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Show I hr Salt Like I rihunt', 1 I.mu.ir hur'.d v Id. I'fi;ti f!5 3 Months Have Passed and No Charges Piled in Bombings miiinued Prom IP Miami J (M i'O1 liM)k!h fnf ,( III' llcaling' lh.ll might jjl l, f " l,e. l.iriH w li Ml OiM'lfiisHi .uni Ml' wen- killed 111 shot I. pnlict- cunt lime their ,i! tempt' lu strengthen wli.il they e to be the niotiv e in the nun dei Without phjstcal evidence to tie the bomb' directly u, Mr Hotmann nil upptn v theie i' none mo-liand opportunity will be p;n,i mount to cinv ease pie'ented in conn The delay in tiling chaigc.' and the mind o police tu seeming days alter the minders has led to much speculation that Mr llolmann is a scapegoat lor police who ate afraid to bat h oil their haul line 'lance taken early on in the nnesti ( ill the the invest Ig it ol and look! d at olllel olds lo nival t' 'll'pei ab! lid back lo 1i liotmaim l.d they fear that admitting llies have looked at other possible si etlai os m the minders would be peuened by tin- public as a weakness on their that they are not sm e that Mi pai l gif' I l ( a'C 111 1 Slu-i-t- in letio'pect, nn oi i ta lly di aw n need to make it clear pill poi t lo know all of the oil id the evidence the have. " Mr Harder said tried to follow the oast- as I - he-li- ' llolmann lien that don alswei oi itii-- Hut elosely I is ' I sons An apparent eyew itness account placing Mr llolmann at the Judge Building just before Mr Christensen was killed when he picked up a I pat kage outside Ins id tee sion doot on Oct If). James Speculation "or something more than that" over statements made by Mr Hofmann at I. US Hospital attci lie was injured when a bomb explod Harbcr. who is represent mg llolmann associate Shannon Hat rick Flynn and has sat m on numerous interviews with invest igali rs. N Todays Weather Th ctf Fof BO IJlali Forecast or 7 p.m. EST, Thu., Jan of log uml I'.xpccl Indus and Indus. in tin- Norllicrii Nallcv'. ;m-;i- s - linc in I tali in the elnndv partis north, milder in the south. will reach the in the 20 north, highs upper in lie I )s dow n smith. Warmer I riilay. I.ows statewide in will In- - I the 20s. FRONTS: Warm ww Colds Ham Flurries Occluded Snow F Hu Vi ir ul ,e HU-- r. - ut b S 10.20 ( 2 ymniM hali'ii I :$2 Suit "Mill Air Pollution Index I. like lluuutilnf 22 ciidm cr JVmn l l ill ake 2(i IO2. I 109 Morgmol Itin tpii-i-- r 22.20 Good ( Mnah 21 12 Very Good ml 75 105 CO TP 17 0Z Source Uoh Heolih Dept OZ 54 CO Oronp M 76 0Z CO Cor CO M OZ Bianilin sl. Bcorge 32 .) t 158 2UU) CO bon Monoxide Pnrficulonis Area Forecast Thursdoy ond Fridoy Salt Lake City, Ogden and Provo Forecast The high pressure ridge that has dominated the weather lately will reappear the end of the week. This means moie fog ond haze in the vollev regions. Higher region skies aie expected to be clear through Friday. Temperatui es will be in the upper teens and low ?0s overnight. Highs will reach the in the mid-30- s and low 30s on Friday throughout the region. Cache Valley: Northern Utah Forecast Conditions will be partly cloudy, with patches of valley haze and fog. Ft idoy, the log and haze will increase and temperatures will be colder. Highs will be in the upper teens and low 20s. Overnight lows will be ncor 10 today and near ? Friday in the Cache Valiev region. Western Desert and the Wasatch Front: Weather in the region will be partly cloudy todav, wit patches of valley fog and haze. Increasing fog ond haze in the lower valleys, otherwise partly cloudy Friday. Temperatures throughout the region are: Wendovei , mid 70s and upper teens overnight. Ogden, low 30s ond upper teens to low 20s overnight. Tooele, highs near 30s, overnight lows in the teens. Southwest ValSouthern Utah Forecast iev ond Sevier Volley: Areas of foq and haze, especially m flip morning and late evening hours. Temperatures will begin to grow colder Friday. Otherwise the region will be partly cloudy, with hioh temperatures i eaching the low to mid- - 40s at Cedar upCity, with overnight lows in the mid-tper 20s. Milford temperatures will be in the mid-tlow 40s, with overnight lows near 20 todoy and near 13 Friday. Delta: Highs upper 30s, lows near 20 today and near 14 Fr iduy. Utah's Dixie conditions will be partly cloudy with milder days and fair nights. upper Temperatures will be in the mid-t50s, with overnight lows in the low 30s ond upper 20s Fr idav. Recreational Areas Canyonlonds I ake Powell: Lake Powell can expect ond poi cloudy conditions todoy ond Friday. Light winds expected. Canyonlonds conditions will be porlly cloudy today and Friday. Highs todav at loke Powell will be fr orn mid-4to low 50s, lows in the low 30s mid-?0- s