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Show M The Salt Like Tribune, To Have Mel U.S. Official Monday, January 13, 1986 Soviet Planes Reported in "Jr a Anti-Aparthe- Slain by Vigilantes Italy Airspace By Paula Butturlnl United Press International ROME Two Soviet reconnaissance planes entered Italian airspace near the Sigonella NATO base on Sicily last week, and a Soviet spy ship was lurking in international waters off the Sicilian coast, newspapers reported Sunday. Italian Air Force officials declined to confirm or deny the reports in Romes II Messaggero and La and Milans Corriere Della Sera newspapers. U.S. military officials were not immediately available for comment. two Soviet reconnaissance . The planes, identified as Ilyushin 38s, were spotted by Italian radar Thursday off the coast of Catania on Sicily's eastern shores, La Repubblica said. The Soviet spy ship Vertikal was anchored off the coast Sunday, monitoring radio traffic between the NATO base and U.S. and Italian warplanes, Corriere reported. Two Italian fighter planes from the Trapani-Birg- i airbase intercepted the Soviet aircraft 80 miles off the Sicilian coast after they entered Italian airspace, La Repubblica said. An event of this kind is not exceptional but It is certainly not normal that, in a moment of tension like Italy and Libya are going through these days, two Soviet planes were ordered on a mission in Italian skies, the La Repubblica said. II Messaggero said the incident, which came in the midst of tension between th United States and Libya over the Dec. 27 Arab terrorist attacks at airports in Rome and Vien-- . na, may have been meant as a warning to Washington. La Repubblica said there was no indication the Soviet planes were headed toward Sigonella, the NATO . base south of Catania where U.S. jet fighters in October forced down an Egyptian airliner carrying the hijackers of the Italian luxury liner Achille Lauro. "Instead, it is more likely that the mission was ordered to verify the readiness of our air defense, the newspaper said. The Soviet spy ship was anchored in international waters directly in front of the runways that NATO planes based at Sigonella use for takeoff, Corriere Della Sera reported. The ship, outfitted with sophisticated listening devices, was apparently trying to eavesdrop on Sigonella ra- Los Angeles Times Service A black DUDUZA, South Africa community leader was killed, apparently by black vigilantes, only a few hours before he and other - activists were to meet here Sunthe U S. State Departments with day top official on African affairs. The killing had no apparent connection with the visit by Assistant Secretary Chester A. Crocker. Chief Ampie Mayisa, 58, chairman of the Leandra Action Committee and leader of the United Democratic Front coalition of groups in Leandra, about 75 miles east of Johannesburg, was abducted from his home late Saturday by more black hoodthan 20 ed vigilantes, his family said. His mutilated, partly burned body was found in a rubbish dump Sunday. khaki-uniforme- traffic . Crocker, who is visiting South Africa and was to meet Mayisa, said, "It was terrible that this should have happened." Mayisas family attributed his death to a continuing feud with groups in Leandra and did not connect it to the planned meeting with Crocker. Other sources quoted by wire services cited continuing hostility between the United Aftioclatrt PrM Liwrphofo 4 dio Black id Apartment Buildings Cave In Rescuers carry a victim CAIRO, Egypt from rubble of collapsed apartment. Several persons were killed and a number Honoring Child Envoy , missing when four buildings collapsed in a chain reaction Sunday. Police are not sure structures dropped. why the ld tli Menace Dt-ni- ii By Hank Rctcham Soviet Family Names New Baby Samantha In Ambush, Says Angola Deutsche MOSCOW (AP) A Soviet baby has been named Samantha in memory of Samantha Smith, the American schoolgirl who visited the Soviet Union and was killed last year in a plane crash . The trade union daily Trud (Labor) said a girl born recently in Petrozavodsk, the capital of the area known as Karelia which borders Finland, a was recently named Samantha name virtually unknown for Soviet girls. Soviets have accorded many honors to Samantha Smith, issuing a postage stamp with her portrait, and naming a diamond and a flower after her. Samantha Smith, of Manchester, Maine, was invited to the Soviet Union in 1983 by the late Soviet leader Yuri V. Andropov after she wrote him a letter expressing hope for peace between the superpowers. S. Africa Helped Rebels Presse-Agentu- r LISBON, Portugal Angola accused South Africa Sunday of "forming joint battalions" with UNITA rebels and of carrying out an ambush that killed six people and injured 47. The official Angolan news agency, Angop, said the ambush took place Jan. 6 in the southeastern Cuando Cubane go province as a supply convoy was traveling from Men-ongu- to Cuito Cuanavale. Five vehicles were also destroyed. Angop said South Africa reinforced its combat apparatus" in the provinces of Huila, Cuando Cubango, Cune-n- e and Moxico between Dec. 19 and Jan. 8, and estimated the South African troops strength at three to four battalions, with armored cars and air support. It said the air support involved helicopters, transport, reconnaisance and fighter planes. were formed in Angop said the "joint battalions Cuando Cubango province where the main base of the rebels of the National Union for the Total Independence of Angola (UNITA) is located. UNITA, led by Jonas Savimbi, has been fighting the Luanda regime since the country gained independence from Portugal 11 years