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Show ITEMS HERE AND THERE i . - j Picked Up About the Town and Heard From Over the County-Regular Weekly Items I PIONEEER OF MANY LOCALITIES DEAD t Franklin W. Young, a pioneer resident resi-dent of Utah, and nephew to Brigham Young, died in Provo at the home of j his daughters, Mrs. Olive Gilchrist and Miss Aretta Young, bunday afternoon j of general debility. , He was seventy-one'years of age, hav- j ing been born in Scott county, 111., Feb-! ruary 17, 1839. He was the son of the ; late Lorenzo Young an 1 came to Utah with his parents in 1847. .' Mr. Young was well known through- : out the state,having come to be regarded ! as a pioneer of many Utah as well as ' Idaho settlements. He was one of the pioneer settlers of Grantsville, Utah, j Bear Lake county, Idaho, St. George, j Utah and other places, finally settling; in Emery county. He made his home I in Orangeville until about a year ago, ; when he came to Provo to live with his daughters. j He is survived by two daughters, six : sons and many grandchildren and other j relatives. Funeral services will be held in the j Fifth ward meeting house Tuesday aft- i ernoon at 1 o'clock, following which the body will be shipped to Orangeville for burial. Provo Post. |