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Show r of o o' " . d . A, o' d rrvr Sir " 7 d V w Trnw-p-- r yTT"T"ri o' SJ xr " f44v 21 A 'r w v yrrr w wr,ynMr7rF'rirr w' Vf't r I V v v V TTrrrnnn X m v J ' y rv y nnr t rwr v"t 7 rrmry"1 f v The Salt Lake Tribune, Friday, May 4, 1962 Salt Lake Area News in Brief City, State Study 7 City and state traffic engineers met Thursday, presented their proposals for improving traffic controls on 7th East and adjacent streets, then to study each others plans ' J. EDWARD State th-Eas- Traffic Plans t noon flood of homeward bound will be revamped. traffic TRAFFIC TURNING from south-bounon 7th East to east bound on 21st South had been favored with a green turn signal while northbound traffic on 7th East is held back by a red light Too many motorists were confused by the system and there were too many accidents A CHANGE WILL be made, the said, by converting the to the basic turn when the road variety. d Elsewhere on 7th East, the state has been promoting a more rapid progression of traffic. Mr. Challis noted that he was concerned not only with 7th East but with 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th South, and with 5th and 9th East. None can be treated separately, Mrs Challis ' said. t . t " r r- ? ' ' V Panel Drops Pollution Control Bid A Utah Legislative Council committee rejected Thursday a proposal that the state create a permanent - agency to JOHNSsTON, control air pollution. It advodirector Highway Depaitment deputy cated instead the creation of a for planning, and James W. Challis, THE MECHANICAL system temporary study group. Salt Lake City traffic engineer, reby the state for regulating trafcoTHE REMEDY applied to ported later the outlook for a fic in the area, Mr. Challis said, would curb water pollution creation operative approach to their common cost more than $150,000. The city has of a Utah Water Pollution Con-tro- l problems, Board is more remedy $10,000 available this fiscal year for At 7th East and 21st South, a sigthan required for air pollution, the work, he said nal system designed to speed the after the committee agreed. The air pollution advisory9 Anniversary Event committee decided to make ,.. Honors Cleric, 89 these recommendations to the Council for en It pays to know your business, everyone The Rt. Rev. Arthur W. Legislative dorsement to the 1963 session will admit that Moulton, 171 5th East, retired of the Legislature: Thursday the employes of Safeway Demoli Episcopal bishop of Utah, tion and Wrecking Co, Escondido, 1. A NINE MAN Calif, Thursday was honored on his committee should beadvisory found out it pays even more if there are 25 estab89th birthday in St Marks lished interested young girls watching you work by law with responsi-bilitis under he where Hospital for making a report on day after day. going a physical checkup. air pollution control to the 1967 The firm is razing buildings at lsb South BISHOP Moulton received session. The committee would and State The girls, employes of the and Development Division of Hercules greetings from hundreds of his be named by the Legislative friends throughout the state Council but joined to the State , Powder Co , have desks at windows across and the Intermountain West Health Department to receive the street. He was reported in satisfac- state money. THURSDAY THE GIRLS obtained a box of 2. Air pollution would be de- tory condition in the hospital roses, carnations and other flowers and called fined as a public nuisance, Alex Kepics. supervisor of the job and Robin Driver Pleads Guilty thereby making remedy ' Hunt engineer for Robert E. McKee Co gen through the courts less diffi- Freedom Yocum Jr, 19, 658 cult for persons injured and eial conti actor for the construction of a new federal building on the site Carson St (625 West), Thurs control easier for regulatory They had a speech prepared, thanking the Jday appeared before City agencies men for hours