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Show 22U ThrSull Lake Trimiu. U.S. Sunda, Januur) A ii i r H .i s education-refor- David I' (iardner, the foimei Dm verxity of I'tah piesnienl and chairman of the commission will participate The foimei education secretary said plans call for reviewing the plotless id education icloim since A Nation at Kisk was published in Apnl I 'JH.f as well as lor commission membeis to get together on tfie tlmd anniveisary of their cl for t "A Nation at Risk castigated w hat its dUlhotx perceived as failures in American education and, in some daces employing nationalistic language and invidious comparisons with oilier nation-statein a competi- - n move-mi'ii- l by publishing 'A Nation at Kisk will galliet in Salt Lake Cily next Aiiil to teview suhsequi-npro-g- i css ami to reminisce I'oniii'i I'S Edur alion Scctcl.iiy ri i cl Itrll sanl all but two inembeix ul tlic National CommisMon for Ex-- I rllrln e III Education IldVC lll(Jl( all'll a N'a hcv w ill at li'inl llio event iimial ( 'onlcicncc on tin School Helm m Movement In addition lo Dr Hell, who was edueation .seerctaiy when I'lCMiJent Kcagaii appointed the commission, ' t ' I s Killer of Young Mother, Baby Justly Convicted, Court Told shot wounds Associated less here is ample evidence to support the first deglee murder conviction o lulio (Jury V'alde. in the killing of a coring mother and hei baby in 11HI2 an assistant altoi ncy general told the IU The I child died of arid hei drowning Third District Judge Jay Id Hanks sentenced Valdez to two consecutive lile terms in the U(uh State Prison Earlier, defense attorneys Lynn R Hrown and Rruoke C. Wells filed a brief with the court, claiming there was not enough evidence to convict their client Thompson said that on Aug 13, 1982, Valdez arranged a meeting with I 'tali Supi erne Court In a In lei filed with the state's high i ourl David H Thompson argued hat Valdez should have been convicted in the- killing of Carolyn Swan and her son, Christopher Ms. Swan s body was found in an isolated I - ana near Lurk iVIeel Group lo School-Refor- m Members ul (lie national cornnnx-Muredded by many with luelirig Ms. Swan when he got off work shortly after midnight southwestern Salt Lake County three days after her son's body was found lodged in a floodgate in the Jordan River at 2100 in Authorities alleged that Valdez had met the woman near his work place, drove to Lark where her body was found, threw the child in the Jordan River near 7800 South and drove back to West Jordan. South Medical experts testified at the trial that the mother died of two gun in S.I e In addition, Dr Hell said he has states "We states want to encourage all the to keep the reform movement going," said the former education secretary Successful reform elforts in some the state can be an example lor otheis, including Dlah, said Dr Hell, wdio liaised Uov. Norm Hangerter's ALKKT (Agenda lor Leadership in Kducational Resources for Tomorrow ) effort Incusing on Utah's educational dilemma, caused by a burgeoning student population and a lack ol resources to lully provide for it "I've been pleased with his ALEKT effort," said Dr. Hell. Although planning is far from complete, the former cabinet member said the conference will include an evening banquet on the first day to be hosted by U. of U. President Chase Peterson, a day of conference sessions and a morning program on the anniversary date for April 26 "A Nation at Risk." id -- 59500 Special Price IF YOU RE NOT HEARING FROM US YOU SHOULD BE! WILL COMPENSATE HEARING LOSS UP TO 75 DECIBELS BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 29500 FREE HEARING TEST 30 DAY TRIAL with this ad only Expires Friday, Jan. 17, 1986 Accurate