincoln's birthday on Feb 12 and replace it with the national 1 The nation poured out its grief Wednesday for the seven astronauts who died in pursuit of their dreams Dale Zabriskie, a lobbyist for the Utah Advertising Federation and Utah Broadcasters Association. "There is no clear test of what is a violation." Mr: Zabriskie told the committee. Any one person can say they have seen a subliminal in a communication. The bills were spearheaded by Terry Jessop, the founder and head of the National Institute for Subliminal Ren a search organization he runs in his spare time. Mr. Jessop, who became interested in the subject as a concerned citizen." contended subliminals are a "multibillion industry" and said he has "boxes" of examples. Mr. Jessop believes recorded music contains subliminal messages that encourage people to smoke marijuana, engage in illicit sex and worship the devil. "I am not aware of any positive subliminals in music, he said. He completed his presentation on subliminals with tape of a rock album that says "start smoking marijuana when played backwards. Mr. Jessop last week showed slides of sexual images allegedly hidden in By Thomas H. Gorey Tribune Washington Bureau WASHINGTON Sen. Jake Garn. the first sitting member of Congress to go into space, offered warm words of comfort Wednesday to the family and students of New Hampshire school A-- 2 stale employees Lincoln's birthday would be acknowledged with George Washington's on Presidents' Dav, which most See Column Disa-le- r. Garn Consoles Families of Challengers Crew Inside The Tribune " King Day .Mon on Sliultlc cone-shape- d Panel OKs Warning Tags For Subliminal Ads - Rights Day" or "Peoples' Day," as has been suggested. Taking a growinglv persuasive "economic development" posture on his bill. Rep. Sykes said corporations that employ a significant number of blacks may be dissuaded from expanding or relocating in Utah if they sense a hostile political and social climate. That's an image we don't deserve," he stressed, characterizing such a perception as "negative baggage we don't need and that is unfair . . 48-2- generic, less provocative "Civil Bv Jack Warner United Press International of . . civil-right- Lake. He voted "yes" in homage to Dr King, who was assassinated in 1968. and "his capability to rally people House Representatives passed a resolution Wednesday expressing condolences to the families of the seven space shuttle Challenger crew members who died in Tuesday's fiery explosion. The resolution which the Utah Senate will act on and forward to Gov. Norm Bangerter for his signanoted "the importance of the ture NASA space program and its great " accomplishments It also recognized Christa Mc.Aul-liff- e as the first civilian and school teacher to travel in space and her experiences in space would have enhanced the education of children in ." classroom throughout the nation By Dan Bates Tribune Staff Writer Ctah House of Representatives voted Wednesday to formally recognize the national Martin Luther King Jr holiday, even though many inemhers said they were embracing a "spirit of conciliation only to spare the state from a "racist" stigma. Still, those with personal feelings s for the slain black leader or his work's legacy largely prevailed in separating any ulterior motives. "If I'm not here next year after the elections, it's because many of my constituents have told me to vote 'no' on this." said Rep. Ervin M. Skousen. Utah object, possibly from the nose of one of the shuttle's solid rocket boosters, was spotted, but it was too big to put aboard the small cutter US Dallas A buoy tender was sent to the area The largest piece of debris found after a full day of searching was la feet by 15 feet. Other pieces were 12 feet long and 10 feet long. Most were ol aluminum, some containing piping, others covered with tiles More helicopters would be used Thursday to see if a large object could be seen in shallow areas. Sonar equipment was to be added later. Experts were studying computer readouts that timed events at one- - Mr-sio- Nation Mourns Shuttle Crew House Conveys Condolences House OKs Holiday Honoring King A thousandths ol a second, hoping m loam il the problem could hate been a rupture of the shuttle's huge exter nul tank Much speculation has i" cosed on the tank as the source ol tin explosion Flight director Jay tlreene data from the tank is not read in Control, but that it is recorded and will be available for the anuU-u-o- f the tragedy "Obviously the ET temps would be very nice to have right now, but oper- ' I 1 1 |