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Show 2UB Hated Monila lw xundav. January I') The Salt LdUt Tribune, in Olpin L'nion Social Justice Panel to Key U. of U. JANUARY CLEARANCE King Ceremony Come m now for the best selection on sofas, lovcscats, pit jroops, m G'eat fabric selection & sectionals -- morntrations at the South At DC in ru an t.mba-s- y Mr Robinson is a graduate of the a Hirvard Law School and has Boston and in interest attorney public a ford foundation fellow in Tanza nia He went to Washington, DC, in 1975 as a congressional aide In 1582 he received the Southern Christian h id d c div uri m i il kevnote jiiln "i bv Uu ! ad r j 'f jn Anu-r- an jnti aparth id urga motion w ill highlight thr t n tv of I tdh s ijh'.rrvani Mundav of M ir tin Luthi i King Jr buthdav Tithd Martin Lu'lur King I j j v The Hi ritdgt Thr I.tgKV Thr ind pant I -- u'-'i'- ju-t- Irorime hold in hulidav rr tx-e- thr iitwriiino conjunction with thr national honoring thr iv il rights lead will he ' Leadership Conference Drum Major He received the for Justice award Congressional Black Caucus Humanitarian Award in 1983 and Nobel 1'rize winner who wu' assassinated in 19bft Beginning this srar thr holiday will fall on thr third Mondav in Janii ary Ur Kings birthday is Jan 15 Utah is one of onlv four states that does not officiallv re ognie thr holi- The Life Membership ( ornmiUee of the Salt Lake Branch of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People f.N AACP, ,v.'l hold its second annual V Tin Luther King Jr Memorial Luncheor in the Olpin Unions Saltair Room foil' wing Mr Robinson s speech The eommit'ee will present an award to a Utah civil day Thr universitv as an intrllri tual leader in the community wants to foster the advancement of yx lal justice and recognize the Hev L)r Kings contributions to social justice for all Americans said Martin rights worker at the luncheon panel discussion on social justice is scheduled from 2pm to 4 p m in the Saltair Room Edwin Firmage. professor of law at the U of U will be the moderator Panelists include Mr Robinson, Sister Mary Luke Tobin of the Thomas Merton Center in Denver, the Most Rev William K Weigand bishop of the Catholic Diocese ot Salt Lake City, and the Rev France Davis of Calvary Baptist Church In addition to Monday s events several other campus activities are planned to commemorate Dr. Kings birthday The Colleges of Humanities and Social and Behavioral Science and the Graduate School of Social Work are sponsoring a Martin Luther e on an anKing nual basis A M Chemers professor of psvchology and director of plans for Mondays observance Last year the I of L observed Martin Luther King Day with a performance by c elebrated poet, author and actress Maya Angelou and other activities Randall Robinson director of Trans Africa the American organization will give a keynote speech at noon in the Olpin Union ballnxim The address is free and open to the public His appear bv the Assix'iat a nee is ed Students of the U of U TransAfrica is a relatively new black American lobby now in the forefront of continuing , d John B!d'ingjrm Afro and Yale I niv thru' dus ripy a- pr Amt-r- - ts-.,- i u! TucvldV at J W pm in the An finch Lane He will also g'Ve colhxjuid dnd interact with facultv ery rv Barn jn Siudies at will lx- on campus ihi v holjr in rest - 54 and students during the week Dr Bldsingame hds taught dt H i ard I niveruty and the I mvcr..v t Maryland He is the author ot MX dt n on Dr Bit. ingame will ix-dBlack Creative- - Writers and Slav books. Queen Bed Sleeper (ADVERTISEMENT) Wyoming Oil Lottery Op ens To All In February! CHEYENNE, WY. (SPECIAL- )Oil and Gas Lease Rights will rVyi Seattle Sofa & Loveseat Lyt L- - - be the right to compete equally with major awarded oi companies for these valuable leases the upcoming public drawings con- - on public lands, ducted by the Bureau of Land Manage- Information and entry details are merit. Some may realize unforseen available from the B. Ryan Snyder Com-- ( riches by selling their rights to oil com- - pany, Post Office Box 268, Santa Ana, pames while retaining lifelong royalties Calif. 