Hearing Aid Center 3760 S. HIGHLAND DRIVE Suite 200 277-896- 3 HOURS: Mon thru Fri 10 a.m. 5 30 p m BACKUS OFFICE PRODUCTS SPECIALS AT BACKUS YOU ALWAYS BUY AT THE LOWEST PRICE ANYWHERE. HON ANYWHERE SHOP US AND SAVE FLOPPY DISKS FILE FOLDERS $1 399 54 So POLAROID CHAIR Brown Black or Sami in- vited several of the country's leading governors in the education movement to attend as well to review the progress of education reform in their kii W the iAi m NO WIRES -- NO TUBES NO CORDS Catholic Bishop tive wot Id called lor major changes to improve the quality of education Di Hell said the confeience will be sponsored by the U, of U, where he now serves as a professor of educa-lonu- l administration, the former commission members and otheis in the C S education community The former cabinet member said he has invited both President Reagan and current P S education Secretary W illium Hennelt lo attend the conlcr-ci- FACTORY AUTHORIZED HEARING AID SPECIAL We will match any advertised price in Salt Lake City! Man ol k. 1.', 1986 ,0 S Praises Goals of King Martin fdhi-- King Jr personified hopeful attitude of looking at life not only as it is, hut how it can become. one ot the nations 10 black Catholic bishops told Salt Lake City parishioners Sjtuiduy night 'Dr King said Ins vision was like that of Anslotle. who told the people ol Athens that they had to look at a new way of thinking," said The Most Kev .John H Kicard, auxiliary bishop ol Baltimore. "He said to look at the wav things are, but also the way they could become, the way they could r Hie be ' Dr King, a Baptist cleigvman in the black civil rights movement in the 1960s, was assassinated on April 4. 1968 Ills birthday Jan 2U, has been declared a fedeial legal holiday and will be celebrated lor the Inst tip r this year The Catholic Church in Utah will celebrate Dr King's birthday on Jan 20 by closing church offices and all Catholic schools in the stale About 200 parishioners gathered at Sacred Heart Church. 948 S 200 hast, Saturday night to hear Bishop message. "I believe we should take this occasion to reflect on what Ins life and vision meant to us," said Bishop Kicard. The '60s were marked by demonstrations and dashes as blacks sought to end racial discrimination, be said. They were successful, "but what brought about these changes'" It was the willingness ot people lo lay down their lives 's ' What was it that led an oppicssed people, outnumbered and unarmed, to awaken a nation and make it change its heart' I believe it was the propnelic leadership and the life ul the man we It was the persuahonor today sive words and love he had that enabled hun to prevail. Marlin Luther King was a prophet, a man ol vision, who dared to see what life could be." ... That God created Adam and Eve demonstrates that mankind is meant to live in community, be said. "Any barriers to that community imposed on us by society not only contradicts God's plan but rendeis man unhappy and unfulfilled " The Most Kev William K Wei gand. Bishop of Salt Lake City and Utah, and The Most Kev Joseph Lennox Federal, retired Catholic Bishop the Salt Lake diocese, also brated the Mass of Local Catholics also will celebrate Dr King's birthday on Jan 21 by holding a prayer service at St Vin- List Snowmobile Tour per customer while (u.mhhes last $136 00 ' U' I Otliei Colors at Small Mtg. List $9.90 Box Additional Charge $6 95 DIAL N FILE CASE List. 56 90 Mlg BOND COPIER PAPER SMITH iljli conoNrv Jan. - : $155 Feb. 2 Feb. 24 Las Vegas Tour & OGDEN il lll lime link np crating a computer in Weber Suite College's Nl SA I S.iU it n ,ipp n ently the final pioblem with the nations fust college-buil- t satellm school olficinlx sax MSAT I has been plague by a series of pi ublems since it .'