ago. I think hes on his way back from the Wilsons. I just heard a door slam. Democratic Front and the more conservative Zulus. The system is responsible," Joshua Mayisa, 23, said of his father's death, blaming apartheid. The system planned this murder, the system got these vigilantes to attack, the system is working very hard to pit black against black and is succeeding." Mayisa's attackers, armed with spears, machetes, knives and clubs, pulled him from the house and hacked him to death in front of his family, Joshua Mayisa said. They then put his body into the back of a truck and drove away. They also botthrew firebombs, gasoline-fille- d tles with lighted wicks, into the Mayisa house, burning it to the ground. When the family went to the police, "they just laughed, Joshua Mayisa said. "They told us, When you find your father, you can come and tell us where his body is. We showed them the van the attackers had used and that still had my fathers blood on the floor, but they just shrugged." Later, a group of youths, describing themselves as members of Concerned Leandra Residents, a previously unknown group, returned to the smoldering ruins of the Mayisa house and told reporters that they had killed Ampie Mayisa because he was "manipulating the community, particularly its youth, and provoking unnecessary confrontations with the government. visit to Crocker, on a three-da- y South Africa, met with other black community leaders in Duduza, one of the black ghettos strung through the industrial belt east of Johannesburg, but declined to discuss the talks. I am here to see and listen and communicate but not make press statements, Crocker said. Accompanied by Anglican Bishop Simeon Nkoane, Crocker was mobbed at times by Duduza residents wanting to tell him what apartheid does to them and their families and asking him to end the Reagan administrations support for the government here of President Pieter W. Botha. For Crocker, the Duduza trip was a departure from his usual practice of restricting his meetings here to talks with the countrys white officials. Police later briefly detained reporters covering the Crocker visit to township and ordered them to leave. Crocker? Whos he? a police commander said. Federal Deficit May Roar Beyond 85 Record to $220 Billion By David Hoffman Washington Post Writer WASHINGTON The Office of Management and Budget and the Congressional Budget Office will report this week that the federal deficit this fiscal year appears to be roaring beyopd last years record and without further action could be nearly $220 billion, government sources said this weekend. The deficit for fiscal 1985, which ended last Sept. 30, was $212 billion, the highest in the nations history. The new estimate is due to be made public Wednesday and represents the first stage in the law requiring a balanced budget by 1991. The law sets yearly targets for reducing the deficit, and provides for automatic cuts to bring it down if the president and Congress fail to meet the deficit targets. The automatic cuts or sequestration this year of $11.7 billion is expected to take effect March 1, reducing the deficit by that amount. The report from the budget agenices this week will detail how these cuts would be spread among the various government agencies. The report is submitted to the General Accounting Office, a branch of Congress, which later reports to the president on the spending cuts that are needed, although this process is being challanged on constitutional grounds before the federal courts. The size of the automatic cuts this year the $11.7 billion was fixed by Congress in the law. But the new estimate of nearly $220 billion could make it harder for Reagan and Congress to meet the deficit targets in future years. For example, the target for next year is a deficit of $144 billion. White House officials had predicted that the deficit would be $194 billion, meaning they would need to pare $50 billion in spending. Now it appears they may need more than that to meet the target. Plight of Street People Party Launches TV Story Of D.C. Homeless Shelter WASHINGTON (AP) - Hollywood the most met Washington Sunday in unlikely of settings, a crumbling shelter where homeless advocate Mitch Snyder hosted a boisterous party for actors and producers of a movie about the plight of street people in the nations capital. Martin Sheen, sporting a mustache to portray Snyder in the movie, joined Sen. Arlen Specter, and more R-P- Bishop Tutu Wins Martin Luther King Peace Prize ATLANTA (UPI) South African Bishop Desmond Tutu, a leader in the fight against that nation's policy of racial separation, Sunday was named the 1986 recipient of the Martin LuPeace ther King Jr. Prize. Tutu, the Anglican bishop of Johannesburg, will receive the award During a ceremony Jan. 20, the first naNon-viole- tional holiday commemorating Davis, a spokesKings birth, said man for the Martin Luther King CenSocial Change. ter for "We are honored to present this award to Bishop Tutu," said Coretta Scott Kiiij, widow of the slain civil rights leader and president of the King Center. King praised Tutu for his rejection of "violence, hatred and revenge as methods of delivering his people from oppression." The King Peace Prize, first awarded in 1973, is given to "that person who most effectively uses the techin nique and methods of the spirit of Martin Luther King Jr., Davis said. A1 Non-Viole- than 800 homeless men and women for a candelabra-decorate- d and catered cast party in the vermin-infeste- d shelter. This is really Hollywood meets the homeless, said producer Chuck Fries, who launched the CBS-Tproject. This issue is