to low 30s Friduy. Con to mid-30- , mid 40s yonlands' highs will be in the low-tovernight, with lows in the upper teens to low 20s. Nor ther n Utuh ski at eas: Conditions will be partlycloudy through Friday, some isolated snow today. Thur sday. Hiqhs at 8,000 ft. will be in the mid-30- s to near 40. Overnight lows will be in the upper teens to mid-20Norihern Mountains: The region will be partly cloudy with some isolated snow showers nearing 7,0J0 feet. Some new snow was reported at Utahs ski resorts ranging from a trace to a couple of inches. The afternoon highs will be in the low 30s near Snowbird, upper 70s near Brighton. Over night lows will be in the low 70s today, low teens Friday. drooping to the mid-tSouthern Mountains: Conditions will be partly cloudy with widely scattered snow or rain. Highs w.H be in the upper 30s to low 40s, with nighttime lows dropping to near 8 by Friday. Extended Forecast for Utah Saturday through Monday Northern and Southern Utah The high weather ridge which has been dominant throughout the west will reappear toward the end of the week. The air mass will slowly dr y, but lower valley inversions ar e also expected to form in the Northern sections of the state. The forecast for Utah is gener ally dr y weather in the Norlhwest Valleys, but continued cold in the North, with milder temperatures elsewhere. Highs will be in the upper 20s and low 30s in the North. Southern highs in the mid-t- o low 50s. Statewide lows will be in the teens and 20s. Extended Forecast for Idaho Soturdoy through Monday Northern and Southern Idaho Northern ond Southern Idaho: scattered ram or snow showers ore expected through the period. Highs will be in the upper 20s to near 40. to mid-70s- , Overnight lows in the mid-teen- s Global Temps Weal her Summary Yeslcrdoy's Missing T Tioce 1 Conditions Monlono instead that exploded last year and they were detonated by battel electric model locket igniters s Investigators also refused lo believe that anyone would construct a bomb particularly one as novel as the bombs usul in the murders - without testing the device first. However numerous searches of the surrounding deserts failed to reveal a test site - motion-sensitiv- e dox archbishop of North and South America and chairman of the Standing Conference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in the Americas, offered a statement saving. "Let us with one voice, one heart, one soul, live the justice, that people first collect facts regarding the presence of injustice, attempt negotiation, seek and then direct, action. Pointing to P S. involvement in Central America. Mr. Hock suggested that the country "clean its own homes before telling others how to " keep theirs. Members of Ihe South High Gospel Choir sang several songs, while soloists led those gathered in an impromptu rendition of "We Are the World." As marchers held hands and raised their voices, people were drawn from legislative sessions above to listen. Alberta Henry, chairwoman of the birthday celebration committee and minority consultant and coinmunity-relatio-- s coordinator for the Salt Lake City School District, told students Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. did not want a holiday held in his honor." One month before he was assassinated. Dr. King said he would like to be remembered as a drum major. Ms. Henry told the students they should toll "everybody" they had also marched, and that they too should be drum majors for justice, peace and righteousness. South School High student-bod- y President Stewart Christensen assessed the widespread involvement of his classmates as students rallied at the Federal Building. People give South bad publicity for its high minority rate, and we wanted to show we have pride in our school, in our and to show support community for people who do things for other people." he explained. His school had the largest turnout, about 180 students who dedicated 2 a hours of school time to march to the Capitol in subfreezing temperatures. t : III- SS eu pi 'U' And while poliee ami pi llias lie able to w eas a ss i ll ol i oils u luted business dealings that will link Mi llolmann to s let mi Stes en ( 'In is including some appaicntls rescaling entiles m Mr Chi petsonal journal police continue M snuggle sstlh a mnlive lor the nun del ol Kathleen Sheets llet husband .1 Cai s Sheets, was a tnend and m met business associate ol the It! 