.a- - pi nisi in orbit neat ly eight months ago In. a space shuttle new But t fie u,!t Ii tally began working w it h some iegu-la- i ity a lew weeks ago One dillieultv Weber Slate ,ci ami stmjenu emouniered m-- i ' tin. ently is an problem with the suteliiies lompidci said Hubert Twiggs, an uisonute professor ol electronics "OccjMonally the time elm k winch is the heart of the satellites whole computer system does not work ' 'I wiggs sanl nt tv If that quits, we II not be able to miintloi the A s i td.tr M SAT I l.. designed to roller illation from rjdar dish' s iimm! la the l id' i a Uiaiion Admiriist ration for air trarlk- contr ol he data will (me tune its radii help the F x stun so an tr attic controllers can pinpoint an airplane's location. Tw lggs said He said the system's ddeh might he caused bv the bittei (old in spare $155 27 FALDMO TOURS LATCHES 'Ml HON QUALITY. SIZE TWKVELEXPRESS 88 West 500 South Bountful Portable Electric 295 9443 Tel (801) TYPEWRITERS TcM free hi Utah Utah iBOO) 802 085 suBB&rassoassnssffiQl $i 3995 9 5 30 'SAT In WSC Satellite FULL SUSPENSION HOURS 10-- on-a- PRODUCTS FOR THE OFFICE SLC 2419 Wash. Blvd. 487-981- 3 OGDEN, 392-750- 3 1865 So. State, I Its not often we get to do something good fur ourse'vcs and save money at the same ''mu VVitn an In ...viduai Retuement Account 'hat is exactly what Congrcss intended us to do t Professional People Meeting Your Needs for over 100 Years nr ,o' 1 FOUR DRAWER LETTER tank Por Is Last Hug , r HDN THUMB Ibune Staff Photo b Computer Clock , Death Valley FILES LETTER olZE 20 lb. Bond 31 , vJ - , FREE Tr picture of Dr. Martin Luther King is displayed at Sacred Heart Church during services honoring the civil rights leader. A cent's soup kitchen Limit of 2 tioxes Mtg cele- poopk 0lt 277 at back iipt'U'rv IraL'C('llins-..tri'- I Vu cd up tu $2 000 a year toward your , an cunt from your taxable income cn . ref cment your tax return with tne blessing of tfie IRS' The tax savings can be substantial and so can the nestegy you be able to accumulate for your retirement 11 moio oomph pnior cn mill ''v or iiohv.v traiis-actH'- n di b t tnii, n! mi tin' Lluliui o' Omaha IRA nr mail regum-- lor mom mh irination , t our "The satellite is designed to mtjte by the sun" evenly ' Twiggs s.ud tut it in iy be .pinning too slowly to allow that Were not even totally sure it s rotating at a to lie heated ! to the Trust Department. ..from the Telephone Operator to the Dun Officers who ask, I low can we help uni ... from Morl.ie loans to Installment loans. I filer Com-mervi- m-f- now cent. an"1 d 'duct I , who is .supervisor Twiggs, al ot the college s satelLie g nun id t on a o j ti'.ll, said dm :cg lie ( '! iui,ias hell das bleak conllolh is wi le ilde Pi luiallv tune in more cm lb, on t DON CHASE Phone r 268-938- 2 ' ST M I Tne result ll.l-- been a Coed u foi m ition It s ending n u nl a s n,e.v inalion than it ew b i It al-.due to i e rive in in !i loiigei ;l p g . 1'iograms ih.it we aie hr nm.u1, lo beam ui. lie said ' ee been helpful to people like "ti than 100 ears. W know out lor more customers ,unl we sek to meet our needs toda . ') -- r ( I Mulii.iliO OmiiliiiVL I Vf tfilr ifim i mil'll nl ( edmaled pi. - ,e- e. - ,md , Ironies know how solved rue-- t e tin-tl, a had pn w tuning ed Ihe s i'r llite Innn m ginnn r it O Imvu J I Some ,w nmni (in , I jt IiidiIii) ' h , u' '' ' " inf 'r,n IS Offices and 21 Convenient Cashamatks to t. Vre You. I t' t H 'mi D h if1'! At if .1 fill mis-lol- l ' said ii, wo; h s will imelil oe'1 hi II1 A I I'll' a U U,g IU a i ompb te in i ess .u e ,, lit e V II ' p ' ' ' ', 'o ( i 'ollrge ( ' l doll J i J pi iiU" '' I h e a I,1' '. ' ' I,. . ' ,hM ,,,( ill " 'he mi I t i 1.1 t Tw Ilioijths. ' ' |