22702. Please enclose SI to to hundreds of U.S. Citizens in on any future oil and gas production, cover postage and handling will no nsk more The B. Ryan Snyder Co. will rush of Incredibly, many than a tax deductible $45. to par- - ftcial entry information :nd full mstruc-ticipate in this government tions in tme to meet the Tcbru; y - S program that affords every American ing deadline. A1 A mouiSt 5 O'-- ' ra SOFA FACTORY 6200 South Strattlcr Avc. Enter off 5900 So. 380 West 104 Saturda- 254-- 1 276 ?78 0- 7 1 2t-4-- little-know- Monday-Frida- 90 Davs Same As Cash Scholar-in-Residenc- anti-apart- Officials Close Campground "Some more devices on the hillside over here have been located," Campbell said "Each time the wind blows, more are going to be found. If it rains, I'm sure it'll bring more up. LAVERKIN. Washington County Authorities have permanently closed a popular campground follow ing the discovery of still more live ammunition in the area where a grenade tossed into a campfire injured six people Washington County Sheriff Ken Campbell said Tuesday more cannon shells and other explosives were found in the campground in an area ilPI) where a company The explosives, including 40 millimeter cannon shells, were uncovered on a hillside where they were apparently disposed of more than a dozen years ago by a company doing testing for the military apparently Six people were injured the first week of January when one of them tossed a grenade found in the area into a campfire dumped them years ago He said the weather continues to uncover the devices, making the campground unsafe Since then, US Army bomb experts from Fort Douglas in Salt Lake City have been uncovering more shells and blowing them up in the Utah Gets S 1 52,567 To Update System area Utah has received $152,567 from the Department of Labor to assist the state in automating its unemployment insurance systems and procedures. Assistant Secretary of Labor Roger D Semerad announced Utah was one of 25 states alloted a total of $20 million The Unemployment Insurance Service selected proposals for federal aid of 25 states and the District of Columbia Large steel gates were erected Tuesday to seal off roads leading into the campground County Sots Bridge Work A bridge over Little Cottonwood Creek near 7200 S. 1300 East will be closed for more than two months starting Monday w hile crews replace the county span with a wider one Work by Lynn Williams Construction will cost $227,851. DID YOU MAKE A NEW YEARS RESOLUTION TO QUIT DRINKING? Did you make a resolution on New Years Day that you were going to stop drinking once and for all? Did you tell your family and friends that you were going to drink less or stop using drugs in 1 986? And here it is two weeks later and have you already broken that resolution ? Dont be too hard on yourself. You are not alone. But there are some facts that you should know that might explain why your best intentions are not good enough 1. WILLPOWER DOES NOTWORKON ADISEASE One out of every 10 people who drinks suffers from alcoholism. In the early stages, victims may not realize they have a disease but are convinced they are just "heavy social drinkers But alcoholism is recognized by the American Medical Association as a disease, like heart disease or cancer And one of its symptoms is compulsion. Making a resolution to control your drinking is like making a resolution not to have a heart attack 2. THE SOLUTION; MAKE A RESOLUTION YOU CAN KEEP Alcoholism is a treatable disease So make a resolution to get help. People who recover from alcoholism all say the same thing can't do it alone can do it with help 3. GFT MORE INFORMATION... I I CALL THE HELPLINE: (801) 272-HEL- P Highland Ridge Hospital 4578 Highland Drive r"' Salt Lake City, Utah Y7 i If.'SM T 1 I t: i , c I jrrTr'l Ilk f ,1 HOURS. Mon i . thiu in 9 30 a m to 7 00 p m Saturday 10 00 am to 6 00 pm T- - AAAAAA A AAi AA i4 Ai A J "S k A t A r m m |