of entertainment and express Judge Maurice D Jones to POLLUTION IS def.ned as enter a plea of guilty to a ing their admiration for the effulency of the any mixture of contaminants reckless of six man crew which has raed seven of the driving. charge "which unreasonably interfere eight buildings on the site The eighth, the HE WAS ORDERED to pay with the comfortable enjoy old city jail, will be down Monday night or Alex Keplx, front. Ruby Kronke, Robin Hunt a fine of $100 or serve 20 days ment of life and propertv or and Deanna Saille hae a rose ceremony, Tuesday morning, Mr. Kepics said in jail He also was ordered which cause significant ecoto appear for tnal May 15 on nomic injury. . . 3 Counties should be vcsied County Starts Probe a charge of driving with no Tile Salt Lake County atwith legislative authorty to operators license control air pollution -- an au torney 'Thursday moved to de A1 Zelver, San Fiancisco, Utah Chapter of the American termine whether Murray Citys Dedicates Building thonty now available to emec consultant on visitor activities Institute of Architects sewage disposal plant is a pub in 4. THE Legislature to The Tribune in be DPA Lake will and the architects are Salt Special cities, should he nuisance conti ary to state to com two School fiom months Granite GRANGER City Monday away Wednesday. money to the State law a plan and a model to Disti lets newest building be- Health Department for opera HE WILL confer with mem pleting COUNTY ATTORNEY downtown development came an official member of tion of testing stations and guide Grover A Giles requested the bers of the Downtown Plan in the futuie other facilities for measuring the disti lit in dedication cere Salt Lake County Boaul of ning Assn and the Develop pollution The department monies MR ZELVIR will conduit Thursday night. Health investigate complaints ment Plan Committee of the also would serve as a sort of A the second in a series of from more than 100 residents THE $.599,081 building wes budgetary administrative head depth studies" to supplement rieduated in a prayer by Ray quarters for the advisory com located near the plant concern- Civil Service Meet i esc, cull all each made bv DPA ing an oi dor from the fatilUv. L White, emplove of the pre mittee membeis We want to deteimine Airs Fund Needs siding bishoprics office Salt THE AIR POLLUTION com whether Munay City is main Lake City, Chuiih of Jesus Stipulated budgetary allow mittee con a accepted an 80 page re nuisance Scouts Gather to tainlng public ances for civil spiv ice commis Saints Christ of Latter trarv to state law, said Mr sions of Utah so they can bet The school is located at 3200 port detailing the problem in Moie than 300 eager voung Utah Its conclusion No evi Giles. ter administer Scouts, repiesenting Red Butte W 3100South and contains dence was found to indicate Disti lit Boy Scouts of Amen 21 lass rooms libiarv admin A LETTER sent to Harlo J rules and regula that Utah has a major air polca, will gather Fridav evening istnive suite and allpurpose lution Turner, county board of health tions pertinent problem at this time to their at the mouth of Red Butte loom services chief sanitarian, bv Mr Giles However, a few peisistent Canvon near Ft Douglas foi proposed advised Mr Turner to conduct was I)R .!Y O Bnnton vice pioblems exist in restricted their spring campoiee an investigation "treating Mur Thursday at the b dent Granite Board of pres Si, t will The event run. fiom rav City as though it was a annual meeting Education presided 4 Assoc of m to at Utah Satui la dav p Friday hold private organization and i v i at 4 pm and will feature a ing it to the same standards tion of C Lift-- Timbers Serv ices Com campfire ptogiam for bovs and Copter as a private organization ' missions pa rents Downtown !t Lke Citv ex Meeting at the Calling All Wreckers Aviation pe icnced another fust Thuis Lauiu-Club, Flai around dav The Salt Lake City Commis 610 