an unbelievable one, that a country as rich as ours cant take care of its people," Fries added. It was a night for the homeless, many dressed in rags, to enjoy a Washington party, mixing with politicians and fashionably dressed Hollywood hangers-o- n for finger sandwiches and tiny pastries. As a large gospel chorus sang, We love you, Mitch, you're our hero, Snyder described the day he spent with Sheen visiting the shelter and sitting with the actor on a heat grate outside the Interior Department, where Snyder once lived for four months. "We hope this movie can bring some depth and dimension to homeless people," Snyder said of his residents, 17U of whom will portray themselves in the movie that actress Cicely Tyson. "The best anybody sees of them is somebody mumbling and incoherent. Specter, an advocate for the homeless in the Senate, said the party was a far cry from the typical Capitol Hill soirees. Specter These different classes mixing here, it is craziness," said Vladimir P. Dounaez, a reporter for Soviet television "We don't have homeless in our country." Producers said the movie will cover a nine-yea- r period in Snyder's life in Washington, focusing on him and portraying some of the shelter residents who have passed through co-sta- L Thus, the joint OMB-CBestimate of nearly $220 billion is not what the deficit will finally be, but rather a snapshot of the red ink as of now. fine-tunin- - WASHINGTON (AP) President Reagan was in print as usual Sunday, but this time under his own byline, declaring in a magazine article on organized crime that for the first time in our history, we finally have the mob on the run. In the article in The New York Times Magazine, the president said that like all too many Americans, I've seen the mob at work. He said his concern with organized crime stemmed from his days as an actor when mobsters moved in on the motion picture industry. Moving on to his presidency of the United States, Reagan wrote, There will be no detente with the mob. Its war to the end. We mean to cripple their organization. In a story in its news columns Wednesday, the Times said White House officials had approached the Have you noticed that near every prominent man we ever had in politics has got an offspring running for some office? You see, thats another trouble it with politics breeds politics. So that makes it pretty hard to out. . Officials said the deficit outlook is deteriorating due to slower economic growth than had been expected, higher farm costs for the government and the failure of Congress to implement the deficit savings in the reconciliation bill which it failed to approve last month. White House officials said that the 1986 deficit would have been reduced only $7 billion to $8 billion if the reconciliation bill had passed. Congressional estimates of the savings were higher. Should Congress approve the reconciliation bill this year, the 1986 deficit would be reduced. Mob Finally on Run, Reagan Gloats Will Rogers Says . . . stamp congressional budget resolution approved last August, although both the CBO and White House predicted at the time the deficit was certain to be higher than that.. Reagan is to submit his fiscal 1987 budget to Congress about Feb. 3. Although the president has promised to fight a tax increase, some members of Congress have said one will be necessary if the targets are to be met. Reagan has also said he will seek a 3 percent increase above inflation in defense spending, but Congress is expected to reduce that to help meet the deficit targets. In the past, the OMB and the CBO have often differed on deficit estimates. But government officials said they did not differ significantly in the latest estimate, which is influenced by many factors, including assumptions about how the economy will perform. On Friday, the two agencies took a snapshot" of the anticipated deficit for the current fiscal year, 1986, which g began last Oct. 1. Officials said they were still the estimate but that it is nearly $220 billion. This compares to the $171.9 billion estimate in the The only way to do it is at the source. We got to get birth control among politicians into the world. March 31, 1929. Selected and edited by Bryan Ster ling. All rights reserved for the Will Rogers Memorial. Peter Roussel, a White House spokesman on duty Sunday, said he was not familiar with arrangements for the article. Terry Eastland, director of public affairs for the Justice Department, said, That is an article that has been in the works a long time. So far as I know, it has nothing to do with us. I am sure it was something he wanted to do, and he did it. MEW RECYCLE THOSE OLD fiCGD (smnm (smsm "Out They Go" newspaper about such an article. The Times quoted unnamed administration sources as saying large portions were written by the president. Save-Save-Sa- ve Reagan said organized crime convictions have quadrupled since 1981, when he took office, and, For the first time, we are beginning to exploit fully the statutory weapons Congress provided in the 1970 Organized Crime Control Act. "It s developments like these that prompted me to write this article: I want to present the facts about organized crime, to explain the scope of our administrations efforts against it, and to illustrate why I think that for the first time in our history, we finally have the mob on the run, the president said. aQQ SHOES... Dont Throw Those Old Shoes Away Saves Saves Saves Money! Leather! Energy! SPECIAL THIS WEEK LXHALF (TftftQ neoute Boys oULES 2 DOUBLE THE WEAR WITH Men's Womens TYPE EVERY PAIR Sofa & Love Seat Special 3 Rooms Furniture OPEN MON. SAT. 10-- 7 Cmh -- 599 -- CUk VISA |