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Show The Salt Lake Tribune January 12, I9M .jjjunday, B19 W Dredging Project To Close Jordan y f gales on the Jordan will be closed Iri'iiiKriday to Jan. 20 so a $12 3 million edging project can be inspected jh$ the gates tested by Salt Lake lad-contro- SIviMigssso faicrodiMe SELECTION tER VIC! SAVINGS l Hnur'at Utah Lake We can STORE County llur flow will go from about .000 cubicr'fevt per second in the river at BlufWale to about 200 cubic feet per second by Monday, said Salt Lake County Flood Control Director Terry 1 f STORES uo Rjver Floodgates y NOT ALL ITEMS IN ALL Mon. . 10-- e Sat. tt m A HoUwortli. water level has not been that low since 1981, he said Ihg floodgates at the Utah Lake outlet will be closed between 4 pm ond 5'p m on Friday and will remain cl'M( until 5 pm on the following lie I 9 and -- Mmiday deducing the water level will alengineers, for the first tune, to usually inspect the dredging portion ( i he $12 3 million project funded by ihe Legislature in 1985. The project is designed to control the level of Utah low rr pi Xi La kc. The dredging already has increased flows from the lake since it was started in June, and the rise of the water level TiJs? has slowed since Octo- ber. Holzworth said. The work is expected to be completed by Feb. 1. The temporary drop in the river's low is not expected to threaten fish, There will be Holzworth said enough flow from groundwater to sustain the fish, as the river is being lowered to its typical summer level." he said Lawmakers approved money for the dredging, bank stabilization and diversion structures last year to control the lake level SAMSUNG Ogden Will Observe SAMSUNG MITSUBISHI, r obi 604 ,,.4 19 COLOR TV Liuitromc 1? program eiprebi lutuny Direct audio video input Remote control Woodgram cabinet Auto line tuning Auto color design Monitor-typ- boll touch channel selectors - The City Council OGDEN (AP) has voted to make Martin Luther King Day a city holiday, but the move might eliminate Abraham Lincoln's birthday as a day off for city workers King's birthday this year will be observed Jan. 20. a Monday. Ogden city workers will have the day off and all city offices will be dosed Only emergency services will SAVE Cable-read- tuning . sg"a' y VCS19521953 Now! '199-- 1 Save $20. 349 sK' $20 SAVE $50 -- ft operating The council voted Thursday to observe Kings birthday in exchange lor an existing holiday for city emholiployees. But creation of the new day means one existing holiday for city workers must be scrapped. The council is leaving that decision who are to to city administrators, mept with employee representatives before deciding. But two possibilities mentioned in Thursday's council meeting are the personal preference day employees are given a day of their choice off or Lincoln's birthday Feb. 12 Council member Gaye Littleton, who proposed the King holiday, combining Lincoln's birthday and Washington's birthday, now a holiday for city workers, into a on Feb. 17 Thtf Utah Legislature this year is expected to decide if Martin Luther King Day will be a state holiday. But Littleton said she sees no need to wait for the Legislature 2 Diamond vision picture tube Now! 199'(l3Sj 081-21- FS landom access PORTABLE 13 COLOR TV 13 COLOR TV Birthday of Martin Luther King be "A Mj OOj. '00 3 sug-gcsle- d 022-02- W lreii -- Hf-- Fl Hi. FOX VHs von i X & PORTABLE SATELLITE TELEVISION VCR ag da 'V'4 4 . Pro, Vrdnabl 5' True tech Now! locus dish 65 degree plaVb, LNA :VSe'c a 60' ot cable Now! 599 SaveS202 038 band Super HET design Compact size Hoop mount Toki 99 Receiver Hi K . 'rJ',e iJJk We SAVE 198 $30 $599 ncfl iracjii SONY Presi-Jenls'Da- y . 087-30- CCEED. , ' BROTHERS INC. 087-39- 5 ( SATELLITE King Venice at Fori Douglas V SONY CAMCORDER Parental lockout MIS Stereo direct access remote control ? year over Ihe counlei exchange warranty Dr Martin Luther King Jr. memorial service will be held Friday at A the Fort Douglas Chapel and m the Military Club Guest speakers at the chapel will 'lude Sen. Terry Williams. Lake City, the Rev Gregory Hilton, Ful Gospel Assembly Church: and the Rev. Willie Dunn Jr.. World Wide 10 30 a m. in sound e Compact recorder design INSTALLED CAMERA ACDC capability 14 camera IT Now! 1499 SAVE35 SAVE $150 KENWQQO- - Efficiency 1 ,Jyv0 M FISHER ) A at a Brand X price! 93 CARRIER 125,000 BTU FURNACE Sf HIGH EFFICIENCY CAR STEREO q6' me .002 WD0LBY .we ring sa',CSieJ ',0'' qflWV (till April 9, 1986) . 10 "9h reproduction Double cassette deck Dolby noise reduction Metal tape capability meters Twin tape selector High-qualit- ed WSPEAKERS DUALCASSEnE DECK 5930 systLsarch "PI hihiihC 566-712- fonts homimC 1 J 12 presets n'c hon Complete wspeakers Now! 289 Installed! $20 021-21- Is Id ov1 el.lilti, cN mu1 sd su o' We Be. Anj Price pmp r f I (IWC ,j POLLARDto wseek, Separate bass and treble controls Auto loudness Pr On 199 SAVl j Quality and efficiency in an affordable furnace. uSlC : oiv; SATISFACTION 8t VOD 1WAQ1NA J THE CARRIER GS GAS FURNACE Auto reverse Digital tuner, and clock 'SpiCK y 1 p I ! W thin U Jo 5 bH ItOfl Hpipnrp1 y dityS n (.oniputft bt f Hllll dn'S $1500 .4 4 (s P , t AOkljWfl Wl INSTAU v 1 st py.r f RAINCHECK POLICY lit rOMJ 'VAC IMAIIOH hu(e 0 r iprtt ow 4dgrtt- v bit sort s's w ' a 4(j k Mi, 6 1.,S M i FINANCING SERVICE C1U CAR 5U Ml OS , wmat W( INSTANT CREDIT Qurt'-Fe- day4 event programmable camera Power zoom lens color SAVE 35c Now! Carrier Q) CONVERTIBLE VCR WITH AUTO FOCUS Wireless remote control Topofthelmo li one-piec- Now! J w Tiller Auto locus standard vvultra compacl video cassette Super color piclure Hi-- ll RCA CKC021 CAMERA 8 MM SAVE S800. NO DOWN NO PAYMENT & NO INTEREST - STOKES TV SYSTEM Church A Buy'S In 6 thf event the Slo'C P'Ddud tl raintheck SSued L in'ittd U'Mb't S Out ol ,11 Only yn dens mdihp(j Qu.1- til tu oHpr A ,,M( hpLh ,!. |