Show t al 01 I 1 1 I In lluent when ou oil ceel need a rood reliable hoi anent try 11 pain balm it haa has no superior perlor au for sprains nod and ms V piece of flannel al fall ly dam bened will iraln 01 la is perlor an wi to a for lame back lr or birlas in the bide side or chel it alao relic ves pains and makes sleep aad and real rest possible 1 bior salo 11 mercantile company price pd low onstein aco helper i 1 Ith twI otta r bt hut quickly I 1 li dougli ouch ICe irly I 1 L fintor I 1 caught a ery cry levore i cold which lingered for weeks athya 3 of epler zelphr ep lir ontario 4 my cough e liia eliy onil and horah harsh tho local dealer chain Clui Ili imely and anti guar andett d it wo w I 1 gaito it it trial uno one small bottle of it aured iw me A i believe brugh 14 ll medy etly to bo be tile bat f hiir hae bei tided llila reined is for ahio 1 by lowenstern Low onstein eln comp mi in price tind low lo 10 enst in co U lr for croup mrs 9 5 of kurner guo gan saya any we have used chamberlain cough ble dicina for ourselves es nud it children for several cars and liko like it pry ery mu 11 I 1 think it la Is tile on only ay rem remedy L dy for roith i ond mid can call highly it for eale sale by low c company price anti aco co hellei A guaranteed CURE FOP FOR PILES Itch itching log blind bleeding protruding i piles druggists ay ae a y e authorized to refund money it PAZO OINTMENT falls to curo cure it in 6 U to U 14 days tiny 60 50 E A mitchell liell la aa a at tailor nim atter ho lie 91 geb eel a try nn before your cl otlie are finished and a perfect lit ie is thus janred tred 2 the weeks U ek pi 0 a off 4 ful as e will be many and throughout Shout 6 each and every section section of our stores you will find many splendid specials W which aich at this time of buying means e e a great af savi raving jag to the tile pocket book specials in dress goods hosiery and underwear many awny new 0 0 and handsome suits and coats added to the splendid assortment for fo r this W weeks shoppers pay a visit to our stores and we wils will make your buying easy Q wasatch store co C stores at sunnyside Sunny side castle gate clear creek reek and winter quarters r I 1 J E TOED LUMBER COMPANY I 1 fv WHOLESALE AND RETAH RETAIL JI 3 LUMBER x ta YARD arv with at full doors screen boora building pa per id an t ings loge casings casin s blocks irwood urd ard ar d pino Finish I 1 ull ders hard t ware glas avite ciotti irn a roofing nails bari I 1 wire co abl 5 nation lath fence A complete line II 11 no ot of S A ira harness wagons buggies Buo spring wagons 21 2 i baudle fill kioes of farm implements if in newl of an alting in our liap call anil and see ua us or write it will be b to your interest to do w aw 0 9 ajl S J C weeter lumber company N Ss 1 UTAH UVAH SAX insures and also pays P TS the san francisco disaster of lust last abill lias has put all Juju rance out panlee to tile tu teat vory kanj excellent ont institution have been compe compello compel ld llod to tv assess s their stockholders in lit order to hect their loews othere hava found it to face tho the and anti haa thrown up tip their hauda r fortunately tho seven represented la in thia this agency in n puran ance kr u a wise colloy of building buil dlug up tit rese arves ard of their liability lii in al all mi center centers are able to meet their largo large san vann CISCO losses brorn their accrued surpluses and tilt still havo have auni bill b uc r at i for other possible pos deete each of tho seven big bl af this fa fit agemy adjusting adjust sting log its sun francisco losses and pa log lug the same lo 10 cash doll dollar r for fori scollar and without discount itcan it can bo be said that teat DO no companies fire of Tpring better indemnity and null few an ad good gi their bi sine siness la le widely scattered nt trel their risks arc are not go concentrated arf to their aai pluses they follow good business buel nesa methods roo thoda nod and are not frightened fright ned or dirmann 1 by degaster di gaster their reserves reser vea uro are built up tor for aud when the come they ale met with unit business la Is bursuk if it ble etith ith but with the saine care which ahna made them so eminently bound a tj d 9 it CLY 43 f 0 1 the represented lo 10 this agency tee t ee the klod kind that connof botlik mt live tive bu business sineas men want will you not ftc moro comfortable it ou aro are pro by a it policy of insurance blytt insures anti pays call or write me for mateis eccel waln tiny anywhere where I 1 lo 10 a eastern utah II 11 1 W ROCKETT price etab |