'I s let mi ' I'P-nsei- i Investigators continue to sa tli.il the Sheets nun del was a di iciMon to tin esv the investigation away (tom the dot umenl related on gle and into the realm of the tloundei Inc. when- Mr Sheet' uno mg t Mi Chi I'tcii't-winked nn-iel- It was the direction that police be g.in to take alter the lirst two murders. but one that was quickly put on the back burner after the third bomb exploded in Mr HolmantTs ear The single most burning question that apparently remains unanswered or at least answered unsatisfacis who that torily to prosecutois thud bomb was intended for If the second bomb was a diversion lo lead police on a wild goose chase into the CFS angle, the third bomb eeitninls refocused tlu- investigator's attention dtreetlv on Mr llolmann "Now how much sense docs lh.it make'." Mr Bat her asked when pro sonted with this possibility In January U 50 MST Sunrise Todov 5 76 MST Sunset Today t or ecust Clnudv with Utuh Agriculture continuing hoze In the Northern Valievs, otherwise , pnilly i Inuitv The State Office of Education said Wednesday teachers in some school districts will be at work on such projects as career ladders, but students will not attend many schools in the state. This includes all districts in Salt Lake. Davis and Weber counties. Most federal offices will be closed. Regular residential or busi Continued From B-- l si 99.5 3 999 Boots Mens Dress & Casual Shoes 21-J29- Women's Dress Casual Shoes " & 14M9W 40 ho Mr (Arrow Irom t RRhton PlRTRl MURRAY 7SJ0 W 4700 SmiNi ft I . contracts and short-ter- spot-mark- PP&L's coal operations have been mired in controversy for years and m i 974 lAYlOnSVUAE 907 3090 1700 No 7 Connco PHOVO 374 9046 791 E 9411 SANOV 91 (CW1 Son Hoot IwriM'tHirihHpTiMii ) dent-bod- y - ary. Spokesmen at the P of P. said that no boycott has been announced by students, and that no such activity t' anticipated ness mail delivery will be shutdown. The nation's stock and commodity markets will not close Monday, according to the Associated Press, nor will banks in Utah, although they will in most states. Ptah Transit Authority buses svill run on regular schedules. State and municipal services open or in effect Monday will range from liquor outlets to Salt enforceLake City parking-mete- r ment. UP&L Says Its Insurance Woes May Alter Mining Economies structums SPECIAL GROUP ?7 dcgiees degrees 6 Ptah. contract as part of the sale, they might do very well on the sale," he said. Womens degi res degi ees 56 Martin Luther ed a tmitWEE) 38dcaices 70 degrees 37 19 of Secret Witness 0.35 Accumulative delicency Pi ecipitutlon since Oct, 1, 1985 5.93 58 Accumulative excess 51 at 7 ion Natl Utah high S ut Randolph Utah low L.C. hig- h5 L.C. law Nor mal high tor tins date Nor mol low lor this date Peep'd high lot this dute Pecord low tor this date Celebration King Jr.'s birthday next Monday will be mostly at a federal level in If you hass- a tip that will solve a major crime plume I for reward in gog And in Provo, several Brigham Young L'mversity students were urg ing a boycott of all academic aetivi ties on Monday to proles! the campus' failure to eelebrale the holiday St u leaders said lltey hoju- to hold a rally then to honor Dr. King Coretta Scott King. Dr King's wul osv. is scheduled to speak al the school during the first week of Fehru King's Birthday to Close Offices coal to get the right price mix "If they sold the mines and includ- . winter'cCearance Precipitation - Dr. King's birthday by recalling his leaehings. and by protesting the state's failure to observe the natiqnal holiday. Archbishop lakovos. Greek Ortho- - . CONNCOJS Note. Tins Inlormcilion is received rlcnlv liom the Notional Weather Service at the Salt Lake International AitpoH. Precipitation icarlinas and temper atmes are those r ecor ded al the oil ooil. Yesterday's Wenthci Onto Pi ecipitutlon dream.' " He recalled from experience. "Although it has been 20 years since that day in 19(15, when I walked hand in hand with Dr Martin Luther King Jr. in Selma. Alabama. I vividly recall the idealist, dreamer, my friend activist, prophet, martyr, pioneer, humanist. hero and above all. teacher " berg case shows there is a considerable risk to owning a coal mine, and we arc watching anxiously to see if they are able to insure the mines. "If they are not, it could have a considerable impart on the utility operations" said Mr. Powell, who heads the electrical utility section of the division "We basically believe they should always be looking at alternatives. We see the wisdom on maintaining a long-tersupply of coal, but not necessarily 100 percent," Mr. Powell said. "We see other utilities and coal users mixing long-tercontracts, :15H--H)f)-- S It be Oil hearing this, detectives lieved Mr Hofmann made Hie slump nel bombs Unit killed Mr. Christensen and Mrs Sheets Hut lahoimtoiy lipoids showed that no blasting cap' were used in any ol the three bombs Elsewhere, groups observed the