E. South . The sm ill li ighbm s sion Thursday approved WHILE A SM4LL group of the representatives of hoodliouM 105U 5th South, of an agreement set Temple, of watched at 5 50 a m civil service commissions a will in iiid with with poisons pitihod ting up demolition responsi the State of Utah, Logan, Og shovels Thursdav at a a marking lot east of the fiom tup bities for the new Metropolitan den Salt Lake City and Provo planting i oieninnv that lii-- t Seiuritv Building 401 Hall of Justice a hohioptor was used elected Andievv J Rtennan launilioi a lommun tv jliv S IF SALT LAKE County Salt Lake attornev and mem ground beautification pioicit for the fust time as a tool to Commissioners ratify the docu her of the Salt Lake Civ ll Set v Two and one half ae is ad hoist timbers motors and othei ment Friday, a call foi bids ice Commission, as pi evident latent to the noith side of materials 13 stories to the roof Jrom contractors is expected for the ensuing vear Ni lghboi hood House will be of the building 7 R Blown i onti actor, said with lawn tiics aid immediately MR. BRENNAN suueeded planted The city engineer's office shl libs foi a lommumtv n!a the lrrtenals will be used for offi said Mis New 11 B motorized estimates 45 woiking davs for El Rav Howell executive scaffolds swung cer of Utah State Ment Ms ground 58 individual Dav ton ptisd ut of th Board fiom the roof on boom poles buildings, tern Count ll razing several of which are in compoof Tnisteos of Neighborhood to facilitate cleaning and Samuel H Barker Ogden at Hons site groups caulking of the buildings skin u 9v nloelnH fnt na )i O rtf t kl d - r I V pro-pose- d r: fihw v.V'V rfl - Token of Our Esteem jt .In? 1 1 i, 1 ill ; I A . - i iv f y h 5 , Alie Consultant to on Downtown A 2hv ViK give mother gift of fashion a summsr coolers by "forever young (left Tailored jacket dress with sleeveless top of rayon woven to look like fine linen Washable acetate cotton in block or blue pin checks on white. Sizes 12 to 20 and 122 o 22 2 coat dress is batiste blended of Dacron (right! Our delightful It washes, is mint cool and and cotton printed in soft postel floral polyeser stripes White or blue background sizes 12 to 20 an d 4 V2 to 24,j shirt-style- d 1 DA $ IKS m for fr dlivery-di- ai lak TA 5 1407 m Ogden FR m Provo Ztmth 737 m eutly ng areo Moil ordert to box 1443 odH 3c ootaqe plug 33 tale tax m Utah 5342 haifi c45 phon Soft THIRD FLOOR ea. 10 95 SALT LAKER SHOP i 1 S-- i M-i- n, POLAROID LAND CAMERA for romantic summer occasions Fully Automatic Electric-Ey- white fabrics Operation e No Focusing Pictures Variety of Models Pay Nothing Down Com to Choose From! Little as $1.25 Week! & Kits ... for yaor fro pictoro iihI e.monilrotioii on thl tontational In Picture pretty pumps created with the most enchanting events in mind . . . weddings, proms, garden parties. Select a shoe from, Topicals' delectable collection and have it color-cue- d to your costume. See here, silhouettes in revealing lace . . . textured fabrics unadorned or Inserted with lace. mother loves to live in No Settings comploto Comoro. our embroidered "swirl" Give Mother our charming Swirl of fine combed cotton gingham checks with enchanting floral embroidery. It washes by machine, opens flat for ironing. Step-ibutton once and tie there's no home fashion like it. Pink, blue or green, sizes 10 to 20 Ond 12Vi to 22V&. 7" Jr'yrV-),- ol 737 in outlying 7 98 273 S. Mol 15S . Mol -- 3190 Highland Dr. 2190 Opo fri. Till 9 Otharc Opo Mon. Till 9 Pork Froa Wolkor Contor, Oront Lott, 2190 Storoildo . In DAIUli In ond 8 99 Salt lako TA oroak Maij ordort la box THIRD for froo dliv.ry dial OA II I Hi fkanc Ta in Ogdn, H 4 2780 in tinted free 1443, In Ogdon, M 4 3780 In ProYOy 1 taloi tax in odd SSt poitago, glut FLOOR SALT LAKER SHOE SHOP Salt tr.y. Z.mth 737 In outlying orai Moil ordort to bon 1445, odd 35c poitago glut 34c iolo toe in Utod (539) THIRD FLOOR DAYTIME SHOP t V I AUi, $ " ) |