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Show Time Becomes Vital for NASA As Shuttle Lands in California Los Angeles Times Service EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE. The luckless crew of the Calif space shuttle Columbia glided in for a perfect predawn landing here Satur- - V 's, day. ending a frustrating mission and forcing the spare agency to tiptoe along a tightrope for the next few months. A slip in the schedule of more than a few days would kill one or more of the most important scientific missions planned during the shuttle era including a spaeeborne observation of Halley's comet Rainy weather in Florida forced the landing here, one that will cost the National Aeronautics and Space Administration six days of precious time because the spacecraft must be loaded atop a transport plane and flown back to the Kennedy Space Center on Cape Canaveral Even if the hardware and the work crews cooperate, it will take extraordinary luck from the weather for NASA to do all it plans to do during the months ahead. Some scientists who have worked for years to prepare the scientific missions are bitter that NASA allowed its schedule to become so crowded that the missions may have to be sacrificed. a glider without runThe shuttle down on the touched lights ning dry lake bed here at 6 59 a m. MST It was visible only moments before it plunged into the brilliant beams from six runway lights, each putting out 800 million candlepower of 4""' ''fit White N.C., - 'jnrtf-- Patriot Iarty members in Raleigh, march in honor of Robert E. Lees Rr Inter not onO Phot'; birth instead of Martin Luther Kings, as civil rights mart r was praised elsewhere. White Supremacists Protest King Holiday By United Press International While supremacists Saturday pro- tested Mondays national holiday honoring Dr Martin Luther King Jr. with a rally in the birthplaee of the Ku Klux Klan and a march honoring Confederate (fen Robert K. Lee. In Pulaski. Tenn where the Klan was organized in 11105. Klan members assembled in Sam Davis Park for a rally that was scheduled to end with an eight-blocmarch around the city . square "Martin Luther King went all over the country stirring up animosity." said James It. Venable of Stone Mountain. (la., a member of the National Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. "King was a troublemaker. lie was a Communist and sat up there with the leading Communists." The original Ku Klux Klan was a secret society formed in Pulaski in 1865 and disbanded four years later after it was denounced by the state Legislature. In Raleigh, N C.. members of the W hite Patriots Party marched downtown to honor Lee. whose birthday is Jan. 19. Party leaders said they would celebrate Lee's birthday as an alternative to the King holiday. But elsewhere, cities found different ways to honor the civil rights jazz in Kansas martyr run in Denver, City, a a march led by mule-drawwagons in Tucson, Ariz , and the rededication of a King statue in San Bernadino, . . old-tim- e n Calif. Mondav is the first national holi day honoring King, who would have been 57, and federal workers Saturweekday began their first three-daend of the year. But most workers will have to be on the job Monday. Many municipalities are observing the holiday, but some only after heavy pressure at the last minute President Reagan, who once opposed the King holiday, used his weekly radio address Saturday to praise the slain leader. "Martin Luther King believed us I and so many other Americans do that our country will never be completely free until all Americans enjoy the full benefits of freedom," Reagan said in his speech from Camp David. Md. Jazz bands were to honor King with a musical tribute at a Kansas City hotel Saturday night, and runners in Denver participated in the Martin Luther King Jr. Run for the Dream In ll rights movement when she refused to give up her seat on a Montgomery. Ala . bus in 1955 Another parade was scheduled in San Diego, where the City Council is planning to name a street after King later this month. Wffi I ON L VI Large OB'' HP-12C- -a L NOW! Tucson, a group led by a Chuck Ford, who was the city's first black vice mayor, marched from the University of zona to City Rail behind a wagon like the one that ried King's casket to its grave Kck on the Ari- mule-draw- ms cn'y Sd.e is LM In California, a parade was schedin Berkeley and Assembly-SpeakeWillie Brown Jr. was to kick off a March to the Mountaintop" celebration by rededicating a King statue in San Bernardino. After the ceremony. King s sister, Christine, was to lead a march to a local park honoring Rosa Parks, the woman credited with igniting the civ- r 1 11157 W LOOM ION s()l JUKI l67-i;3- si 1 .Toll! II 969-6.'5- 7 -. o'- CLr un'que triple tongue ana groove creates d tight weatherproof fit and 'ap J corstrucron fu!i. round lags are P'eos'on-mi'ie- cjred "j' fur at least one year : inujinf-- M 27UII . TL7 .l.'t J- CaU 7 - : bj - j uj Wffit today tor jFRE ntormaoan tokteii b 235-432- 1 W LST 03 of Log Homes in the US. REAL SILVER EISENHOWER DOLLARS Japan Must Import, Meet Warns CORONADO, Calif. (AP) - Japan must import far more than it has to date if world trade equilibrium is to be restored, the trade ministers of the United States