InU-rmoiinlai- n M , non-viole- ill 2717 16 0Z m.iv beginning tlu-slustla justify inirsumg Mr Hiifni.inn dl Mr Hat her til. lurtlier miestiguliiiti lias stuns n that at least sunn- uf this evidence may not hi- (s Mgndu.iiit as it was lust behes t d to In- And Ihc- - stale ments made the media by police idlietals made it dillieult I" back "II this stance Ildiee bad made a strung pru nnlineement based nil "lie set of assumed facts, only to be left svilll that didn't turn out t" have its apparent initial signilteanee." Mr Barber null'd "In light of ssliat has occurred. think the prosecutor.' ate acting "responsibly in not tiling charges The eyewitnesses have come under fire because at least one of them was "fanned" after he was shown videotape of Mr Hofmann by a local television station. In addition, a compos ite drawing based on the eyewitness account bears little resemblance to Mr Hofmann and mil certainly be challenged in courl. Mr Harbcr not- B-- 'lino M in tin- Continued From l Hock spoke of Dr. King's methods and particularly his doctrine teachings of and how they could be used today. He listed suggestions Dr. King made to workers for social .!.') 22 2 Excellent contained the valuable Mot men Mcl.ellin Collection" oi in eliminating brged document' ate appaicntl) undue I'obci- brliesc. Iioisciri that Mr llolmann lied to detectives at Ihe hospital about sshul was in his car even though a numbei of those papeis wete destroyed Statements hs pnlu e early on that Ihey had loiiiid materials used to make the bombs in Ihe trunk ol the cat including pipe, sure and otbei items also appeared m be os erst.it I'd No link between those materials and the bombs lias been shown Hosuver. moie than anything eke that led oil n i t to conclude that Mt state llolmann was the bombei wt-tments made by Mr Flynn in seseial mtei view s by del ecus es In one ol those in'tt views. Mi Flynn admitted that he had pu ked up two blasting caps Irom a It tend in .southern I 'tali and gave them to Mr llolmann last winter c.i'i that dies o! Mi llolmmms home and oilier home' three in all tluoughout the sulks also talk d to turn up Hu- place when- f.i- bointi-el e enlist m u d oi o i.itei nil' 'Hit link Mi lliitni.ii,) tu woiihl diii-ellSeat Students March to Capitol to Honor King, Urge Lawmakers to Declare Holiday "gan Stationary i i The contents of the statements made by Mr. Hofmann at I he hospital alter he was injured - particularly those made to his lawyers when they interrupted Mr. Hofmann's attempts to talk to police - have been successfully quashed by the supreme court Unde police continue to speculate that he may have wanted to confess, the nature of those statements svill never be known by investigators. Oth- lie meni' ed erwise. condition' Showers I eil-dene- gallon Sources among the investigator' looking into the matter, howcvei. maintain iney vc checked other an ' olllclll id the nillliei mi' doeu found m Mr Holm. inns Hunk howi-sean- not known tampant cm ly stag'-- ol the in the 'peculation .rr tin- - Wink- What Mr Haibcr believes mav have happened is that police, in the earliest stages of the investigation, focused on Mr llolmann lor lour i on t- i l ve a' 2 In-I- I antltoi in Ills lollusi ing it is t iti.il un i mim.it dig 'tin u 1.1 I. l!i ll'lll t" lll.lk1 "h Ills .111(1 In" Immhs in, is li.ise i luil.iiin-iin Mr Hi it i.i nn s c,,i uml, St.iit-iint' in. nli- ls Mr Flwm til nilh in tin- linn: s ulli'l Mr lint in. inn ums injni ml i can 'heir man dh s. at least some of the Heg.it i easons that poin ot iginally Ionised on Mr II dtnann as their suspect in the past weeks, apparently arc less inculpatory than police lust thought At loast one attoi ncy w ho is peripherally involved in tin- case and has made an attempt tu follow the matte! believes this evidence mav have lid police" to form a picmatmc conclu- one-trac- e.ulv lom'ii mav hove 'ions po'-abl- s long-ter- currently are the target of an invest by the Division of Public Utilities stemming from James J. Simon-elli'- s allegations of waste ami mismanagement at Emery Mining In addition, a grand jury was impaneled last week to investigate a matter "relating" to PP&L "It's been our experience that since they have owned the mines there ha' Mr been a plenlitude of rumors. Powell said, adding there has novel been an investigation to quell those rumors "The division's investigation will be detailed, thorough and very com plete. and when it is completed we will know what the facts are." he said PP&L will consider dropping Emery Mining if the various investigations discover problems. Mr Baueom said, adding. "Absent of that, it is purely a question of economies or " change in economic circumstances |