and the European Common market are cautioning. "It seems to me the government of Japan could do more to open up their markets to a whole host of goods," US. Trade Representative Clayton Yeutter told reporters in advance of Saturday's final session in a three-datrade conference. In a separate briefing. Willy de- - Clercq. vice president for external relations for the European Community, said: "Discontent in the European Community is the same as in the United States." "The Japanese should know that impatience is growing. Discontent is real," he added. Japanese officials at the trade talks, led by Trade Minister Michio W'atanabe, have said the Japanese government is doing what it can to open more Japanese markets, pointing to recent programs designed to boost imports. Limited Collectors Edition Limited Time Only! the death of President Silver Eisenhower Dollar was Eisenhower, the 1971-minted by the United States Government The Eisenhower Silver Dollar has an adaption of the Apollo 11 insignia on the reverse In 1971. following S Never to be released for general circulation, the Eisenhower Silver Dollar's were released m veiy limited quantities to certain individuals by prior arrangement. These coins are still in their original packaging just as they were released 15 years ago T he 1971-Eisenhower Silver Dollar is the same size as the old United States Silver Dollars minted around the turn of the century and contain solid silver of lasting value S Eisenhowe' was minted tu commemorate the late Dwight Eisenhower and omy base metal copper nickel corns were released for general circulation The Eisenhower Dollar senes fuu long si nt e been discontinued never to be issued again T fie Dollar D Carson City Reserve has been authorized to release a small group of these rare Silver Dollars to the General Public for a limited time only. When this supply is gone, we will be unable to distribute these rare Eisenhower Silver Dollars Sorry, no coin dealers. Strict limits will be enforced. Carson City Reserve guarantees these Eisenhower Silver Dollars to be genuine United States Government issue silver dollars. With our special release price of $15 50 each, we anticipate tremendous response to this limited offering We advise you to order early before the strictly limited supply at this low price is sold out We offer a 4 day examination period for each in that time will receive a full Coins returned order refund Don't be disappointed, order now For VISA, MASTER CARD & Call Toll Froo Mr O; ,k v A. IVlMih.u I ill t i pled. Money Otclet iVeU'-- e uoll C. 14 lAn. ,ish:er s S or r.V ,i",i . 1.1 s v 'O'! eu C lire k m eUcli CARSON CITY RESERVE .5 invited Ml. One of the Largest ManufriOurers lo lhlor Tratlc Balance i w Montana Toll Free LOOM ION SOLTH stiX- TD Wl.l.hl HUB (rVBllOl M. K to d.di'dbie - SUPPLIES Tney re tu'lt to your specifications or of our custom floor plans LUMBER ENTERPRISES INC. ALLEY BUSINESS MACHINES N lirritt-- 20 ore t5. dealer u ho has no equal. ,i SAVE Levels 9 iren legs Tiese large diameter 'ogs are more energy efficient and structurally more sound than smaller logs. Erjoy 1977 pnees for tie best in custom-designelug homes. n car- uled from HI'-12- Logs Slashed h 10-Inc- Due to excessive inventories we've sashed the price of logs 20 and Get the business calculator that has no equal. caSOBIK'' MI d Inventory Reduction Sale m,r Ill' t.M.f.l M k sions in May. None of those problems should affect the next launching, however, in which the space shuttle Challenger to 1977 M l. avoided the scheduling crisis earlier this month by scrubbing the Columbia flight that has just ended. Its launching was aborted six times -more than any other in the history ol the shuttle program putting a three-weein schedule. the crimp The scientist was infuriated because, he said, the mission did not rank nearly as high m scientific importance as the March 6 mission. No one is willing to cancel it." he said before the launching. v HEWLETT PACKARD HP-J2- C Christa will carry schoolteacher McAuliffe into space. That liftoff is set for Jan 25 and is not in any danger. Moore said. He said that he thought the spare agency has "a very good shot" at making the March 6 launching of Columbia. which is to carry an ultraviolet observatory called Astro. One top level scientist at the God dard Space Flight Center in Green-belt- , Md., home of Astro, told the Los Angeles Times that NASA could have Were glad to see tnern buck, shuttle chief Jesse Mucre said during a post landing pre-- s conference from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida Robert Sieck. director of shuttle operations a. the Florida spaceport, said five days would be shaved from the normal ' processing flow" required to get the shuttle ready for its next scheduled launching March 6. The launch date is critical because the Columbia is to carry a huge telescopic observatory in its cargo bay so that scientists can study Halley's comet from afar at the same time that five international spacecraft collect data as they speed past the comet A slip of three or four days would mean Columbia would not be on station for most of the encounter, and a slip of five or six days would also jeopardize importan' scientific mis- el C.O.D. Orders Since 1957 |